Being the good news through prayer
One of the biggest challenges for us as followers of Jesus is to know how to effectively share the Good News of Jesus to others. In a culture that is often sceptical and suspicious of any organised religion it can be really hard to know where to start when it comes to sharing something of our faith with others.

We can probably all think of times where we have kept in contact with someone we care about as they have gone through a litany of tests and procedures due to a health problem. In addition to this contact and concern we can bring something of our faith to light as we let people know that we are praying for them. Even people who don’t profess to be Christians are often open to prayer.
I recently let someone who is not a Christian know that I was praying for them as they went through tests for cancer. They thanked me and said, “I can use all the help I can get.” My long term prayer for them is that they come to know the God who can help them through any situation. When that will be is up to God, but for the time being I will continue to show my love for this person by not only walking with them through this, but upholding them in prayer and when appropriate letting them know of my prayers as a way of encouraging them.
Who has God put in your life to pray for? Who might God be prompting you to not only pray for but to let them know you are doing so as a way of bringing your faith to light with them? Sure they might dismiss it, but from my experience when things get tough people are happy “to use all the help they can get!”
Pastor Noel Kluge
Not included in this newsletter but ig you would like to view the current requests, please refer to the email that alerted you tho this Newsletter. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer plese email with your request.
This week we celebrate Small Groups, “Growing in Jesus together”. Most life change happens through relationships. Most of the turning points of your life have been with other people who have graciously pointed you to Jesus. Whenever we discuss the things of God and commit to them, they move from being mere head knowledge to heart convictions.
So how can we keep abiding in Christ and growing in Christ-like character?
Bible Reading: Colossians 3:12-17
Kingdom Kids at the 10:30am service for ages 0-12.
Kingdom Kids – we are trialing new rooms!
There will be some room changes this year and a slight change in the way Kingdom Kids sessions are run. This year we will be going straight to our zone rooms to maximize the time we have in our age groups. There will be an assistant to point you in the right direction for the first few weeks while we adjust to the changes.
8:45am – Supervised activity in parenting room
10:30am - Baby Zone (Education Centre) 0-2
10:30am - Kindy zone (School OSHC Room) 3-5 including reception
10:30am - Kids Zone (School Library) year levels 1-3
10:30am - Kool Zone (End Classroom) year levels 4-7 including Junior Assistants
Registration forms: All participants will need to complete a 2012 registration form. This needs to be done by parents/carers but thankfully only one form needs to be filled out per family. To save postage, we will have these available on Sundays before and after Kingdom Kids. Please take a few minutes early in the term to complete a family form. Completed forms can be given to a Team Leader or placed in Laura Carson’s pigeon hole. Thanks
Home and Church working together
Have you made a time to come and visit Kingdom Kids this term? If not, why not whip the diary out and lock in a date. We look forward to sharing our faith adventures with you.
Play group…
Play group runs every Wednesday in the church hall between 9:30am and 11:30am. We still need a Coordinator and a 5th team member. Could that be you? The coordinators role is not as big as it sounds! This year we have a team to run play group, we just need someone to pull it all together through offering support, encouragement and leadership to the team. Please consider this role.
Move Urban Dance classes
Come along on Thursday afternoon for some fun and fitness with Laura and Maddie. $7 per class, in the church hall. No need to register JUST COME!
- 3:45pm – 4:30pm ages 4-6
- 4:30pm – 5:30pm ages 7-12
Final thought – our library needs an update!! If you have ideas of books, cd’s, dvd’s or other resources that you think would be great for the children and family section of our library, please let me know.
For more information on any of the above
Contact Laura Carson – Children and Family Team Leader
P 8263 5087 (Laura works Mondays and Thursdays)
For more information on any of the above
Contact Laura Carson – Children and Family Team Leader
P 8263 5087 (Laura works Mondays and Thursdays)
Ignite Youth
Sophie Gerrie
Bring a mate with you for Breakfast at
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 388 Montague Road Para Vista
Saturday 3rd March
Served at 0730
Mr Citizen, Son, Father, Grandfather, Brother, Husband, Neighbour, Drive a car,
A Workmate or Student, Gardener, Like the outdoors, Spend hours in the shed on projects ?
Do you know the answers to…
What is a Burn? How do you treat a burn?..
Cold water or tried & true butter?
“So what it doesn’t hurt its OK“.
Is this the right answer ? YES or No ??
What happens in the RAH Burns Unit ?
Donation of $5.00 for breakfast costs is appreciated.
Any ????’s Contact Jim 0438 899 629
Women's Fellowship
next meet on Tuesday 6th March at 1pm
in the church hall
The afternoon will include bible study
guest speaker - Heather Cosh on her experiences in Uganda and helping to set up Maranatha Health
a trading table and afternoon tea
The April 3rd meeting will be a bus outing to Vadoulis Garden Centre, Gawler, including lunch leaving Para Vista church at 11am, returning 3.30pm
Another date for your diary is the LWSA Convention at Loxton on Thursday 3rd May
If interested in a day bus trip, please phone Jan on 8264 8288
From the Office
Please note office closed for staff meeting
On Thursday 24th February from 9.00 to 10.00am.
notice board
(Formerly Mandatory Reporting)
Full Day Course Friday 24 February 2012 9.00am-4.30pm Cost: $75
(includes workbook and light lunch)
Lutheran Community Care, Centre for Learning, 19 Edward Street, Magill.
Lutheran Community Care provides community services on behalf of the Lutheran Church in SA and NT through a range of programs.
We currently have a vacancy for a team player, committed to providing a high quality service to assist in the efficient delivery of all aspects of The Centre for Learning
Christine Parker, Coordinator, Centre for Learning Lutheran Community Care
PO Box 2137 Magill North SA 5072
By 9.00 am Monday 20th February 2012
Indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders are encouraged to apply
(Salary packaging is available)
NEW! Introducing the series NEW CREATION—exciting, encouraging stories about new Christians, new Lutherans, new lives in Christ
Pinnaroo congregation shows how to start a youth ministry—starting with just one teenager
In Burundi, goat-y Gifts of Grace are changing lives
Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things.
Frank A Clark
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm