Paul lists a bunch of attitudes and behaviours that build deep and lasting relationships:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23a NIV
Why are they are called fruit of the Spirit? Because as we follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit grows the fruit of Jesus’ character in us. So like Jesus, we keep building up people – strengthening relationships.
Let’s look at PATIENCE.
We need patience when…
- other people annoy us with irritating behaviour or are mean towards us
- we’re longing for something good to happen.
The Greek word for patience is makrothymia = “long temper”. So a patient person is someone who takes a long time to get angry. When describing someone with a bad temper, we say: "He's got a short fuse." Patience is having a long fuse before we explode into anger.
How can we grow a longer fuse of patience?
We need to get that from God. There’s a story in the Bible when Moses asks to see God. And the LORD passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness… (Exodus 34:6 NIV) God loves us, forgives us, and always wants to help us – no matter what! If you’re ever getting frustrated, then ask God to grow his heart of patience inside you. It’s far better than exploding and hurting others!!
Pr Rolly Stahl

This week we continue the series “Sex and the Saints”. Sunday’s topic discusses Spiritual Unity in Marriage. So what does the Bible have to say on the question about whether a Christian should marry a non-Christian?
Bible Reading 1 Kings 11:1-3 1 Corinthians 6:14-16
Podcasts available at
Kingdom Kids Parents – Term letters will be sent out soon containing lots of information about up coming events this term. The letter will also include photos from recent events and details about our 2011 celebration Sunday. I’m pumped and can’t wait to share with you about all that God is doing in and through our children and family ministry.
I will be away till the end of September. If you have any questions please contact the office, 8263 5087.
Sophie Gerrie
Youth and Young Adults Team Leader
FUEL Conference Loving Life
FUEL is for adults aged 18-30plus
Registration special ~ for every 5 regos from the same church, the 6th is free!!
Wine and Cheese night is $20, Clothes Swap party $2 entry.
Women's Fellowship
next meet on Tuesday 6th September in the church hall at 1.00pm.
Pastor Rolly Stahl will lead bible study.
This month’s guest speaker Dot Stagg is from Offender's Aid and Rehabilitation Services (OARS).
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea.
This month’s guest speaker Dot Stagg is from Offender's Aid and Rehabilitation Services (OARS).
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea.
$1 for a yummy pancake with a choice of maple syrup or lemon juice and sugar.
From the office
Funding the mission
The current picture

Additional sources of funding
The congregation has established a Foundation. This provides an excellent opportunity to support our mission on an annual basis. This is because only the annual interest is available for use so that the capital provides an ongoing additional source of annual income. $100,000 in the Foundation would provide $4,500 (on present LLL interest rates) additional income to be used to achieve our mission.
How can you contribute to the Foundation?
If you would like to annually impact progress towards our mission this can be done in 3 ways:
- by making a one off donation (tax refund time)
- by making regular contributions
- through a bequest.
For more details:
- full details are in the Funding the Mission brochure in the members Information Area in the foyer.
- contact John Dolling the Administration Manager (8263 5087) or
Foundation account details
Lutheran Layperson’s League
Account Name: PV Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Foundation
BSB: 704942
Account No: 128168 (add S1 if transferring from another LLL account)
The Facilities Team have investigated a concern raised by Village residents of having to walk out into the flow of traffic to get from the village to the church/hall. A plan to alleviate the concern has been devised.
Access to bins
As previously notified in the Weekly News the bins are now secured behind the outside office building. Any key that opens the church will open the gates. The padlock has to be locked before the key can be removed. If you do not have a key there are always 2 bins – one recycling and one general refuse - in the hall where the chairs are stored. If these bins are full please notify the office.
Permission to publish photos
We would like to keep our community up to date with all the exciting things happening here at Para Vista. Everyone knows a picture says a thousand words but we cannot publish them if we do not have your permission.
Thank you to all who have filled in the permission form.
If you have not yet filled in a form, please complete the Permission to use your photo form available from the information area, and return to the church office pigeon hole.
Friends of Lutheran Archives meeting. Topic: Siassi: another day in paradise. Or is it? Was it ever? Speaker: Colin Hayter. The Siassi islands of New Guinea recently celebrated 100 years since the coming of the Gospel. Colin taught at Siassi in 1965-1972. At Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, Adelaide, on Monday 22nd August at 7.30pm. Supper. Gold coin donation.
Can’t think of anything special to get your Dad this Father’s Day? His drawers are already full of socks and hankies….and his tummy probably shouldn’t have any more choccies.
Why not choose a Lutheran Community Care Kit for Dad this Father’s Day?
With these special kits, you get a wonderful and meaningful Father’s Day card for your Dad….while your actual gift provides care and support to South Aussie Dads and families doing it tough.
Care kit brochures can be obtained from the information area or contact Thelma Eckert on 8359 7106.

Please see the notice board for further details. An online Registration Form is available from the Good Shepherd Church office – on request
Registration for both events is mandatory and is due by Friday 19th August.
Registration for both events is mandatory and is due by Friday 19th August.
Lutheran Community Care
Thank you to the many loyal supporters for your generosity towards LCC Winter Appeal.
Just a reminder to those who have not yet made their donations… We still need your help to keep up the demand for assistance during this very cold winter. Your donation will buy warm clothes, blankets and food for the people sleeping rough or doing it tough.
On the notice board
Close to the city but away from the rush of traffic, currently Fullarton Lutheran Homes has two-bedroom Independent Living Unit vacancies.
For further information, please see or contact the Resident Liaison Co-ordinator on 8372 3463.
26th September – 5th October 2011
In need of a holiday?
Come and stay at Araluen Camp for a relaxing holiday.
Spend your time in town, on the beach, along the coast, or at the campsite.
Organise your own meals as you wish, sleep in, relax and enjoy the coast and the surrounding areas at your own pace. Two 5 day blocks are offered this year.
Behavour Manegment Workshop:
Phone 8288 0925 Fax 8288 0847
"Bringing Restoration" Charity Concert
Friday 23rd September from 7:00pm - 10:00pm
South Australian Folk Centre, Corner South and George Street, Thebarton
All tickets at the door. Feature Artist: Joe Man Murphy. There will also be a variety of other artists of various styles.
Adults $15 Concession $12 Folk Centre Members $10 Children.
When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.
African proverb
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Church Web site: