We all probably know what’s coming. This scripture verse is sometimes quoted ad nauseum, as kind of a readjustment of the moral compass which has been pulled by some kind of dark gravity into places we shouldn’t go. I don’t think that’s what Jesus was talking about.
When the Messiah (that’s what Peter has just called Jesus) delivers these words, “If anyone wants to follow after me, they must deny themselves, pick up their cross, and follow me,” we find a reorientation of priorities and an eye-opening look at a different, dangerous and fulfilling life.
The scripture is not about recognising the things in our lives which most irritate us, or the things that cause us to sin, but it is truly an invitation: An invitation to die so that one might live.
In our contemporary culture of death denial, where businesses boom in the anti-aging, anti-pain market, we find a listless lack of life. Our culture strives to insulate us all from pain, from danger, from anything that confronts our comfort, and we are left scratching our heads in our endless search for the mirage of safety wondering: “What does this all mean? Have I exchanged true life in Jesus for the death of meaning?”
This week, we’ll peel back the layers of this scripture spoken by Jesus who invites us into the death and denial of our selves, and peek behind what Jesus was meaning for his disciples from all time.
What does it mean for us to lose our life to find it?
Pr. Reid Matthias
Bible Reading: Matthew 16:21-28
Please check the website www.paravista.org.au for podcasts and video archives of weekly messages or head to our Facebook page www.facebook.com/goodshepherdparavista for regular updates and encouragement from our pastors.
Please check the website www.paravista.org.au for podcasts and video archives of weekly messages or head to our Facebook page www.facebook.com/goodshepherdparavista for regular updates and encouragement from our pastors.
Faith Gym: Helping People Feel More than Welcome.
Our third workshop is this Wednesday, 2nd September at 7:30pm here at Good Shepherd. If you missed previous weeks, yet wish to attend, please register via the church office. Details for the live Zoom option will be sent via email, and you can find resources for the study here: www.paravista.org.au/resources
Our third workshop is this Wednesday, 2nd September at 7:30pm here at Good Shepherd. If you missed previous weeks, yet wish to attend, please register via the church office. Details for the live Zoom option will be sent via email, and you can find resources for the study here: www.paravista.org.au/resources
Having Your Child Baptised
…is a short course to help parents and families prepare for their first baptism at Good Shepherd.
Our next course commences Tuesday Sept 1st at 7:30pm at Good Shepherd, continuing the next two Tuesday evenings (Sept 8, 15).
For more info please see: https://paravista.org.au/contact-us/baptism/
Please register via the Church Office: 8263 5087; or churchenquiries@paravista.org.au

Our next course commences Tuesday Sept 1st at 7:30pm at Good Shepherd, continuing the next two Tuesday evenings (Sept 8, 15).
For more info please see: https://paravista.org.au/contact-us/baptism/
Please register via the Church Office: 8263 5087; or churchenquiries@paravista.org.au
The folks with the yolks are back! Come and get your free range eggs - $4 per dozen. Please bring your spare cartons. Get ‘em while they’re (not) hot! Ed.
Here’s a tricky one… What does it mean to ‘take up your cross and follow Jesus’?
What does that even look like in the 21st Century? This week’s GFH resource offers some thoughtful conversation starters and practical ideas to try with your family.
God bless you an
d your week.
Grow Ministries Faith at Home
Dear Church Family,Here’s a tricky one… What does it mean to ‘take up your cross and follow Jesus’?
What does that even look like in the 21st Century? This week’s GFH resource offers some thoughtful conversation starters and practical ideas to try with your family.
God bless you an

We also had a lovely restart for Little Lambs last week, thanks to the efforts of some wonderful volunteers. Looking forward to even more ‘little lambs’ joining us on Fridays in the church hall from 9:30am to 10:30am.
Please note, due to the school having a pupil free day, we will not be having Little Lambs on Friday 4th September. It will resume the week after. Remaining dates for this term are September 11, 18 and 25. We would love to see you there!

August Support for the Family Hub
Due to your generosity over the last months the Family Hub has sufficient food at the moment to support those requiring assistance!
What they are lacking are cleaning items. These are needed to ensure the centre is cleaned several times a day after each session and for families they support, to assist them to keep their homes clean. This all helps prevent the introduction of and spread of Covid-19.
Suggested items include (but any cleaning items would be greatly appreciated):
- dish detergent
- wipes such as CHUX
- spray cleaners
- tissues
- Glen 20 or similar product for wiping down furniture after sessions
- window cleaner
- bucket/mops
- rubber gloves
- toilet cleaner
As these items are more expensive than food donations, 1/2 items per donation is suggested.
These donations can be brought to either service on Sunday August 30th or dropped into the church office Tuesday - Friday, 9am - 3pm. Please note the office is closed next week until Thursday due to a staff retreat.
In gratitude,
The Family Hub Support Team
Office News
Wanted: A volunteer to assist in replenishing all the Covid cleaning supplies and ensure signage is still correctly positioned. Up to two hours per week is required. Please contact the church office if you are able to assist. No qualifications necessary; training provided!
COVID-Safe Requirements for Worship - please observe these guidelines:
- Entry through front foyer and exit via rear courtyard – exceptions for people with mobility issues. If you’re an able walker, consider parking away from front entrance.
- Register names and contact details.
- Please maintain physical distance 1.5m.
- People from the same household can sit next to one another. Otherwise we need to keep 2 chair spaces between people.
- Follow the directional arrows for entry, exit, and Holy Communion.
- Freewill offerings will be received via a retiring offering on the way out of the sanctuary.
- No tea and coffee afterwards at this stage. Social distancing still required while on site.
- Please follow directions of worship hosts.
- Early service attendees will need to vacate the building to allow a clean before second service attendees can enter the building.
Regarding children:
- Children will sit with their families. Please feel free to bring activities.
Due to cleaning requirements:
- Playground next to Revive Café is CLOSED.
- Parenting Change Room is OPEN again.
Mission Vision Report
Offerings 2019 | ||||||||
| May | June | July | Year to Date Variance | ||||
| Actual | Budget | Actual | Budget | Actual | Budget |
| |
Sunday Offerings | 12462 | 18300 | 14856 | 18300 | 12809 | 18300 | -14773 | |
REG Offerings | 22430 | 23333 | 28810 | 23333 | 22430 | 23333 | 3671 | |
| ||||||||
Offerings 2020 | ||||||||
| May | June | July |
| ||||
| Actual | Budget | Actual | Budget | Actual | Budget |
| |
Sunday Offerings | 5220 | 18300 | 2130 | 18300 | 7183 | 18300 | -40367 | |
REG Offerings | 170 | 23333 | 72396 | 23333 | 32823 | 23333 | 14417 | |
Offerings are still down on budgeted amount for the year.
May REG was only deposited into account in June.
All ministry areas are resourcing only what is necessary.
Current giving budget total is at $-25950
May REG was only deposited into account in June.
All ministry areas are resourcing only what is necessary.
Current giving budget total is at $-25950
Mission Support
Please continue supporting our congregation's mission and ministry through regular offerings as our facility and staff continues to operate in a different way.
Please continue supporting our congregation's mission and ministry through regular offerings as our facility and staff continues to operate in a different way.
Electronic deposits can be made to the following bank account details:
BSB 704942; Account number 100354939; Account Name GSPV REG.
LLL REG: Download the form here, use the same bank details as above in the account to be credited and email back to address shown on the form. Alternatively contact the LLL on 83607200 or 1800 556457.
Offering Envelopes can still be dropped in at the church office during office hours.
Need something to lounge on in front of your chiminea? Nowhere to park yourself at the fishing shack? Toddlers who’d rather bounce than sit? Or maybe sluggish teens slacking over social media? Well do we have a deal for you! Two sofas and a single seater can be yours for ZERO dollars! Take one, or take ‘em all! We’re looking to upgrade some of our furniture, so contact the office to see how you can start sprawling today! Ed.
The Open Door Community Bookshop
For Father's Day on 6 September, come and select from our range of Christian Cards, Gifts, Bibles, DVDs & Books.
Aug-Sept: *Super-Special Clearance* of large fold-up pamphlets reduced to $2 each - for info/study. Many interesting topics including: Noah's Ark; What's so Great about Heaven; Spirituality & Truth, etc.
Trading hours: Mon closed, Tues-Fri 10-4, Sat 10-1.
Shop 5, Gawler Arcade, 126 Murray St, Gawler.
Enquiries welcome: Ph. 85221677
Email: opendoorbook@gmail.com
FB: /opendoorcommunitybookshop
Aug-Sept: *Super-Special Clearance* of large fold-up pamphlets reduced to $2 each - for info/study. Many interesting topics including: Noah's Ark; What's so Great about Heaven; Spirituality & Truth, etc.
Trading hours: Mon closed, Tues-Fri 10-4, Sat 10-1.
Shop 5, Gawler Arcade, 126 Murray St, Gawler.
Enquiries welcome: Ph. 85221677
Email: opendoorbook@gmail.com
FB: /opendoorcommunitybookshop
When: Saturday 29th August 2020
When: Saturday 29th August 2020
Where: 22 Avenue Rd Glynde
Time: 9am to 12 noon
Time: 9am to 12 noon
(Cancelled if Covid-19 restrictions ban outside markets. Please check Marion Glynde on Gumtree from 25 August for cancellation info. Covid-19 precautions will be in place – distancing, hand sanitising etc.)
A wide range of plants will be available, from small to fairly large, for indoors or outdoors, priced from $1 - $50.
We have: Begonias, Bulbs, Clivias, Shrubs, Dendrobium & Crucifix Orchids, Hanging Baskets, Kalanchoes, Perennials, Succulents, Ficus, and more!
This time we will also have a cake and biscuit stall.
The Thrift Shop will be open, 9am–12noon, with clothes, shoes, linen, kitchenware, books, china, DVDs, CDs etc.
Plant and cake proceeds go to projects at the Resident Care Home (Nursing Home), Lutheran Homes Glynde.
“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, l but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”
Philippians 3:12
Look for us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube!