Finding the anguished young monk in his room, his mentor asks:
“What is it you seek?”
“A merciful God, a God whom I can love. A God who loves me,” replies Martin.
The mentor urges: “Then look to Christ. Bind yourself to Christ and you will know God’s love. Say to him: ‘I am yours. Save me.’” (Psalm 119:94a)
I often find myself saying the same prayer – not out of fear of God’s judgement, but in dire need of God’s help.
Similar prayers are found throughout the Psalms. Looking back to their crisis and the Lord’s deliverance, people praise the LORD for his mercy and tell others what God has done for them. Check out these verses from Psalm 116:
I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came over me; I was overcome by distress and sorrow. Then I called on the name of the LORD: “LORD, save me!”
The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. The LORD protects the unwary; when I was brought low, he saved me.
What shall I return to the LORD for all his goodness to me? I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the LORD. I will fulfill my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people, in the courts of the house of the LORD - in your midst, Jerusalem. Praise the LORD.
How are we to respond to the unfailing love of God the Father who created and sustains us; for the grace of our Lord Jesus who has made us right in God’s eyes; and to the Holy Spirit who has created faith in our once dead hearts and made us alive forever with Christ?
This Sunday we explore three words that shape our response to our Father’s compassion on us as his dearly loved and forgiven children: Praise, Serve, Obey.
Pr Rolly Stahl
Bible Reading: Psalm 103
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at
Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Office Closure
The office will be closed from 26th to 28th August for staff retreat. For emergencies please contact either Stephen on 0403 180 814 or Reid on 0407 881 636.
Para Vista Women’s Fellowship
Please note, there is no meeting on the 3rd September as it is our outing. Those going to the Old Adelaide Goal, be informed the price for the tour and entry fee is $16. This should be paid to Dawn Spencer on the day prior to our leaving. The lunch at the Grand North is at your own expense. We would like to have everyone who is going to congregate in the Good Shepherd Carpark at 9am to allocate who goes in which car.
Support for Family Hub
Apologies re late notice. This Sunday August 25th will be the next food collection for the Family Hub. The young people in the Transform group will sort the donations. This month, as a service project, they will deliver the goods on Sunday and spend some time at the Hub.
Karaoke Night
On Saturday 140 enthusiastic people attended the Karaoke evening. A great time was had by all. We raised in excess of $2,100 to support the work of the Family Hub at Ingle Farm. The team at the Hub were amazed and excited at the success of the fundraising and were excited about programmes that it will support. With other donations we will support the work of the Family Hub with excess of $2,600.
Thank you to all those who supported the evening by attending, donating wines for the auction and to local businesses who supported us with generous donations.
Grounds Project
As mentioned in the last couple of editions of the Weekly News, each Monday between 9:30am and 10:30am, weather permitting, we will be spending an hour restoring the garden areas to make our facilities presentable to visitors and those passing by. Last Monday 5 enthusiastic volunteers worked extremely hard and transformed the garden area on the left of the entrance roadway. If you have an hour to spare on any Monday you would be welcomed by the group.
For all who are currently in small groups and anyone interested
in more effective small group ministries at Good Shepherd.
• We’re asking all coming to bring a savoury dish or sweets to share.
• Plus, BYO drinks and wine glasses.

From the Office
Finance Report
July 2019
July 2018 July 2019 July budget 2019 Total offering Budget for 2019
Offerings –$4,1581 $35,238 $41,300 $499,999
Notes since last published report:
• Offerings for year up to end of July were $30,507 below budget
• Staffing, Ministry, Administration and Facilities expenses are under budget.
Regular Electronic Giving (REG)
REG is a way for our members to regularly support the mission of our church. Details of transactions are kept totally confidential. None of your personal details are given to the congregation or treasurer. The treasurer is only advised of the total amount credited to the account for the month. For those who are altering their giving through REG or wish to start giving via REG the appropriate forms are available from this link use account number 100354939, BSB 704942
Alternatively deposits can be made to the following bank account details
BSB 704942. account number 10354939
"But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain.”
Psalm 3:3-4