Friday, July 20, 2018

Power to Encourage

Can you think of a time when you were tempted to give up, quit, or walk away because you copped criticism, ran out of puff, or made mistakes?

We’ve all been there.  In 1997, I began post-graduate studies with Moore College in Sydney.  My first subject was Christian Apologetics (responding to attacks against Christian faith, and persuasively presenting the grace and truth of Jesus).  I really enjoyed the subject.

Yet in spite of doing OK in the exam, I failed the essay component – and therefore failed the subject.  It left me dejected and confused:  “Was this a bad idea?  Am I cut out for this?  Should I quit and focus my energies somewhere else?”

One of my mentors at that time had also studied at that level.  While out walking, he patiently listened to my questions and doubts.  And then he suggested: “If you continue and finish this course, you will never regret it.”

His words of encouragement put wind in my sails to keep going.  And he was right!  Throughout that course, I gained a better grasp of Aussie culture, the Bible, and God’s mission for his world - wonderful stuff I’ve kept passing on since!

Come to think of it, Jesus didn’t keep banging on about people’s failures, but kept reminding them of how precious they are to God.  In Jesus, we see how God always wants to do us good.

Encouragers help people to realise their God-given potential.  We need more encouragers in our community, in our churches and schools, and in our families.

Ian “Watto” Watson made the comment, “I’ve never seen a bloke go backwards with encouragement.”  Aint that the truth?!

This Sunday we’re going to look at a great encourager in the Bible, and hear from a bloke who is a great encourager today.  Who are you encouraging?

Pr Rolly Stahl

Bible Reading:  Acts 4:36-37, 9:26-28, 15:36-41
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at

Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Ladies Fellowship Meeting
Tuesday 7th August 1pm with trading table.  Bible Study lead by Pastor Rolly.
A reminder to please bring toys and children’s underwear for Lutheran Community Care for Christmas distribution.  Items can be left at church or given to Ragna Gaard or Dorothy Buscumb by 12th August.  Reminder to pay Dawn Spencer for September trip.  Husbands welcome.

Young Adults – Sunday Arvo Games
THIS SUNDAY from 1:30pm in the Cafe
Bring your favourite games & snacks
Coffee available for $2

Youth Retreat – SAVE THE DATE
Combined with Golden Grove Youth, we are going on retreat!
Friday 5th – Sunday 7th October 2018
Camp Kedron, Barmera (there will be a bus)
For youth in year 7-12
More information coming soon!

2018 Step Up Program
Young people aged 10 and over, and their parents are invited to take part in our Step Up program to prepare for Holy Communion.  Taking the approach that Parents are the primary faith developers in their children, Step Up is designed to support parents in preparing their child for Holy Communion.

Step 1 (Launch) Family Lunch – Sunday 29th July, 12:30pm – 2:30pm in the Church Hall
To register please contact the Church office or Chelsea Schiller at
More information and dates on our website at

Grow Ministries LCA Child Youth and Family Ministry
2019 Grow Leadership Program
Are you aged between 18-25 years and interested in developing your leadership skills and have a heart for ministry?  Please contact Chelsea if this is something you would like to explore.  Applications close Sunday 30 September, 2018.

ASIA FOCUS AUSTRALIA (AFA) supports LUTHERAN WORLD MISSION in 14 countries under the banner of “Faith and Love in Action”.  They provide spiritual leadership and training, ministry support and crisis assistance for many in times of desperate need.  Pastor August Fricke, the President of AFA, will be in South Australia from 20 to 23 July and will be at the Para Vista Church on Monday evening, 23rd July at 7.30 pm.  He has recently returned from Mongolia and Bhutan.

His theme for the evening is ‘The Joy of World Mission in Days of Increasing Persecution’.

All are welcome to join in an informative and challenging evening with opportunity to raise questions and discuss this incredible ministry.

For more information phone 0409 477 040 or email

From the Office

Hall Floor
The hall floor has been resurfaced.  To assist in the curing process we request that all members refrain from entering the area on Sunday.  Thank you.

Family Zone Food Collection
As announced earlier this month we will be having a food collection on the last Sunday of the month to support the wonderful work of LCC Family Hub.  The next collection is next Sunday July 29th at both services.  Gifts will bought out to the front early in both services.  The list of requirements remain the same as last month as many of our gifts have been distributed to families in need.
Breakfast cereal i.e. weetbix, cornflakes.  Large boxes can be divided
Pasta sauces
Toilet rolls – again, large packs can be divided into singles
Tinned vegetables – variety – carrots, peas, corn etc.
Tinned spaghetti, bake beans
Small butter/margarine i.e. 125 gram packs
Tea bags – large box for dividing
Long life custard
Tins of fruit
Medium and large freezer bags to divide/pack  food for parcels
Muesli bars for children’s school lunches

Keeping our facility tidy
Lately coffee cups have been left around the facility.  Staff time is used up having to retrieve, wash and put them away.  Your assistance is required to return cups to the kitchen on Sunday before the volunteers have finished cleaning up.  If you are unable to do so, please wash and put them away.  We ask that at all times individuals and groups return cups or items to original storage space ready for the next user.

Helping us keep warm in worship
When heaters are turned on, please turn the ceiling fans on to a low speed.  For the auditorium, fan switches are located at the rear corridor and speed setting 5 or 4 will suffice.  Please do not adjust the settings on any of the heaters as they have been set for the best comfort and economy.

Regular Electronic Giving (REG)
REG is a way for our members to regularly support the work of our church.  Details of transactions are kept totally confidential. None of your personal details are given to the congregation or treasurer. The treasurer is only advised of the total amount credited to the account for the month. For those who are altering their giving through REG, or wish to start giving via REG, the appropriate forms are available from the table at the rear of the auditorium or via this link  use account number 52752S1, BSB 704942

Alternatively deposits can be made to the following bank account details:
If transferring from an LLL account, use account number 52752S1, BSB 704942.
If transferring from another banking institution, use account number 100354939, BSB 704942

Notice Board

SALA Exhibition at Good Shepherd Para Vista 
During August, Good Shepherd will be the venue for a SALA (South Australian Living Artists) exhibition to be exhibited in the hall and café area.  Leanne Stahl and Ros Thiele displayed paintings and photographic works in the Barossa last year.  After various discussions, and with encouragement from others, they explored the possibility of exhibiting at Good Shepherd this year.  Together with the Board’s approval, they see this as an opportunity to engage with people from the local community and with other South Australians in an invitational and non-threatening way.  Part proceeds of any sales will go to support the work of Lutheran Community Care’s Family Zone at Ingle Farm, whose work will also be promoted.

They also hope that our facilities can be used for other exhibitions, where creative people from our congregation can display a variety of multimedia works.

Faith Gym Courses – Term 3

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Professional Standards Workshop

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11