+ Jesus’
miracles +
During his life on earth, Jesus’ miracles were well known. At Pentecost, Peter tells those gathered in Jerusalem: "Listen to these words, fellow Israelites! Jesus of Nazareth was a man whose divine authority was clearly proven to you by all the miracles and wonders which God performed through him. You yourselves know this, for it happened here among you.” (Acts 2:22 GN)
Apart from many cases in the New Testament, other ancient
writings mention Jesus’ reputation as a worker of miracles. [1] For example, Jewish historian Josephus writes:
About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man
if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who wrought surprising
feats and was a teacher of such people as accept truth gladly.
(Josephus, Jewish
Antiquities 18:63)
Josephus (37-97 AD), court historian for Emperor Vespasian, writes:
"At this time there was a wise man who was
called Jesus. And his conduct was good and he was known to be virtuous. And
many people from among the Jews and other nations became his disciples. Pilate
condemned him to be crucified and to die. And those who had become his
disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared
to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive; accordingly, he
was perhaps the messiah concerning whom the prophets have recounted
wonders." (Arabic translation)
Miracles are what we would expect if God Almighty became one
of us. If the same God who spoke the
universe into existence with a Word came to earth and lived among us, he would
speak…and it would happen.
amazing things about Jesus’ miracles:
Jesus never did a miracle to help himself
Throughout his temptations and trials, Jesus did not use his
divine power to help himself (cf Philippians
2:5-8). Even though he was God, Jesus was human just like us. As a human, Jesus obeyed and trusted his Father in heaven – just like we are called to do!!
2:5-8). Even though he was God, Jesus was human just like us. As a human, Jesus obeyed and trusted his Father in heaven – just like we are called to do!!
Jesus’ miracles always helped other people
Peter tells the family and friends of a Roman Centurion
named Cornelius: You know
…how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he
went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil,
because God was with him. (Acts 13:36 -38 NIV)
Jesus never used his power to hurt people, but only to do
them good! This is the heart of God:
always wanting to do us good!
Forgiveness, reconciliation with God, and the Holy Spirit’s power are
freely given to all who receive Jesus and follow him. Those miracles will bring about another:
eternal life. Jesus’ miracles are a
foretaste of how God will make everything right for his people in heaven.
Pr Rolly Stahl
[1] Australian historian and Christian apologist, John Dickson, writes
superbly on this area. These three are
worth reading: The Christ Files. Investigating
Jesus – An Historian’s Quest. Life of Jesus. The last two are in our church library.
This week we continue in our series,
“More stories that stir”. This
week’s message is ‘The parable of the wheat and weeds’ “The Lord is not
slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient
with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (2
Peter 3:9)
Bible Readings: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
Podcasts available at www.paravista.org.au
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids are now busy preparing for their celebration service on
Sunday December 2nd. Please mark this date in your diaries – I have
read the script and it will be a must see!!
We need a Shrek costume and a Winnie the Pooh costume for this service
so please let Beth know if you have something we could borrow!
Baby Zone
Baby zone has been without a team leader for over six months and urgently
needs someone with a passion about this ministry to inject some time and
energy. Baby zone aims to encourage the beautiful faith that young children
already have as well as make faith fun! Please pray for this ministry and
consider if you or anyone you know could be involved in any way.
Baby zone also needs more volunteers on its roster – please prayerfully
consider if this is something you can commit to, perhaps next year! Volunteers
are usually rostered on about once a month. Please contact Beth if you would
like to know more!
This term Little Lambs Playgroup is enjoying the meaning of Christmas
through craft, stories, songs and play. Each week the children have a different
theme centred around a letter of the word Christmas:
Key theme
Craft Activity
Wise Men
Little Lambs of God
There is a display
on the wall in the hall which will be added to each week, so please take a
Playgroup is on
each Wednesday of the school term from 9:30-11:30am in the hall. Our Christmas
celebration will be 12th December at the Victory Church cafe so
please mark this date in your diaries. Please contact Beth Einthal (8258 4878 or beth.einthal@paravista.org.au) for more info.
Beth Einthal
Relief Children and
Family Team Leader
Cebu Mission
- New Members
Fundraising Team is losing 2 members at the end of this year, so we are
desperately seeking more members to come on board. If you are looking for
some way to be involved in a project at our church and you have a passion to
help the needy, then please prayerfully consider joining our team. We have
approximately 5 meetings per year. Please talk to me or a member of our
team for further information, or call me on numbers listed below.
Joan McCarthy
8262 7429 or 0402 469 433
Joan McCarthy
8262 7429 or 0402 469 433
Honey biscuits required
for Christmas cheer to be left in church kitchen by Sunday 25th November
marked accordingly. Jan Oldman will pick up for packaging and delivery to
Lutheran Community Care (LCC) by Friday 30th November. Can you
please help with supply? Many residents in many institutions benefit from
this small gift brightening up their day. A small Christmas tract of Good News
is attached.
The December meeting will be a Luncheon on Tuesday 4th December beginning at
12noon in the church hall. A donation of $10 at the door would be appreciated. Please
RSVP by Friday 30th November to Jan 8264 8288. Limited seating of 100 people.
Quilt Project for LCC - Stitch and chat afternoons to finish off quilts. Will be held in the
church hall from 1pm to 4pm 13th November 2012, 29th
January 2013 and 12th March 2013.
Offering on Sunday 25th November
On Sunday 25th November there will be a
retiring offering after both services to support the work of the Cebu
Missionary Foundation. There will also be a short presentation during services
about the work of Cebu Missionary Foundation. Please prayerfully consider what
you can give to support this great work.
gift that keeps giving
You can bless our ongoing mission by donating to our
congregation foundation. Donations can be made directly to-
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Para Vista Foundation
BSB 704 942
Account No 128 168
From the Office
Half Yearly Meetings of
Church, School and Village
Church, School and Village
The Half Yearly meetings of the church, school and village will be held
on Sunday 25th November at 12:30pm. There will be a lunch in the
hall prior to the meetings. Information re the church and school meetings is
available in the Members Information area in the foyer of the church and on our
Web site.
Main topics for the meeting:
- Reports from Pastor Noel and Chairperson
- Presentation of the 2013 budget
- Proposal to investigate converting part of the courtyard into an indoor area and upgrading the kitchen.
- Election of officers for 2013
Offerings are slightly above budget as at end October.
REG Offerings have been very low for the months September and
October. We pray this is not a trend.
Plate offerings were well above budget in October which kept the year to
date figure above the budget.
Income in September was below budget due to offerings.
Staff kept expenses for September under budget – staff $1,000 and plant
Regular Electronic Giving (REG)
Over half our weekly offerings are made through REG. For those who are altering their giving through REG or wanting to start giving via REG
the appropriate forms are available from the LLL
display rack on the wall leading to the corridor with the pigeon holes.
vacancies in 2013
The Board
is seeking people with a passion for serving our congregation through
governance; to ensure that the congregation, led by the Ministry Team, is
resourced to carry out the mission of our congregation. Each member of the
Board is allocated a portfolio for which they are responsible. They keep in
touch with Teams working in their portfolio area and report to the Board at the
monthly meetings. Portfolios will be allocated at the first meeting of
After two
years of fantastic service Kylie Rathjen has indicated that she will not
continue as secretary of the Board. The Board is seeking expressions of
interest to fill this role. The role involves taking minutes at the monthly
Board meetings. Email access is important.
To register an interest or for more details on either role please contact Keren Sutton (Chair).
To register an interest or for more details on either role please contact Keren Sutton (Chair).
We have a vacancy for an
experienced person committed to excellence to join our fast growing team. The
incumbent will be required to undertake Foster Care assessments in the northern
suburbs and Barossa region.
Enquiries to: Robin Judd on Tel: 08 8337 8787 or Mob: 0400 103 621
Applications to: Robin
Judd, Program Manager, ACS
Lutheran Community
Care, PO Box 2137 Magill North SA
Email: rjudd@lccare.org.au
By 9.00am Monday 19th November
Indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders are
encouraged to apply.
(Salary packaging is available)
Notice Board
Please see Notice Board for more Information
Christmas Appeal
- The Joy of Christmas is found in Sharing...

Christmas Hampers
- Collect Donations and/or Volunteer
for our 2012 Christmas Hampers should be delivered by 30th November
to allow ample time for packing and distribution. For a list of the food items
needed for our hampers and suggested
books and toys for children under 18,
visit our website (www.lccare.org.au) or call 08 8269 9333.
Donations can be
delivered to our Blair Athol office (309 Prospect Road, Blair Athol) and
Barossa office
(16 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa).
(16 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa).
We are also
in need of Volunteers to help with the registration, packing and distribution
of Christmas Hampers at Blair Athol and in the Barossa Valley. At our Blair
Athol office volunteers can help to take hamper registrations from 19th
to 20th November and/or distribute hampers from 18th to
19th December. If you would prefer to help pack hampers, we need
volunteers in between these dates.
If you
are interested in volunteering this year please call 08 8269 9300 and ask to
speak to Audene or Verity. In the Barossa
Valley we need volunteers to help with packing and distribution. Please call
our Nuriootpa office at 08 8562 2688 for more information or to apply.
Two bedroom unit at Para Vista Lutheran Homes, a small retirement village
close to all facilities. The unit
is fully refurbished (new kitchen, bathroom, carpet, repainted throughout etc.)
$120,000. For further
details, please contact Bill Waring on 0405 213 460.
Christmas Tree
COME & SEE decorated trees, Nativity scenes,
Wall hangings, Floral arrangements.
ENJOY Morning and Afternoon teas, Light Lunches.
BUY biscuits, cakes, homemade gifts, cards, plants and produce.
$2 donation for adults, children under 12 are free.
ENJOY Morning and Afternoon teas, Light Lunches.
BUY biscuits, cakes, homemade gifts, cards, plants and produce.
$2 donation for adults, children under 12 are free.
29th November – 2nd December
9:30am – 8pm Thursday – Saturday
11:30am – 3.30pm Sunday
St John's Lutheran Church, 182 Hancock Road, Ridgehaven
High quality
Christmas trees
From Birdwood Lutheran Church will be
available at $30 each.
Delivery will be on Saturday 8th December
2012 to a church nearby
(yet to be determined – depending on the orders received)
Please place your order no later than 30th
November to the church office phone
8263 5087 or email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au Proceeds will go towards supporting chaplains
in local schools.
BUMPER Christmas Market
24th November
Glynde Lutheran Church 15
Glynburn Road
9am -1pm $10 PER TABLE
Toys, Gifts, Bric-a-brac,
Devonshire tea/BBQ and lots more.
Last one for this year
Contact Diane 8266 2798 /
0416 113 451
Faith is a journey not a destination
Church Web site: www.paravista.org.au