
heard it said that respect should be earned and that honour should be freely
given, implying that respect and honour are not the same. Whether or not you
agree, it made me wonder what it means to honour someone.
It is
likely you have heard the word honour used in reference to the Medal of Honour,
honour killings or getting honours for doing well in study. But when it comes
to honour in the bible do we understand what it really means?
© Artwork courtesy of Lauren Verner
In the
Old Testament the word for honour comes from the root word “kabod”, which
literally means heavy or weighty. Figuratively speaking then it would mean to
give weight to someone. In the New Testament derivatives of the word “Timao”
are used, translated to mean placing great value or worth on someone. To
biblically honour someone is to place weight, value and worth on them.
It’s a
hard truth: the amount of honour we give people will be based on how much value
we see in them. When we don’t honour people we are effectively saying “I see no
value or worth in you”.
12: 10 says “Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above
yourselves”. Imagine if we chose to give more value and worth to others than we
do ourselves, if we started seeing the value in others where it had gone
unnoticed before. What would our world look like if biblical honour was a value
in our culture?
needs to be restored to our world. It starts with us. What could this look like
in your life? Who in your life could you show more honour to? What is stopping
you from starting today?
This week we continue in our series,
“More stories that stir”. This
week’s message is ‘Heavenly Returns on Earthly Wealth’ "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the
other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve
both God and Money." (Lk
16:13 NIV)
Bible Readings: Luke 16:1-15
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids are now busy preparing for their celebration service on
Sunday December 2nd. We look forward to sharing more about this over
the coming weeks but please mark this date in your diaries – I have read the
script and it will be a must see!!
Thank you so much for the offers of lamb’s wool blankets or baby sheep
skins. We have recently been offered the use of some sheep costumes so we will
no longer need these.
Baby Zone
Baby zone has been without a team leader for over six months and
urgently needs someone with a passion about this ministry to inject some time
and energy. Baby zone is much more than a crèche and aims to encourage the beautiful
faith that young children already have as well as make faith fun! Please pray
for this ministry and consider if you or anyone you know could be involved in
any way.
Baby zone also needs more volunteers on its roster – please prayerfully
consider if this is something you can commit to, perhaps next year! Volunteers
are usually rostered on about once a month. Please contact Beth if you would
like to know more!
This term Little Lambs Playgroup is enjoying the meaning of Christmas
through craft, stories, songs and play. Each week the children have a different
theme centred on a letter of the word Christmas:
Key theme
Craft Activity
Wise Men
Little Lambs of God
There is a display
on the wall in the hall so please take a look. This will be added to each week1
Please feel free to
pop in and say hi as the kids always love new faces and visitors! Playgroup is
on each Wednesday of the school term from 9:30-11:30am in the hall. Our
Christmas celebration will be December 12th so please mark this date
in your diaries. Please contact Beth Einthal (8258 4878 or beth.einthal@paravista.org.au) for more info.
Invitation to Birdwood Lutheran Ladies
Fellowship Garden Party at the Birdwood Lutheran Church, Lot 95 Church
Street, from 11am - 3.30pm Wednesday 21st November 2012
– Guest Speaker Alex Kowald, light lunch and stalls, gift baskets. RSVP 11th
November 2012 Phone 8389 3066.
Honey biscuits required
for Christmas cheer to be left in church kitchen by Sunday 25th November
marked accordingly. Jan Oldman will pick up for packaging and delivery to
Lutheran Community Care (LCC) by Friday 30th November. Can you
please help with supply? Many residents in many institutions benefit from
this small gift brightening up their day. A small Christmas tract of Good News
is attached.
The December meeting will be a Luncheon on Tuesday 4th December beginning at
12noon in the church hall. A donation of $10 at the door would be appreciated. Please
RSVP by Friday 30th November to Jan 8264 8288. Limited seating of 100 people.
Quilt Project for LCC - Stitch and chat afternoons to finish off quilts. Will be held in the
church hall from 1pm to 4pm 13th November 2012, 29th
January 2013 and 12th March 2013.
Cebu Mission
- New Members
Our Fundraising
Team is losing 2 members at the end of this year, so we are desperately seeking
more members to come on board. If you are looking for some way to be
involved in a project at our church and you have a passion to help the needy,
then please prayerfully consider joining our team. We have approximately 5
meetings per year. Please talk to me or a member of our team for further
information, or call me on numbers listed below.
Joan McCarthy
Team Leader
Joan McCarthy
Team Leader
8262 7429 or
0402 469 433
From the Office
Items for sale
The following items are still for sale.
Market Outdoor Patio Umbrellas includes
base stand. $80.00 ea. ONO
For further information or item inspection contact the office during
office hours or the Administration Manager, Stephen on Ph: 8263 5087 or email szanker@paravista.org.au
Positions vacant
Four Positions are available on the Maintenance team at Para vista. The Maintenance team assist in the
organising, direction and conducting the maintenance of all the buildings and
facilities at Para Vista Lutheran Church.
An eye for detail and a heart for quality workmanship are all that is
required. No handy person or trade skill is necessary although this would be of
benefit. There are no age or gender barriers for these positions. However
skills can be obtained and quality social time with others is assured.
The Good Shepherd Village residents are looking for an entrepreneur who
is willing to do odd jobs in return for remuneration. Items include placing bins out for collection
and washing cars.
For further information on the above contact the Administration Manager,
Stephen on 8263 5087 email szanker@paravista.org.au
Half Yearly Meeting
of Church, School and Village
The Half Yearly meetings of the church, school and village will be held
on Sunday November 25th at 12:30. There will be a lunch in the hall
prior to the meetings. Information re the church meeting will be available from next Sunday in
the Members Information area in the foyer of the church and on our Web site (Please contact the church office on 8263 5087 for details on the username and password or email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au)
Main topics for the meeting:
- Presentation of the 2013 budget
- A proposal to investigate converting part of the courtyard into an indoor area and upgrading the kitchen
- Pastor Noel’s report
- Election of officers for 2013
vacancies in 2013
The Board
is seeking people with a passion for serving our congregation through
governance; to ensure that the congregation, led by the Ministry Team, is
resourced to carry out the mission of our congregation. Each member of
the Board is allocated a portfolio for which they are responsible. They keep in
touch with Teams working in their portfolio area and report to the Board at the
monthly meetings. Portfolios will be allocated at the first meeting of
After two years of fantastic service Kylie Rathjen has indicated that she will not continue as secretary of the Board. The Board is seeking expressions of interest to fill this role. The role involves taking minutes at the monthly Board meetings. Email access is important.
To register an interest or for more details on either role please contact Keren Sutton (Chair)
After two years of fantastic service Kylie Rathjen has indicated that she will not continue as secretary of the Board. The Board is seeking expressions of interest to fill this role. The role involves taking minutes at the monthly Board meetings. Email access is important.
To register an interest or for more details on either role please contact Keren Sutton (Chair)
We have a vacancy for an
experienced person committed to excellence to join our fast growing team. The
incumbent will be required to undertake Foster Care assessments in the northern
suburbs and Barossa region.
Enquiries to: Robin Judd on Tel: 08 8337 8787 or Mob: 0400 103 621
Applications to: Robin
Judd, Program Manager, ACS
Lutheran Community
Care, PO Box 2137 Magill North SA
Email: rjudd@lccare.org.au
By 9.00am Monday 19 Nov
Indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders are
encouraged to apply.
(Salary packaging is available)
Notice Board
Please see Notice Board for more Information
A Pastor
and his wife are in need of accommodation for 6 weeks from the 12th
November 2012. If you are able to help, please contact Kate 8267 5790 or
Larissa 8267 7304.
Do you have a
spare car or scooter?
Board for Mission has given Rev Dendy Vando Siduaruk of the GKPS church of
Indonesia a scholarship to study in Adelaide for an initial period of one year.
During his time here, Rev Dendy will also be supporting the ministry of
the Indonesian fellowship based at Trinity Lutheran congregation, Pasadena.
If you have a spare car or scooter available which you can lend to Rev
Dendy for his use, please contact the LCA Board for Mission office: phone 8267
7334 or e-mail bfm@lca.org.au
Two bedroom unit at Para Vista Lutheran Homes, a small retirement village
close to all facilities. The unit
is fully refurbished (new kitchen, bathroom, carpet, repainted throughout etc.)
$120,000. For further
details, please contact Bill Waring on 0405 213 460.
Open Night at
Tabor 12th November
Explore your study options for 2013 - Course Information
Discover your potential through study options at Tabor Adelaide. Come
along and hear a 30 minute presentation by the faculty of your choice. All information sessions begin at 7.30 pm followed by an
opportunity for questions and a chat with key staff.
Sharing the
The Bike Ride/Walk begins at 2.00pm but you can pick up your wristband
and sign your waiver from 12.00pm. A Sausage Sizzle cooked by the
Prospect/Blair Athol Lions Club along with music and fun family activities will
follow the Walk/Ride. The sizzle is free for registered participants. Your
walk/ride will begin at Bonython Park (entrance opposite Coca-Cola) and you can
choose from 3km, 6km, 10km or the full 20km return. Pick the distance you feel
comfortable completing in the 2 hour timeslot.
From Birdwood Lutheran Church will be
available at $30 each.
Delivery will be on Saturday 8th December
2012 to a church nearby
(Yet to be determined – depending on the
orders received)
Please place your order no later than 30th
November to the church office phone
8263 5087 or email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au Proceeds will go
towards supporting chaplains in local schools.
BUMPER Christmas Market
November 24th 2012
Glynde Lutheran church 15
glynburn rd
9am -1pm $10 PER TABLE
Toys, Gifts, Bric-a-brac,
Devonshire, tea/Bbq and lots more.
Last one for this year
Contact Diane 8266 2798 /
0416 113 451
‘Making the Most of Parenting’ (5-12 year
Saturday afternoon 17th November 2012 from 1.15pm cuppa for
1.30pm start – 4.00pm.
In our Hall, 182 Hancock Road, Ridgehaven. This 2½ hour workshop is for
parents, grandparents, and carers, offering support and encouragement through discussing
some of these issues together, listening to each other, receiving ideas and
tips. Presenter: Emily Lim, Lutheran
Community Care
Cost: Donation on entry towards
Emily’s expenses, materials.
A crèche will be available if needed.
Enquiries and registrations to Ruth Olsen or Sharon Minge by Friday 9th
Phone: 8396 4466 or email: ttglutheran@adelaide.on.net
God doesn’t call the qualified, he
qualifies the called
Church Web site: www.paravista.org.au