In the truest sense of the history of God’s Church, the people have always been drawn out of the wilderness. A congregation is born. Generally, a congregation is known for its common building. What do you most appreciate about the building at Good Shepherd?

As the congregation connects with a place, the only way that it can grow is by embracing both a common message and a common mission. What is Good Shepherd’s mission? In what ways is Good Shepherd living out its mission?

If Jesus visited, in person, Good Shepherd worship service this morning, what kinds of things would he want to talk about over coffee after the service?

What do the words ‘authentic Christian culture’ mean to you? Is Good Shepherd an authentic Christian culture?’ If not, what would make it so?
In the first century, Jesus brought re-formation to the Temple in Jerusalem.
In the sixteenth century, Martin Luther brought re-formation to the cathedrals in Europe.
In the twenty-first century, can we bring re-formation to the Church in Australia?
Pr Reid Matthias
Bible Reading: John 3:14-21
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at
Symbolically speaking, we’d like everyone to know that the sanctuary set up will be configured in a circle this weekend! In re-forming the sanctuary space, we want to have some open dialogue through the use of scriptures where we are being re-formed in the future. Come and be part of the dialogue and partner in God’s mission to reach into the community with the Gospel that all may know Jesus and worship him!
Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Ladies Fellowship AGM
29th October at 1pm. After the AGM you can put on your thinking caps as we are having a quiz on women of the Bible. Look forward to seeing you all there. There will be a trading table.
Food Collection for the Family Hub
This Sunday will be our last food collection for The Family Hub for 2019. The next collection will be either February or March 2020. The Hub sincerely thank all members of the congregation who have contributed so generously during 2019.
As this collection will cover 3 months, as well as the busy Christmas period, the Hub have indicated the following items are required to continue to support those in need :
Tuna cans
Pasta sauces
2 minute noodles
Meals in a can
Tinned vegetables
Pancake mix
Cake mix
Cheese – in all forms
Dish detergent
As in 2019 there will be an opportunity to support the Hub's Christmas activities. More details closer to the event
Christmas is Coming
After last year’s successful ‘Experience Christmas’ afternoon, we would love to offer this opportunity again. Immerse yourselves in the wonder and excitement of the gift of Jesus coming to us through activities and stories that describe this awesome event. Save the date: Sunday December 11.
We are looking for people to be involved to help make this happen. If this is something that interests you, please let me know. Talk with me in person, phone me on 08 82647966 or email me on
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Good Shepherd Remembrance Service 2019
We’re having another Remembrance Service on Saturday November 9th at 1:30pm. It’s a time and place to remember loved ones who have died, to share our grief with one another, and to seek God’s comfort in Jesus. It’s open to all who would like to come. As part of the service, family members and friends will have an opportunity to light a candle.
We also would like to read out a list of names of those being remembered. If you would like a loved one’s name to be read out, you can make this known as you arrive on the day. If you wish you can also include the date of their death.
Following the service, there will be an afternoon cuppa in the hall.
Pr Rolly Stahl
From the Office
Front Office Closure
Due to the front office reception position vacancy the church office will be closed all day Monday and Friday afternoons till further notice. Please email or leave a message on the answering service and staff will get back to you.
Church Phone System
We are aware that our phone system may not work effectively in some instances and are currently having an issue with updating the answering service. Please be patient when leaving a message as we do check them. We are seeking to upgrade the system in the near future.
Mission Vision Report
September - 2019
Sept 2018 Sept 2019 Sept budget 2019 Total Offering Budget 2019
Offerings $40,070 $38,085 $41,300 $499,999
August – 2019
Notes since last published report:
• Offerings till the end of September are currently $42,000.00 below the vision for the year.
Regular Electronic Giving (REG)
REG is a way for our members to regularly support the mission of our church. Details of transactions are kept totally confidential. The treasurer is only advised of the total amount credited to the account for the month. For those who are altering their giving through REG or wish to start giving via REG the appropriate forms are available from this link use BSB 704942 and Account number 100354939,
Alternatively deposits can be made to the following bank account details
BSB 704942. Account number 10354939
Give Away
The church has upgraded the crockery and now has an abundant surplus of dinner, bread & butter and side plates along with cups and saucers. If you or you know anyone who would like to use the items please contact the church office.
Christmas Trees Available
High quality live Christmas trees are available again this year. These are supplied by Holy Cross Lutheran Church Birdwood. All proceeds go towards School Pastoral Care Workers in the Torrens Valley area.
Trees will be delivered on Saturday 14th December to a yet unspecified site in the NE suburbs (last 2 years to Golden Grove Lutheran Church). Orders, with payment, need to be into John Dolling (83675296/ by Sunday December 1st.
Cost of a tree is $45. You can nominate height of tree required – 5.6 or 7 foot and they will match your request as close as possible.
“This is why it is said:
“Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”
Ephesians 5:14