What do I see?
What do I think?
What do I wonder?
When looking that the picture to the right, use this method of questioning. Then, think about your answers in light of Matthew 7:1-2:
Do not judge, so that you won’t be judged. For you will be judged by the same standard with which you judge others, and you will be measured by the same measure you use.
This line of reasoning might seem oblique right now, but we’ll clear it up (hopefully) on Sunday, when we talk about ‘What Jesus says about judging.’
Pr. Reid
Bible Readings: Matthew 7:1-5
Please check the website www.paravista.org.au for podcasts and video archives of weekly messages or head to our Facebook page www.facebook.com/goodshepherdparavista for regular updates and encouragement from our pastors.
COVID-19 News and Weekly Messages
During this period of COVID-19 restrictions, our Sunday worship has moved online, starting at 10:30 am. If you would like to participate please contact the church office for information about how to access this.
Prayer Requests
As we adapt to our new way of living please forward all prayer requests to the church office via churchenquiries@paravista.org.au or phone 08 8263 5087. If you know or have spoken to anyone who does not have access to a computer, please assist them to submit their request and offer to pray with them.
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests please refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news.
New CARE link Up and Running
On the opening page of our GSPV website,https://www.paravista.org.au/ we now have a button that people can click onto for care and assistance.
This page has 4 blue circles with white icons. The one on the right has a cube in the middle, with the word Care underneath it. Under that is a tag: Need assistance? You’ll find it here.
Clicking this icon opens a Care & Assistance page where people can leave contact details and a brief description of their need.
The Triage Officer will make initial contact to discover more about the person’s situation, work out an appropriate response, and refer the need for follow up to an appropriate person or team leader, e.g.
• Phone call or visit from one of the Pastoral Care Team
• Counselling referral
• Food/groceries/vouchers/household items
• Handyman help
• Backyard clean up team
• Prayer Ministry Team
• Pastors – spiritual/theological issues; pastoral acts
The vision is that more people from GSPV will be able to use their gifts to share the love of Jesus in the lives of others. It’s joining in his mission.
Please make use of this link and point it out to others.
Pr. Rolly Stahl
Food support for the Family Hub
What a fantastic response to the May food collection for the Family Hub. It took 3 cars to transport all the goods to the Family Hub. Thanks to all who donated and helped with the transport. Below is a note of thanks from Kathlene Wilson, Manager of the Family Hub:
We have spent MUCH time packing away the goodies that were delivered on Monday. Already some of the food has been packed into prepared food hampers – we are ready to roll!
This is all made possible by the fabulous support from the Para Vista Church – SINCERE THANK YOU TO ALL.
Work has been a bit of a challenge over the past few weeks – staying connected to people who are learning new ways to duck under the radar has proven difficult.
Persistent we are! We have provided over 290 craft packages to families, enabling us to connect to vulnerable children. We have also provided food to many of these families.
The work is complex and sometimes exhausting but made so much easier knowing the great team and support is behind us.
Extra thanks to the person who provided the hand knitted rugs – we were able to pass them on straight away to a new mum feeling the cold. She loved them and was so excited to have something new just for her.
Best wishes and thanks to everyone,
Dear Church Family,
Out we go. This week’s Growing Faith at Home resource is entitled ‘Jesus sends us out’.
Isn’t it funny that when it comes down to it, we sometimes feel unprepared to go out and do what we are tasked with? I’m thinking that even the disciples had their moments. But they were equipped… with the Holy Spirit and a life changing message of love, hope and a future to impact a world in need. And so are we. Live today confident that God is with us in this!

This Sunday Pastor Reid is going to be sharing thoughts on what Jesus says about judging others.
Check out this child friendly link on the topic!
Please note Growing Faith at Home resources are also available on our church website!
God bless your week!
From the Office
Office Distancing Update
Our office has reopened! Please respect physical distancing when dropping in. Helen will attend the office on Tuesdays. Wednesday-Friday Rachel will be back in the office. Hooray!
Online News
The website has been upgraded and a church Instagram account is still in the set-up stage. We thank you for your patience while this is occurring. Should you find any incorrect information or any questions or concerns, please notify office staff.
Lutheran Community Care Bin
The welfare bin at the church has been opened for donations again as the team at Blair Athol are clearing as they can. Please do not leave electrical items or items that are broken or unusable as we have to cover the removal cost for these items.
Facilities Maintenance
Going, going not yet gone! Assistance still required to totally clear the list. Individually and in twos or threes, the following maintenance tasks are outstanding:
• A hand ball court is required to be painted in the courtyard area so it is a bit more permanent than chalk. – 2 to 3 hours
• One way arrows on drive pavement require repainting - 2 persons x ½ day
• Cobwebbing inside and out - 1 to 2 hours
• Hall store room requires tidying and cleaning
• Window cleaning - 1 to 2 hours
• Storm water drain requires exposing to repair break. 2 to 3 persons x ½ day
Please contact Stephen stephen.zanker@paravista.org.au or the front office for further info and to book in your time to assist.
Grocery Donations
A huge thank-you from the Meet ‘n Eat team for all the donated ice cream containers! Grocery items and vouchers can be dropped off at the church Tues-Fri 9am to 3pm. We have supported many families in need and we want this to continue. Any household consumables including cleaning items will be appreciated. Any items surplus will be passed on to LCC.
Shed Happens!
Where: 6 Von Braun Crescent, Modbury North
Time: 6:30pm - 9.00pm
Cost: $10 donation is appreciated to offset costs (under 16: $5)
Contact: Jim: 0438 899 629
Bread Collectors Needed
The Food Centre at Gepps Cross is a community based not-for-profit primarily run and supported by volunteers. The Food Centre was founded in 1990 with a proud history of 30 years’ experience helping people undergoing financial difficulties and or community members living on low income. The Food Centre supports approximately 600 families every week by providing affordable groceries through our Social Supermarket.
The Food Centre is in great need of help and support from new volunteers willing to be placed on a rota to collect bread from the local bakery at Tea Tree Plaza one Sunday evening per month. This task will require about one hour a month from you and will make a big difference in families in need - from small things big things grow. If you would like to know more about how you can make a difference, please contact Maurice Clark on 8269 3396 or just call into The Food Centre and ask for James or Tracy to show you around and familiarise yourself with all of the "wrap around" services provided there.
Further information can be found on our website at www.thefoodcentre.com.au and/or have a look at our community video using the following youtube link: https://youtu.be/RKZno5n9tMk
Best regards,
James Chapman
The Food Centre
Lutheran Community Care Winter Appeal
Due to church building closures, LCC has not sent its Winter Appeal letters to congregations this year. Instead they have created a short two-minute video for congregations to share with your members or play during a service in winter. You can find this here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSnnHVjmwtI
In this video, LCC’s CEO Rohan Feegrade explains why the demand for LCC’s services has never been greater and how you can support local communities battling to cope with the economic fallout from COVID-19. For more information about LCC’s Winter Appeal, visit www.lccare.org.au/how-you-can-help/donations/
Australian Lutheran College Annual Appeal
ALC has launched its annual appeal in a video message from Principal James Winderlich: https://alc.edu.au/connect/annual-appeal/
Your financial support during these especially troubling times is vital for preparing people to serve in and through the Church. Due to the pandemic’s impact, the 2020 Appeal material is included in ALC’s Saints Alive magazine (distributed with the June edition of The Lutheran) and available online: https://alc.edu.au/connect/publications/saints-alive/ (for hard copies email: principal@alc.edu.au or freecall: 1800 625 193). All donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible; those received by 30 June may be claimed in this financial year. Thank you for your support.
“Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it.”
James 4:11 (NIV)