Membership is
Why become a
member of this or any church family?
Membership says many things. These are a
few things membership says;
- I belong here (Hebrews 10:23-25)
- We share the same ministry goals (Ephesians 4:16)
- I accept responsibility for fellow believers in the family of God. (Galatians 1-6, 10)
- I am accountable to others for my walk with God. (Hebrews 13:17, Matthew 18:15-20)
- I accept responsibility for how things are done. (1 Corinthians 12:20-27)
- I respect the policies. (1 Timothy 3:2; 1 Peter 2:13-17)
Why is attending
Discovery such a dynamic before becoming a member? Discovery is far more than a
membership class for those who are new to our community and
want to join our church family.
Discovery explains how
to have a real life encounter with Jesus and how to be baptised with Holy
Spirit fire and refreshed in the Holy Spirit as well as getting into the word
of God
Discovery is for you if
you are curious or diffident to our directions - but open to learn
Discovery reflects the shift we are
making from just being members to having disciples of Jesus who are ‘reaching
into the community with the gospel that all may know Jesus and worship Him”.
is for those who want to make new friends:
(left) Lorna Pese came to Discovery with her
friend Phyll Turner. Lorna commented, “I
had been a member at St. John Lutheran Church at Brinkworth all of my life; 80
years. In January I moved into the Good Shepherd Village at Para Vista and have
been coming to the Good Shepherd church since. In August I came to the
Discovery class. I really enjoyed the introduction session and having a meal
and meeting all of the church staff and I really enjoyed meeting new people.
Discovery for me was a refresher of my confirmation classes”.
Discovery is
food and Fellowship
(Above) Endeavour
exchange student teacher
Katrin Klussmann helping Liz Zanker prepare the Discovery meals. (right) As well as Administration
Manager Stephen Zanker is Chef extraordinaire – still doesn’t get you out of
washing the pots and pans.
(left) Ah the
choices! Ian and Alison Browne choosing
dessert. Ian, Alison and their sons Brandon and Lachlan will be installed into
membership on the 14th October 2012 at the 10.30am service.
Discovery is opportunity to be resourced for
discipleship and service:

(Above and below)
The classes, facilitated by Pastor Noel, are informative and enlightening
explaining how we do the mission God has given us at Good Shepherd.
Some comments from participants.
Beth and Aaron
Einthal said, “We
decided to do Discovery because we wanted to officially be part of the church
community and just felt that the timing was right. Also the changes to the
course meant that it was more realistic for us to attend as only one of us had
to be there and we could share with each other what we had learnt! We learnt
about the church, how it operates and who all the staff are, as well as how we
can continue to deepen our faith and understanding of God. Membership means
that we officially call Good Shepherd our home and are part of community that
cares. It's also a place where we can serve God through our contribution!”
After attending the
Discovery class Michael and Gaynor Gower
commented , “We were keen to do the Discovery
course to see what makes Good Shepherd tick, to look behind the scenes and hear
about the vision and mission of the church and what ministry areas are active
in the church. By doing the Discovery course we found out all these things plus
more! We had a good refresher on the core beliefs of the Christian faith from a
Lutheran perspective and were encouraged in growing our personal faith as well.
Membership at Good Shepherd means that we feel even more at home and reinforces
the realisation that the teaching, fellowship and pastoral care we have been
receiving here is part of God’s plan for us in this season. We also feel
encouraged to grow in our faith as we get more involved in the life of Good
Shepherd, make new friends and serve others.”
Comissa Fischer who
has been attending Good Shepherd since July 2008 also commented,
“Things have never been so clear to me. I have felt at home at Good Shepherd
Para Vista for a good many years already, but now I know why it is right that I
worship here. Discovery wasn’t something I jumped at initially, simply because
it wasn’t my priority, but in time I realised how off kilter my priorities
were. Through discovery, I realised at some point at Para Vista I’d stepped off
the treadmill (or perhaps fallen flat on my face), been picked up by a whole
bunch of incredible people (many still without names), who continue to bless me
because they live ‘The Word’. My new priority is to go out and do the same, but
GSPV is where I come to listen, to learn, to serve and to give thanks. It doesn’t
matter how long you’ve worshipped at PV or how at home you already feel, there
is still much to be gained from being a part of Discovery.”
Discovery means family membership:
New Member’s Installation Day 23rd
September 2012:
On Sunday 23rd
September we were blessed to welcome 6 adults into our congregation at the
8:45am service and 14 adults and 7 children into membership at the 10:30am
(left) Coming into membership at the 8:45am service (l – r) Judith Hart, Michael and Gaynor Gower,
Dominic and Lucy Pockley and Joao Fagundes
(Above) Coming into membership at the 10:30am service
(l – r) Tanya & Rob Klose with
children Megan, Jordan and Daniel; Kimbra & Brett Drzal; Lorna Pese; Sue
Koop with son Chris Koop, Ps. Noel, Ruby with mum and dad Beth & Aaron
Einthal; Ken Hornsby; Petrea and Nick Smith with son Zac; Patricia and Stuart
Varney and Comissa Fischer.
Prayer Requests: Not
included in this newsletter, but if you would like to view the
current requests, refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this
Newsletter. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by
prayer please email with your request
his week we continue the Series,
“God’s People at Prayer (Psalms)”. This
week’s message is “Where’s God when I hurt?” Jesus is God with us in our
suffering. Psalm 22:1 is the prayer on the lips of Jesus as he hung on the cross: “My God, my God,
why have you forsaken me?” (Mt 27:46 NIV)
Bible Readings: Psalms 13, 88:1-9a and Matthew 27:45-46
Kingdom Kids is going on a journey…
Come along to Kingdom Kids this Sunday to help us
kick start our Christmas preparations for our 2012 Celebration Service. Ages
0-12 at the 10:30am service. See you there. (If you have lamb’s wool blankets
or baby sheep skins that you are able to lend us that would be great. Please
contact the church office or write ‘lamb’s wool’ on your welcome card. Thank
Move Urban Dance
Classes for 2012 have now finished. Please contact
Laura Carson for information regarding local classes for those who wish to continue
in term 4. 0422 586 396.
Please join us on Wednesdays in the Church Hall
from 9:30am-11:30am for a jam packed term of Christmas crafts, stories,
adventures and fun. Everyone is welcome. Please contact Beth for more info
Laura Carson
Children and Family Team Leader
The next meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday 30th October (no meeting in
November). Pastor will lead bible study, followed by the AGM, guest speaker,
afternoon tea and trading table.
Invitation to Birdwood Lutheran Ladies
Fellowship Garden Party at the Birdwood Lutheran Church Lot 95 Church
Street from 11am - 3.30pm Wednesday 21st November 2012 – Guest
Speaker Alex Kowald light lunch and stalls, gift baskets. RSVP 11th November
2012 Ph 8389 3066
Honey biscuits required
for Christmas cheer to be left in church kitchen by Sunday 25th November marked
accordingly. Joy Wandel will pick up for packaging and delivery to Lutheran
Community Care (LCC) by Friday 30th November. Can you please help with supply?
Many residents in many institutions benefit from this small gift
brightening up their day. A small Christmas tract of Good News is attached
The December meeting will be a Luncheon on Tuesday 4th December beginning at 12noon in the
church hall
Maranatha Health
Maranatha Health is one of the overseas projects that are supported by
our congregation. To read about the latest exciting news about what is
happening and how you can support their fundraising efforts the Maranatha July-
September newsletter is available on our web site under Outreach/Overseas
Mission and Service Teams/ Marantha Health Newsletter July- September
Missionary Foundation Fundraising
Our next fundraiser is our Springtime Plant Stall, which will be held this Sun 14th Oct and if not all plants are sold, they will be offered again on the following Sun 21st Oct. We will be setting up the stall on Sat 13th from 10.30am - 12noon, so if you wish to bring any plants for sale, please bring them between those times, or on Sunday morning. Please name your plants and if they have a flower, make note of the color. If anyone has any spare small pots (make sure they are not brittle), I would appreciate them for potting up more plants. Also, if anyone would like to donate a bag or 2 of potting mix, that would also be appreciated.
Would you like to be a Chocolate Seller? Do you work in an office where you could have a box on display? Please see me in the Hall after services and we can make arrangements for you to collect a box or two.
With Christian greetings
Joan McCarthy - Team Leader
Ph: 8262 7429 or email:
Our next fundraiser is our Springtime Plant Stall, which will be held this Sun 14th Oct and if not all plants are sold, they will be offered again on the following Sun 21st Oct. We will be setting up the stall on Sat 13th from 10.30am - 12noon, so if you wish to bring any plants for sale, please bring them between those times, or on Sunday morning. Please name your plants and if they have a flower, make note of the color. If anyone has any spare small pots (make sure they are not brittle), I would appreciate them for potting up more plants. Also, if anyone would like to donate a bag or 2 of potting mix, that would also be appreciated.
Would you like to be a Chocolate Seller? Do you work in an office where you could have a box on display? Please see me in the Hall after services and we can make arrangements for you to collect a box or two.
With Christian greetings
Joan McCarthy - Team Leader
Ph: 8262 7429 or email:
vacancies in 2013
There are 3 vacancies on the Good Shepherd Board for 2013.
One is minute secretary- role is to take the minutes of the Board
meetings. Other secretarial duties of the Board are fulfilled by other Board
members. Each member of the Board is allocated a portfolio for which they are responsible.
This does not mean that they actually do the work. They keep in touch with the
Teams responsible for that portfolio and report to the Board at the monthly
meetings. Responsibilities for 2013 will
not be allocated until the Board for 2013 is elected.
If you interested or want
additional information contact Board Chair Keren Sutton – 0416 044 658
From the Administration Manager
Four Positions are available on the Facilities Maintenance team at Para vista.
The maintenance team
assist in the organising, direction and conducting in the maintenance of all
the buildings and facilities at Para Vista Lutheran Church. An eye for detail and a heart for quality
workmanship are all that is required. No
handy person or trade skill is necessary although this would be of
benefit. There are no age or gender
barriers for these positions however skills can be obtained and quality social
time with others is assured.
For you expression of
interest, please contact Stephen or the office on 8263 5087 or mark your Sunday
welcome card with F.M.T.
A view of Adelaide to be experienced
I am seeking the
assistance of a couple of members to assist in the cleaning of the gutters at
Para Vista. The task would only involve
an hour of spare time whilst being able to gain a view of the surrounding area
not normally seen by others. Please
contact Stephen or the office on 8263 5087 or put on your Sunday welcome card
your intention to be part of the “View
Adelaide with a difference” team.
Notice Board
Please see Notice Board for more Information
'A Christmas Note
2012' Launch Concert
Hear the Lutheran School
Choirs from our 2012 Christmas CD live in concert! This will be your first
opportunity to purchase a copy of the CD for yourself and for gifts.
When: Sunday, 21 October 2012 Time: 2.00pm Where:
Concordia College Chapel, Cheltenham Street, Highgate
Devonshire tea will be
provided. Monetary donation requested upon entry.
RSVP to or Tel: 08 8269 9333 before 12 October.
'Preparing for
Marriage' Courses
Saturday 10 [9am-5pm] and Sunday 11 November 2012
Venue: Good Shepherd Lutheran School, 388 Montague Rd, Para Vista
Cost: $160/couple if both employed; $85 if one employed; $65 if neither
For registrations or more information: Tel: 8331 3111
Lutheran Disability
Services invites you to the workshop "Disability 101 - Foundations for
enabling the church" which gives practical information to assist your
church to grow as a place of acceptance for people with disabilities.
Date: Saturday 27th October. Time: 1.30 - 4.00pm (arrive 1.15 for 1.30 start)
Venue: Immanuel Lutheran Church, 32
Morphett Rd, Novar Gardens
Cost: $15, which covers materials and
afternoon tea
To register: Phone 8212 7766, Fax 8212 7744 or Email:
Reformation Sunday
Invite your friends and neighbours to join us on Sunday 28th October 2012
To help celebrate……
Post 8:45am service morning tea will be;
Apfel und Aprikose
Deutsch Kucken mitt streusel
(Apple and apricot German cake with
crumble topping)
Mitt Kaffee und tee
And post
10:30am service a
community meal;
und bratwurst Wurst (Chicken
schnitzel and bratwurst sausage)
und Rotkohl (Sauerkraut
and red cabbage)
Stil-Gurke-Salat (German
style cucumber salad)
Gurken (dilled
Salat (Green salad)
For catering purposes please r.s.v.p. front office 82635087,
writing Card night on your welcome card or email;;
by Wednesday 17th
October 2012.
All cards hand made with Jesus’ love by them….and by you!
Hold tightly to what is eternal and loosely
to what is temporal
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site: