Hosanna. Save us.
In the book of Isaiah, we hear the voice of God’s chosen instrument, the prophet, reminding people of two things: 1.) their consequences are a product of their actions. They have disobeyed God and turned to idols. 2.) God will not abandon them in their consequences, but will help them through.
Eventually, as the prophetic promise resonates centuries later, the people of Israel will not only be God’s servants, but lights in the world. And, as is written in chapter 49, “See, these will come from far away; from the north and from the west…”
People will be drawn to the light of God in this world because he saves his people, Israel.
How does this translate into the 21st century?
Some of what we experience in 21st century culture, the perpetual indignation, of taking offense, of discarding the word of God for the idol of self – these have consequences. But God promises not to leave us out in the darkness. In Isaiah 9:2, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; a light has dawned on those living in the land of darkness,” we are told of the light that has come in the darkness, and now we are called to be mirrors to reflect Christ, the light of life, into the same kind of darkness.
This, in its very essence, is the journey of culture change. As we look towards the next seven years, we’ll be using a chart like this to mark our progress:
Using Isaiah’s words, this week we will take a look at where God was calling the people of Israel about to be sent into exile, and where he sends the people of the contemporary Church to be the reflection of light as God brings about his culture change.
Pr Reid Matthias
Bible Readings: Isaiah 49:1-13
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at www.paravista.org.au
Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.

Hi Good Shepherd!
I am excited to be appointed as your new Office Administrator, in the role formerly held by Belinda Konrad. At the moment I'm available Tuesday to Friday, 9am-3pm. A big thank you for the lovely warm welcome I have received thus far... looking forward to working for you!
Rachel Koopmans

Ladies Fellowship 2020
All ladies are welcome to come to the first meeting of Ladies Fellowship for 2020. We will be meeting at 12 noon on 4th February at the church hall. Please bring your lunch. We look forward to seeing you with all ladies most welcome to attend.

Dear Church Family,
Jesus calls his followers to ‘fish for people’.
What does he mean?
Please have a look at some ideas that you might like to try out with you family through the week.
God bless, Georgie
In some parts of Australia bushfires are continuing to threaten lives and livelihoods. In other places, hundreds of people are sifting through ashes, wondering how they will put their lives back together.
Many of us are asking how we can bring the love of God into this awful situation, how his love might come to life through us. Here are some ways that could happen.
To help people in immediate need you can donate to
Red Cross, Salvation Army and other organisations that are able to provide on-the-ground local support right now.
To help Lutherans and the communities they are supporting with immediate assistance and then, later, post-emergency restorative support, you can donate to
LCA Disaster & Welfare Fund (tax-deductible)
Click on the link to make a donation by credit card. To make a bank transfer:
BSB 704942
Account: 100042902
Account name: LCA Disaster and Welfare Fund
Always wanted to study Biblical Greek?
ALC has an introductory New Testament Greek class running in 2020 which has already attracted a number of enrolments from mature-age lay people. The class can be completed either for credit or as audit (no assessment required) and is time-tabled Monday to Wednesday at 11.15am for one hour commencing Monday 24 February. For further details, contact enquiries@alc.edu.au or phone 08 7120 8200. Special seniors’ discounts apply for audit students. Semester audit fees: $360 Concession $540 Non-concession. All welcome.
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
1 Peter 2:9