Give thanks to the
Giving thanks is something that we can easily overlook in
our lives especially if the thing we are thankful for is with us all the time.
It is so easy to overlook being thankful for our family, our friends, our
homes, our jobs, and all the things we have to live a comfortable life each
Often it takes a catalytic experience to jolt us free of
our complacency to see what we really have. Being confronted with poverty as
you walk through the slums in a poor country can give you fresh eyes to see
just how much we have to be thankful for. A long bout of sickness that keeps us
off work can help us to appreciate our jobs that we often complain about.
Helping a friend work through a marriage breakdown can help us better value our
own marriage.
God’s goodness to us each day is something we can easily
overlook. Psalm 106 encourages us to, ‘Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures for ever.’ (Psalm 106:1) What God has given us in
Jesus is life changing both here and in eternity and giving thanks to God for
this should be a natural response. However, we become so familiar with the good
news of Jesus that we let being thankful slip our mind.
To address the tendency in my own life I find it helpful
to regularly think about what God has done for me in Jesus and what it would be
like if God had not done this. As I reflect on how I am living my life I am
constantly convicted with the reality that I don’t even live up to my own
standards let alone God’s. If my standing before God was based on how well I
lived my life, I would be in serious trouble. Thank God that Jesus has taken
care of this for me. Reminding myself of this regularly keeps me thankful
before God.
It is good for us as a church to give thanks to God for
his goodness. Psalm 105 says, ‘Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name;
make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him;
tell of all his wonderful acts.’ (Psalm 105:1, 2) In addition to giving
thanks to God as a church we are told to make known among the nations what God
has done. Out of thankfulness to God we not only sing his praises to each
other, we tell the world about his wonderful acts.
At both services on Sunday
21st October we will
take some time to celebrate and give thanks to God for what he has done in the
life of our church over the last year. We also want to look to the future and
how we are going to make known among our nation and the nations of the world
the wonderful things God has done. Come along and be inspired and stirred by
our great God and what he is doing and will do among us as his church.
Pastor Noel

This week we continue the Series, “God’s People at Prayer (Psalms)”. This week’s message is “Refuge
in God from bullies” But when I was silent and still, not even
saying anything good, my anguish increased. My heart grew hot within me… (Ps
39:2-3a NIV)
Bible Readings: Samuel 23:14-15, 19-29 and Psalm 57
Podcasts available at
Saving begins Sunday Oct 7th 2012 (this
So please wind clocks forward one hour on Saturday night Oct 6th
– that way you’ll make it to worship on time! Daylight Saving concludes Sunday April 7th 2013 (wind clocks back one
hour Sat night April 6th).
School Holidays
There will be no Kingdom Kids on the 30th
September or the 7th October due to the school holidays. However, we
would like to encourage you to continue worshipping with us during this time
and look forward to all that is in store next term.
Laura Carson
Children and Family
Team Leader
From the Administration Manager
Four Positions are available on the Facilities Maintenance team at Para vista.
The maintenance team assist in the organising, direction and conducting
in the maintenance of all the buildings and facilities at Para Vista Lutheran
Church. An eye for detail and a heart
for quality workmanship are all that is required. No handy person or trade skill is necessary
although this would be of benefit. There
are no age or gender barriers for these positions however skills can be
obtained and quality social time with others is assured.
For you expression of interest, please contact Stephen or the office on
8263 5087 or mark your Sunday welcome card with F.M.T.
A view of Adelaide to be experienced
I am seeking the assistance of a couple of members to assist in the
cleaning of the gutters at Para Vista.
The task would only involve an hour of spare time whilst being able to gain
a view of the surrounding area not normally seen by others. Please contact Stephen or the office on 8263
5087 or put on your Sunday welcome card your intention to be part of the “View Adelaide with a difference” team.
Reformation Sunday
Invite your friends and neighbours to join us on Sunday 28th October 2012
To help celebrate……
Post 8:45am service morning tea will be;
Apfel und Aprikose
Deutsch Kucken mitt streusel
(Apple and apricot German cake with
crumble topping)
Mitt Kaffee und tee
And post
10:30am service a
community meal;
und bratwurst Wurst (Chicken
schnitzel and bratwurst sausage)
und Rotkohl (Sauerkraut
and red cabbage)
Stil-Gurke-Salat (German
style cucumber salad)
Gurken (dilled
Salat (Green salad)
For catering purposes please r.s.v.p. front office 82635087,
writing Card night on your welcome card or email;;
by Wednesday 17th
October 2012.
All cards hand made with Jesus’ love by them….and by you!
Notice Board
Please see Notice Board for more Information
'A Christmas Note
2012' Launch Concert
Hear the Lutheran School
Choirs from our 2012 Christmas CD live in concert! This will be your first
opportunity to purchase a copy of the CD for yourself and for gifts.
When: Sunday, 21 October 2012 Time: 2.00pm Where:
Concordia College Chapel, Cheltenham Street, Highgate
Devonshire tea will be
provided. Monetary donation requested upon entry.
RSVP to or Tel: 08 8269 9333 before 12 October.
'Preparing for
Marriage' Courses
Saturday 10 [9am-5pm] and Sunday 11 November 2012
Venue: Good Shepherd Lutheran School, 388 Montague Rd, Para Vista
Cost: $160/couple if both employed; $85 if one employed; $65 if neither
For registrations or more information: Tel: 8331 3111
Sharing the Journey
Lutheran Community Care is excited to announce our ‘Sharing the Journey’
Walk or Ride scheduled for 11th November. The easiest way to
register for this event is online at We are also
accepting registrations over the phone and through post. Please see notice
board for more information.

Each Tuesday morning from 9:30-11:30
between 50-60 women of all ages are meeting to study God’s word.
Babies and children up to
school age are wonderfully cared for and taught in their own
age-specific classes.
This year the focus is on the book of Acts.
Would you like to join us? Turn up on any Tuesday morning to join an
introductory class, or contact Sonia Hulme on 7122 2903 for more information.
Highgate SA
Celebrating 60 Years
Friday 19 October 2012
All past students, staff, parents
and friends are welcome.
The day will begin with a
Thanksgiving Service at Concordia College Chapel at 9.30am,
followed by an Open Morning at St John’s.
For further details please contact
the school office at or phone 8271 4299.
Belief in God connects our inner resources
with the power of God
Church Web site: