When you’re at the end of your rope…
Jesus: "You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.” (Matthew 5:3 MSG)
What do we mean when we say: “I’ve reached the end of my rope?”
I think it happens when we’ve tried everything, but end up getting nowhere - whether it’s fixing something, solving a problem, or reconciling with a family member. It’s when we finally admit: “This is too hard for me! I can’t do it myself. I need help!”
Jesus says that you are blessed by God when you reach the end of your rope.
Why? Because when something is too hard for us, that’s when we can turn to God for help.
God is ALWAYS ready to help us. God wants to give his children GOOD things (cf Luke 11:11-13). We see that in Jesus! When people reached the end of their rope and came to Jesus for help, they were made whole, forgiven, freed; they received God’s favour and peace.
Whenever you run out of wisdom, answers, strength, or resources, ask your Father in heaven for help! James urges us: If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. (James 1:5 NIV)
What do you need God’s help for at the moment?
• Maybe a relationship that’s conflicted – or a tough personal issue you’re facing?
• Maybe you need God’s help to be less selfish… and kinder to others?
• Maybe past baggage that you can seem to break free of?
• Maybe parenting wisdom, patience, perseverance and love?
Tell your Father in heaven about it, and ask him to help you.
With more of God and less of us, we will never be the losers!
Pr Rolly Stahl

This week we commence a new series, “Jesus crossing the boundaries”. When Mark writes about Jesus crossing the boundaries between heaven and earth he begins by saying, ‘The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.’ (Mark 1:1)
Why is Jesus crossing the boundary from heaven to earth good news?
Bible Reading: Isaiah 40:1-5; Mark 1:1-13
Lenten Services
Lenten services will be held in the church at 4.00pm commencing 29th February for 5 weeks. The topic for this week will be “What is Lent?”
Kingdom Kids at the 10:30am service for ages 0-12.
Baby Zone (Education Centre) 0-2
Kindy zone (School OSHC Room) 3-5 including reception
Kids Zone (School Library) year levels 1-3
Kool Zone (End Classroom) year levels 4-7 including Junior Assistants
Registration forms: All participants will need to complete a 2012 registration form. This needs to be done by parents/carers but thankfully only one form needs to be filled out per family. To save postage, we will have these available on Sundays before and after Kingdom Kids. Please take a few minutes early in the term to complete a family form. Thank you
Ignite Youth
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 388 Montague Road Para Vista
Saturday 3rd March
Served at 0730
Are you a typical Bloke .. BBQ Chief,
Mr Citizen, Son, Father, Grandfather, Brother, Husband, Neighbour, Drive a car,
A Workmate or Student, Gardener, Like the outdoors, Spend hours in the shed on projects ?
Do you know the answers to…
What is a Burn? How do you treat a burn?..
Cold water or tried & true butter?
“So what it doesn’t hurt its OK“.
Is this the right answer ? YES or No ??
What happens in the RAH Burns Unit ?
Donation of $5.00 for breakfast costs is appreciated.
Any ????’s Contact Jim 0438 899 629
Women's Fellowship
Guest speaker, Heather Cosh will be sharing her experiences in Uganda and helping to set up Maranatha Health
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea.
The meeting on 3rd April will be a bus outing to Vadoulis Garden Centre, Gawler and includes lunch> Bus leaves Para Vista church at 11.00am and returns at 3.30pm.
Another date for your diary is the LWSA Convention at Loxton on Thursday 3rd May. If you are interested in a day bus trip for this, please phone Jan on 8264 8288.

Each Tuesday morning from 9:30-11:30 between 50-60 women of all ages are meeting to study God’s word.
Babies and children up to school age are wonderfully cared for and taught in their own age-specific classes.
This year the focus is on the book of Acts. Would you like to join us? Turn up on any Tuesday morning to join an introductory class, or contact Sonia Hulme on 7122 2903 for more information.
Prayer Ministry Night
Tuesday 6th March, 7.30 pm in the Education Centre
This night is for anyone who has been involved in praying for people either during services or after. It is an opportunity to share any concerns, ask questions and have input into our future directions with prayer ministry.
We would also like to grow our pool of people who are equipped to pray for others. If you are interested or have a passion to be involved in praying for others come along to this night. We would love to share with you how you can be involved in being used by God to richly bless others.
If you have any questions please contact Pastor Noel on 8263 5087 or nkluge@paravista.org.au
John 10:3 “…He calls his own sheep by name…”
I would like a dollar for every one who has told me that they now do not know the names of many people in the congregation! I am told, “I see them around the place but I don’t know who they are!” They probably don’t know your name either.
We are expanding through church transfers and those beginning a new life in Christ or reconnecting with God. If you have a name badge, please, please wear it. Consider that having a name badge helps people connect and reconnect particularly if they are a visitor. Avoid being sheepishly addressed as, ‘hey ewe!’
Name badges can be ordered by writing “Name Badge” on the Welcome Card or by contacting the office staff on 8263 5087 or churchenquires@paravista.org.au The cost per name badge is $9:50 (Please nominate if you want a magnet, clip or pin backing)
Barry Klaer, Pastoral Care and Fellowship (Hospitality and Integration)
Health Care Fellowship Adelaide
End of Life Care
Saturday, 3rd March 2012 9:30am – 3:00pm
Ingle Farm Salvation Army Centre, Corner Bridge and Maxwell Roads, INGLE FARM
This is an incredible and not to be missed opportunity to hear the following key note speakers
Leonora Van TONDER, a trained nurse and midwife and fulltime missionary for 30 years. She speaks on fear at the close of life and how to cope with it.
Lemmy Lao MD – The founder of Health Care Fellowship in 2009, Lemmy will tell the true story of euthanasia.
Trevor Harslett – Compassion and understanding on facing grief and how to deal with pre-arranged funerals.
Marion Seal – Respecting Patient’s Choice Project Manager QEH. Her topic is “Personal Arrangement for End of Life” answering questions regarding power of guardian/power of attorney, how to appoint them and how to make advance life directives regarding your wishes for resuscitation, life support, feeding etc.
Cost for seminar is $25 Concession $15 – includes lunch
Brochures available in rack in narthex
For further information contact Barry Klaer 8263 5087 or
coordinator Margaret Muller 0430 548 849 / 8263 1885
by close of business next Tuesday 28th February 2012
coordinator Margaret Muller 0430 548 849 / 8263 1885
by close of business next Tuesday 28th February 2012
Barry Klaer, Pastoral Care and Fellowship (Shepherding and Care)
There are several ways to help:
A small group has offered again to have a cook-up. To greatly assist I am asking for your help with donations of non-perishable food, such as pasta, rice, tins of sweet corn, peas, diced or puree tomatoes, tuna, salmon and any other ingredients that will help make a delicious wholesome meal for, well, maybe you! If you can assist in this area, for your convenience a clearly marked “Food For Families” box is placed in the narthex and front foyer near the hall entrance doors.
Or,…. are you able to prepare ‘one off’ meals for those with special needs, eg. diabetic, gluten free and etc. If you can assist in this area – and can I say that you do not know how much of a blessing this is to the recipient and us - please contact me at the church office 8263 5087 email bklaer@paravista.org.au or Sue Renfrey on 8250 0576, email rengal9@bigpond.com.
Or… if you are able to prepare several meals for freezer storage, disposable containers are available. Again, contact me and I will arrange for you to be provided with the containers.
Thank you in anticipation for love and care you provide for others in our church family.
Barry Klaer, Pastoral Care and Fellowship (Shepherding and Care)
Sue and Graham Renfrey, Food For Families Coordinators.
Reflections for Lent
Mark 1:12, 13 The Temptation of Jesus
"The Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. And he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. And he was with the wild animals, and the angels were ministering to him."
Immediately after his baptism where Jesus is claimed as God’s beloved Son, he is driven into the wilderness, a place where he suffers physically, emotionally and spiritually. But Jesus is not alone in his suffering with the wild beasts. We read that ‘the angels waited on him’.
Many people around the world and in our own communities suffer greatly. Some are hungry, others are separated from the love and care of their families and communities, and many suffer through traumatic events and their aftermath. Sometimes we wonder where the angels will come from to serve those who suffer.
As children of God who have experienced God’s unconditional love in our baptism, we have the opportunity to serve like those ‘ministering angels’ wherever we are. Our caring words and actions may seem small and insignificant, but we may never know their impact.
At Lutheran Community Care we try to respond to the needs of those who come to us. Often we don’t hear what happens after we have helped them get back on their feet, but there are exceptions. Recently we received a letter from a Lutheran pastor in Victoria. A man had come to his door with a cheque. Why? Well, in the early 1990s he had arrived in Australia as a refugee with nothing, he said, and had received a loan from ‘some Lutheran place on Prospect Road’. But now, 20 years later, this man had the money and wanted to pay it back. It’s rare that we hear about the long-term ripple effect of our deeds of kindness. And it’s not important that we do. But the kindness of ‘some Lutheran place’ or ‘some kind person’ or ‘a ministering angel’ is sure to have a profound effect.
You too can have a profound effect in someone's life by donating to LCC's Lenten Appeal. Use the tear off donation slip at the bottom of the letter in the March edition of the Together magazine, visit our website at www.lccare.org.au Or telephone
8269 9333 to make a donation that will make a real difference.
8269 9333 to make a donation that will make a real difference.
From the Office
Payment for Training
Good Shepherd is blessed by the number of people who get involved in serving in various ministries.
Those serving in ministry areas involving people under the age of 18 must complete Child Safe training. We don’t expect volunteers to pay for this training whether it is the initial training or the refresher course. The congregation will meet all the training cost.
Let the staff member responsible for the ministry area you volunteer in, or the Administration Manager know about the training you require and arrangements will be made to pay for you. If you pay on the day of training contact the Admin Manager for reimbursement.
Parking on Montague Road on Sundays
The first 50 metres to the west of the entrance to the church property is designated as a no parking area on Sunday mornings. Cars parked in this area cause a danger for vehicles exiting the property as they obstruct the view of oncoming vehicles.
We ask that you observe these parking restrictions. The first car dictates where the rest of the vehicles park. It is harder to police visitor parking.
A reminder that Mattiske’s car park is again open on a Sunday for those who approach from the south.
New member of the Board
Joey Pietsch, a young adult member of the congregation had expressed an interest in joining the Board. After prayerful consideration she indicated that she would like to become a member of the Board.
It is with excitement that at the February meeting it was agreed to her joining the Board. It is really pleasing to have a member of the Young Adults on the Board to give the perspective of the younger members of the congregation.
For Sale
Laminated table
To increase efficiency in the church office we have installed a new desk which gives much more room for staff and volunteers working at the computers. The laminated desk that was in use is for sale. It measures 1500mm x 900mm. It can be used as a work or computer table. Cost $100
If interested please contact John Dolling on 8263 5087
From the Administration Manager
To assist with catering and for safety reasons an extra power point has been installed in the hall. This will enable the urns to be operated without running extension cords.
A double power point has been installed in the courtyard. This will allow more flexibility for catering in the courtyard.
notice board
Borders to share house in Para Vista and Nailsworth
See notice board for more information
Bushed blokes
Ever felt like this?
Not sure which sign post to follow…….
Well come to BuShed Blokes and get some direction.
Bring ya mates, ya camping gear and a heart to be encouraged by Peter ‘Sticks’ Steicke and Ian ‘Watto’ Watson. Connect with your identity as a Son of the King and come to know who you were created to be. All blokes welcome!
Date: Friday 23rd March 6pm – Sunday 25th March 11am 2012
Location: South Kilkerran Picnic Grounds, MAITLAND SA
Cost: $50 per Bloke/ Under 15 free
For more info and registration forms contact: Luke Doecke Ph: 0403 801 990 Email: lukedoecke@bigpond.com
A lit candle loses nothing by lighting another but the light generated is doubled.
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm