Decades ago, I was asked this question by a chap who did not think it was fitting and right to baptise babies. My response: “I was baptised as a baby… so I know that at one point in history, God has put his name on me, joined me to Jesus, and adopted me as his child. No matter what happens in my life, nothing can ever change that!”
Luther was subject to long bouts of depression. In the midst of his melancholy, he would often declare: “But I am baptised!” Not: “I was baptised!” But: “I am baptised!” God’s promise and commitment to us never wavers. His unfailing love is a constant reality – in which we can always find refuge – regardless of our circumstances.
This Sunday we’re looking at Jesus’ baptism. What does Jesus’ baptism mean for you? For me, it provokes a lot of questions.
As John the Baptist preached, “Repent for the kingdom of heaven has come near!” people realised they’d fallen short of God's ways. They confessed their sins to John and were baptized as an outward expression of their change of heart and life (Mt 3:6). John's baptism was a baptism of repentance, preparing the people of Israel for their Messiah. It is not the same as Christian baptism!
But then Jesus approaches John for baptism. Hmmmm. If Jesus was sinless, why did he ask John to baptize him? Why did Jesus need it? What on earth did he need to repent of?
John was not keen, but Jesus insisted: “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented. (Matthew 3:15 NIV)
What does it mean ‘to fulfill all righteousness’? How would you explain that word “righteousness” to someone else? How did Jesus’ baptism ‘fulfill all righteousness’?
When Jesus was baptised, some really interesting things happened. As he came up out of the water, heaven opened… and the Spirit of God came down and rested on Jesus. What’s that about?
And there was a voice from heaven. Whose voice was it? And what did the voice say? What is the significance of all this for us?
Come along this Sunday as we wrestle with these questions, look into the Scriptures for answers, and help one another to live in the grace and leadership of Jesus, our Friend and King.
Pr Rolly Stahl
Bible Readings: Isaiah 42:1-7. Matthew 3:13-17. (See also Psalm 2, Isaiah 11:1-3)
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Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Dear Church Family,
What took place at Jesus’ baptism?
How do you think he felt?
How do you feel about your baptism?
What does it mean to you?
Check out the Growing Faith at Home resource for some devotional ideas, conversation starters and activities to try out with your family.
God bless,
From the Office
Office Closure January
The office will be closed for an extended period to allow staff to exhaust leave. Times will be:-
Every Monday in January 2020 CLOSED
Tuesday to Friday January 2020 OPEN 9.00am to 3.00pm
For urgent contact during this time please call 8263 5087 and leave a message. Messages will be retrieved on working days over this time.
In some parts of Australia bushfires are continuing to threaten lives and livelihoods. In other places, hundreds of people are sifting through ashes, wondering how they will put their lives back together.
Many of us are asking how we can bring the love of God into this awful situation, how his love might come to life through us. Here are some ways that could happen.
To help people in immediate need you can donate to
Red Cross, Salvation Army and other organisations that are able to provide on-the-ground local support right now.
To help Lutherans and the communities they are supporting with immediate assistance and then, later, post-emergency restorative support, you can donate to
LCA Disaster & Welfare Fund (tax-deductible)
Click on the link to make a donation by credit card. To make a bank transfer:
BSB 704942
Account: 100042902
Account name: LCA Disaster and Welfare Fund
“But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,..”
Titus 3:4-5