In his message last Sunday, Pr. Reid asked: “How many of you have been on a boat? How many of you love being on a boat? How many of you hate being on a boat?”
Being on a boat is not my favourite place. If there’s just a bit of swell, before long I’m feeling miserable, nauseous, and producing burly.
Jesus and his disciples were often in a boat. At least four of his disciples fished for a living in the Sea of Galilee (also known as Lake Tiberius). The lake is about 21 km long; and 13 km wide. Its area is 166 km2 at its fullest, and its maximum depth around 43 m. Since the village of Capernaum was next to the Sea of Galilee, boats were not just a part of making a living, but also a means of transport.
In the Gospel accounts, the boat is also a place of revelation:
• When Jesus teaches from a boat, he reveals the kingdom of God to his hearers.
• When Jesus helps the disciples catch fish, he reveals his authority and kindness to them. Can you imagine the joy they felt?
• When Jesus crosses the lake to the Gentile (“unclean”) side, he reveals that they too matter to God.
• When Jesus calms the storm, he reveals his authority over creation and his concern for his disciples.
• When Jesus walks on water, he reveals his authority over gravity – and his continuous care for his followers.
• When Jesus teaches from a boat, he reveals the kingdom of God to his hearers.
• When Jesus helps the disciples catch fish, he reveals his authority and kindness to them. Can you imagine the joy they felt?
• When Jesus crosses the lake to the Gentile (“unclean”) side, he reveals that they too matter to God.
• When Jesus calms the storm, he reveals his authority over creation and his concern for his disciples.
• When Jesus walks on water, he reveals his authority over gravity – and his continuous care for his followers.
One of the images of the Church is a boat or ship. A ship is not meant to stay in port, but to cross the seas – and rescue people who are in peril. Our life on board is not a luxury cruise of self-indulgence, but sharing in Jesus’ work of saving those in danger of perishing.
There are often storms along the journey, but Jesus is in the boat with us. He is always watching out for us, and walking towards us to do us good. He will bring his “ship” and his people to our final destination.
Pr. Rolly Stahl
Bible Reading: Matthew 14:22-33
Please check the website for podcasts and video archives of weekly messages or head to our Facebook page for regular updates and encouragement from our pastors.
Egg-citing News
The free range eggs are back - all 75 dozen of them! They are $4 per carton, the costs of which go to supporting a farming family. We have just three empty cartons to spare, so if you have some spares to donate please bring them into the office.Worship News
We’re excited about coming together again to worship the LORD and share his love. Please plan to arrive early so we can “sign you in”.
In order to comply with COVID safe requirements, we need to observe these guidelines:
• Entry through front foyer and exit via rear courtyard – exceptions for people with mobility issues. If you’re an able walker, consider parking away from front entrance.
• Hand sanitising on entry.
• Register names and contact details.
• No passing the peace or physical touch - apart from elbow taps.
• Follow the directional arrows for entry, exit, and Holy Communion.
• Social distancing required - 1.5m. There will be a notice on the ends of seating rows to be left vacant.
• People from the same household can sit next to one another. Otherwise we need to keep 2 chair spaces between people.
• Singing is OK.
• Holy Communion (HC) will be offered at both services with wheat/gluten free wafers; and individual cups (wine/grape juice).
• For HC Distribution, please follow arrows along rear sections of sanctuary and proceed up the middle aisle to the front, receive HC, then return to your seats via side aisles.
• In August, we’ll be offering HC at the 8:45am service on the 1st Sunday of the month; and at the 10:30am service on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
• Freewill offerings will be received via a retiring offering on the way out of the sanctuary.
• No tea and coffee afterwards at this stage. Social distancing still required while on site.
• Hand sanitising on entry.
• Register names and contact details.
• No passing the peace or physical touch - apart from elbow taps.
• Follow the directional arrows for entry, exit, and Holy Communion.
• Social distancing required - 1.5m. There will be a notice on the ends of seating rows to be left vacant.
• People from the same household can sit next to one another. Otherwise we need to keep 2 chair spaces between people.
• Singing is OK.
• Holy Communion (HC) will be offered at both services with wheat/gluten free wafers; and individual cups (wine/grape juice).
• For HC Distribution, please follow arrows along rear sections of sanctuary and proceed up the middle aisle to the front, receive HC, then return to your seats via side aisles.
• In August, we’ll be offering HC at the 8:45am service on the 1st Sunday of the month; and at the 10:30am service on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
• Freewill offerings will be received via a retiring offering on the way out of the sanctuary.
• No tea and coffee afterwards at this stage. Social distancing still required while on site.
Regarding children:
• Children will sit with their families. Please feel free to bring activities.
• Due to cleaning requirements:
• Playground next to Revive Café is CLOSED.
• Parenting Change Room also CLOSED.
• Children will sit with their families. Please feel free to bring activities.
• Due to cleaning requirements:
• Playground next to Revive Café is CLOSED.
• Parenting Change Room also CLOSED.

Shed Happens is meeting once again!
When: 11th August 2020
Where: At the church
Time: 6.30 to 9.00pm
Provided: A good meal and drinks (no alcohol please)
Cost: $10 donation (under 16 $5)
Contacts: Jim 0438 899 629 or Gavin 0403 086 052
Social Club News
The Social Club recommences this Thursday 13th August 2020 at 12:30pm. Please join us and try out our new carpet bowls equipment, Bridge, Rummykin and other card games. Tea, Coffee and biscuits are made available and a small fee is collected to cover costs.
The Social Club recommences this Thursday 13th August 2020 at 12:30pm. Please join us and try out our new carpet bowls equipment, Bridge, Rummykin and other card games. Tea, Coffee and biscuits are made available and a small fee is collected to cover costs.
Prayer Requests
Connect cards will not be used during services so any requests can be forwarded to the church office via or phone 08 8263 5087. Alternatively the care link button on our website can be used. If you know or have spoken to anyone who does not have access to a computer, please assist them to submit their request and offer to pray with them or offer care. Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests please refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news.

Grow Ministries Faith at Home
Dear Church Family,
It is a comfort to remember that we have Jesus to grasp hold of our hand through whatever we face.
This week’s GFH resource is a well-timed reminder of this.
Here is a taster: Peter stepped out of the boat to walk on water, but soon became scared because of the wind and the waves. What are some ‘winds’ or ‘waves’ in your life at the moment?
Just a reminder to please bring in an activity for your children as we are unable to have the Kid’s Zone in operation at this time. Folders will still be available.
God comfort and strengthen you through this week!
GeorgieOffice News
Mission Support
Thank you for your continued support towards our congregation's mission and ministry through regular offerings as our facility and staff continued to operate to keep the community alive and the message spread.
Thank you for your continued support towards our congregation's mission and ministry through regular offerings as our facility and staff continued to operate to keep the community alive and the message spread.
Electronic Deposits: may be made to the following bank account details:
BSB 704 942
Account number 100354939
Account Name GSPV REG
LLL REG: Download the form here and use the same bank details as above in the account to be credited and email back to address shown on the form. Alternatively contact the LLL on 83607200 or 1800 556457.
Cash Offerings: Envelopes and cash can be put on the offering bowl which will be placed at the exit doors at the end of the service. There will be no passing of the bowl. If you are unable to attend services donations will still be accepted at the church office during office hour.
“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can
say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will
be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20 (NIV)
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