Our grief from a significant loss is not an event, but a journey. Grief doesn’t end with the funeral service – it can last for several years. Some find that it casts a shadow over the rest of their lives.
We grieve because we love! The deeper the love, the greater the grief. Working through the devastation of not having that person in one’s life anymore is a difficult, painful, and slow process.
It’s like taking a train ride through the tunnel of a mountain. What was once sunny and bright now feels dark and gloomy. There are turns through the tunnel, and the journey goes on. Time seems to stand still. The darkness seems to remain... until coming around the last turn… and then a glimmer of light appears on the horizon. Gradually the brightness and warmth return as you exit from the tunnel. Yet you emerge a different person than you were before your loss.
Our hope in Jesus doesn’t prevent loss and grief. The pain and emotions need to be felt, expressed, and worked through. That’s a necessary and healthy part of being human.
What can we learn from Jesus as we participate in HIS ongoing ministry of care to grieving and hurting people? As much as Jesus’ miracles amaze me, I am equally impressed with the pastoral care Jesus gives to people one on one. This Sunday we will explore a time when Jesus turns up at a funeral, and reaches out to a widow with compassion and care.
While we may not be able to do the miracles Jesus did, we can come alongside people, listen to their stories, support them on the journey, and help them find hope in Jesus.
Our hope in Jesus gives us assurance that our tears will one day be wiped away. At our last breath, another train will take us to a destination where pain, suffering, and grief will be a thing of the past (Revelation 7:13-17; 21:1-5). And we will exclaim: “Ahhh, home at last!”
Pr Rolly Stahl
Bible Readings: Deuteronomy 24:17-22, Luke 7:11-17
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at www.paravista.org.au
Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.

Our next course commences Tuesday September 3rd at 7:30pm at Good Shepherd, continuing the next two Tuesday evenings (Sept 10, 17).
For more info and how to register: https://paravista.org.au/contact-us/baptism/
From the Office
Mission Vision Support
This month’s support will go towards the Meet N Eat team. The team have supplied over 2,300 meals this year on a very meagre budget to the lonely and less fortunate. They have also listened to many stories and shared through a scrumptious hot meal the love of Jesus to many who really need it. Their motto is ‘Come as a stranger, leave as a friend’. Look for the Mission Vision Support envelopes at the entry doors and consider how you can assist, or donations can be made to:
BSB: 704942
Account number: 100713424
Reference: Meetneat
Library Notice
A book titled ‘The case for miracles’ by Lee Strobel was donated to the library earlier this year. The book seems to have been inadvertently borrowed without using the computer or a borrowing slip and has been missing for a number of months. There are members waiting to borrow the book and would appreciate it being returned to the ‘Return Here’ crate in the library so others can enjoy it.
Has your shelf or cupboard got an empty space?
If so a number of platters and serving items have been left in the church complex after the last few functions. Please check the kitchen/café area and take all your items home with you as surplus items will be removed from the area after 4 weeks and placed in the community care bin. Remember lost property box is also located on the cupboard in the hall leading from the parenting room to the rest rooms.
Regular Electronic Giving (REG)
REG is a way for our members to regularly support the mission of our church. Details of transactions are kept totally confidential. None of your personal details are given to the congregation or treasurer. The treasurer is only advised of the total amount credited to the account for the month. For those who are altering their giving through REG or wish to start giving via REG the appropriate forms are available from this link http://www.lll.org.au/giving_through_the_lll/regular_electronic_giving_reg use account number 100354939, BSB 704942
Alternatively deposits can be made to the following bank account details
BSB 704942. account number 10354939
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”
2 Corinthians 1:3-4