I have a friend who is a cartoonist. His job is to draw a new cartoon every day. He doesn't consider it pressure; he enjoys it. He said, "I have learned to love a blank sheet of paper. It braces me with its endless potential."
Every day we are given a blank sheet of paper: the new day that lies before us. We can fill the page with whatever we want: holiness, love, praise, service - or selfish ambition and bitterness. It's our choice.We're not limited by what we put on the page yesterday. It's a new morning - a blank page-filled with opportunity.
Even if you blew it yesterday, and ten thousand yesterdays before, you have today. You can fill today's page with the presence of God in your life.
Jeremiah wrote: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:23)
Prayer Requests - For privacy the prayer list is not included in this Blog but if you would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this site. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
This week we continue the series “Sex and the Saints”. Sunday’s topic is a challenging one. Is God against gays? We deal with some of the issues which arise for followers of Jesus in a world which has a changing tide of public opinion.
Bible Reading Leviticus 20:7-16 John 8:31-36 1 Corinthians 6:9-20Podcasts available at www.paravista.org.au
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Hi, Koolio here. Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday! Koolio |
0:30am: ages 0-12 (including baby zone for ages 0-2)
Hi wonderful supporters of Ignite youth!
The movie night which turned out to be anything but a movie night went great! I got to share an awesome message that God had been placing on my heart for months. Very exciting!The next event is 12th August where we will be looking at respect! We are back in the church at 7pm as usual. It should be a really good night with all the usual fun, life groups and a challenging message!
After the youth event on the 12th, 3 very brave leaders (Tennyson Jaensch, Joey Pietsch and I) will be heading down south to participate in the Mission Australia Winter Sleep-Out to raise awareness for homelessness! We will be joining about 40 other crazy young people from around SA and sleeping outside in cardboard boxes. To sponsor us please head to
http://www.everydayhero.com.au/teamradelaide2011 and click donate.
Also the term 3 timetable is now out (as above). For a hard copy see the youth notice board located at the back of the church. Alternatively head to our website and click “Ignite Times”.

Theme "No Lights. No Camera. Just Action!"
Guest Speaker Jason Pestell
This year we are exploring how God's love comes to life through our actions. 'You see, his faith and his actions worked together. His actions made his faith complete.'
James 2:22
I have some forms which youth can pick up at youth events.
Or alternatively email clwmetro@gmail.com for registration info.
Sophie Gerrie
Youth and Young Adults Team Leader
What’s Next Lord?

Come and join us on Saturday 20th August, 9am – 12noon to listen to God and share what he is placing on our hearts. This time is open to everyone and even if you have never been part of something like this before, please come along. We are sure you will be able to contribute. If you are coming please register by email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au, call the office on 8263 5087, or via your welcome card during the Sunday service.
There is also a Prayer night planned for Tuesday 9th August in the church beginning at 7.30pm, to cover our time together on the 20th August in prayer. We would love you to join us for this too.
A follow up meeting will be held Saturday 10th September, 9am – 12noon to reflect on all the responses and prayerfully discern the key themes God has communicated to us and what future directions we will take in response to this. While it would be great for people to attend both sessions, it is fine to attend just one of the sessions. Your input will be valued either way.
If you have any questions about “What’s next Lord?” don’t hesitate to ask Pastor Noel.
From the Office
Permission to publish photos
We would like to keep our community up to date with all the exciting things happening here at Para Vista. Everyone knows a picture says a thousand words but we cannot publish them if we do not have your permission.
Thank you to all who have filled in the permission form.
If you have not yet filled in a form, please complete the Permission to use your photo form available from the information area, and return to the church office pigeon hole.
Parenting Room Safety
Our new Parenting Room is available for parents who may need to settle or feed a child. For the safety of all children, we ask that children are supervised by a parent when in the Parenting Room.
Staff away
Dean away with the Cambodia mission trip from 5 – 18 August
Barry on leave till 17 August
Financial Report January – June 2011
Income | Expenditure | |
June | June | |
Offerings | $ 39572 ( budget $44000) | |
Other | $ 10811 | |
Total | $ 50383 | $ 45397 |
January-June | January- June | |
Offerings | $ 249400(budget $247000) | |
Other | $ 25536 | |
Total | $ 274936 | $ 268849 |
Comments: The majority of the other income comes from interest of $8670. This interest is from interest free accounts where LLL members forgo interest and this money is then allocated to the accounts nominated by the account holder.
We thank these people for this as it helps support our mission at Para Vista.
Friends of Lutheran Archives meeting. Topic: Siassi: another day in paradise. Or is it? Was it ever? Speaker: Colin Hayter. The Siassi islands of New Guinea recently celebrated 100 years since the coming of the Gospel. Colin taught at Siassi in 1965-1972. At Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, Adelaide, on Monday 22nd August at 7.30pm. Supper. Gold coin donation.
A new way to show Dad how much you care.
Can’t think of anything special to get your Dad this Father’s Day? His drawers are already full of socks and hankies….and his tummy probably shouldn’t have any more choccies.Why not choose a Lutheran Community Care Kit for Dad this Father’s Day?
With these special kits, you get a wonderful and meaningful Father’s Day card for your Dad….while your actual gift provides care and support to South Aussie Dads and families doing it tough.
Care kit brochures can be obtained from the information area or contact Thelma Eckert on 8359 7106.
Our next group motorbike ride has been organised for Saturday 27th August. We will be meeting in the church car park at 9.20am for a 9.30am departure. The ride will be up into the Adelaide Hills with a morning tea break and lunch stop. We expect to get back early afternoon and you are welcome to head off home any time during the ride if you need to get back earlier. Everyone is welcome and don’t hesitate to invite friends. It will be cold so dress warmly. The ride will be cancelled if raining. For more information, call Noel on 0427 049 296.
Geoff Bullock concert Saturday 3rd September

Please see the notice board for further details. An online Registration Form is available from the Good Shepherd Church office – on request churchenquiries@paravista.org.au
Registration for both events is mandatory and is due by Friday 19th August.
Registration for both events is mandatory and is due by Friday 19th August.
2011 marks the 125th anniversary of Lutheran Mission work in PNG
the 100th anniversary of Lutheran Mission work on Siassi, and
the 75th anniversary of the Australian Lutheran Mission New Guinea
Theme: Facing a task unfinished
The Saturday program will remember the work of ALMNG in Siassi and Menyamya.
The Sunday is worship and presentations on the ELC-PNG and the challenges for the church today. PNG pastors and teachers will be attending. Community lunch.
Everyone with a heart for mission is most welcome.
Place: Trinity Lutheran Church, 2 Grandview Drive, Pasadena.
Date: Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 October, 2011
Information, program, and registration, contact: Colin Hayter, 8357 6423 or email coruhayter@picknowl.com.au
Just a reminder to those who have not yet made their donations… We still need your help to keep up the demand for assistance during this very cold winter. Your donation will buy warm clothes, blankets and food for the people sleeping rough or doing it tough.
To make a donation visit www.lccare.org.au or phone 8269 9333 (ask for Miranda or Megan)
Adelaide Male Voice Choir
Sunday 21st August at the Concordia College Chapel
Please see the notice board for further information.
White Balloon Day campaign
The 15th annual White Balloon Day campaign will be held during Child Protection Week from 4th to 11th September 2011. Recommended by the National Framework for Child Protection, White Balloon Day has raised unprecedented awareness of child sexual assault over the past 15 years. White Balloon Day is not only a day of recognition, awareness and support for victims of child sexual assault, it is also the principle fundraising initiative which enables Bravehearts to continue its programs and services to protect children. Bravehearts is By showing your support for White Balloon Day, you will give a voice to those touched by this issue and help us educate, empower and protect Aussie kids.
On the notice board
LCA Mission Unit Available for Long Term Rental
The LCA Mission Boards have a unit at their Flierl Court, Henley Beach (Adelaide) complex available for immediate long term rental. Asking rental is $320 per week. All enquiries to Mrs Mary Roberts, work phone -8267-7300 email: Mary.Roberts@lca.org.auTabor Open Day Saturday 20th August
Come along and explore your study options, meet the staff and get a feel for the campus.
Visit the website www.taboradelaide.edu.au or see the flyer on the information board.
Room for rent in Melrose Park
Available from 1st September 2011. Close to Flinders Uni, Tabor Uni and Castle Plaza.
Pleasant Sunday Afternoon
Sunday 28th August at St Barnabas Church, Elizabeth Street, Croydon
If I'd known how old I was going to be I'd have taken better care of myself.
Adolph ZukorChurch Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm