Friday, January 19, 2018

The King's Campaign Commences

While generations of Australians may hold Queen Elizabeth II in high regard, I suspect many today perceive the monarchy as outdated and irrelevant. 

Yet way back in 1954, millions of Australians turned out to catch a glimpse of their new queen! In Sydney, more than a million people lined the streets and the harbour to welcome Her Majesty and the Sydney Morning Herald described their welcome as 'tumultuous'.

Back in biblical times, we find kings and queens, Pharaohs, emperors and Caesars as part of the historical record.  Even among Israel’s rulers and kings, we find a mixture of good, bad, and ugly! 

Yet in spite of this patchy record of royalty, God kept making a promise that a descendant of King David would establish a kingdom that would never crumble.

The angel Gabriel reiterates this promise to Mary: “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David.  And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!” (Luke 1:31-33 NLT)

For 30 odd years, Jesus remained in obscurity, living in a small village and working with Joseph as an everyday carpenter.  But following his baptism and time in the wilderness, Jesus one day declared: “The time has come. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15 NIV) 

“The kingdom of God has come near.”  The King’s campaign has officially commenced. What sort of King do we encounter in Jesus?  How do you understand “the kingdom of God”?  How would you explain it to a young person today?  And what is your response to God’s Son, King Jesus?   

Pr Rolly Stahl

Bible Readings: Psalm 145:8-13,  Isaiah 9:6-7,  Mark 1:14-15.
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at 

Prayer Requests
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Vacancy - Young Families Coordinator
The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Para Vista is seeking someone with a passion for seeing young people and their families progress their faith journeys, to join their ministry team in a new, exciting position – ‘Young Families Coordinator’ on either a 0.8 or 1.0 basis.

In conjunction with the congregational Lead Pastor, this position will be the primary connection between the congregation and the onsite Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School.

In addition, with the support of other teams, this role also includes the leadership and oversight for the care and spiritual development of people in 12 – 23 years age groups.

This is a leadership role that includes developing ministry vision, preparing, nurturing and equipping teams, and intentional ministry planning.

The successful applicant will be driven by a passion for ministry involving children, young families and schools. They will also bring a natural ability to develop meaningful personal connections for ministry using good communication skills.

The ability to work in a team and with other teams is essential.

For more information please contact the office or via the net at  under Young Families Coordinator.

From the Office

Ignite the Future building update
Thank you for your patience while we settle into our remarkable area.  Our morning tea hosts did a fantastic job last week of adjusting to the new facility.  Due to Work Health and Safety there will be some changes to the way morning tea will be served and this will be explained over the next few weeks.

Remember if you have not been trained on kitchen equipment please refrain from using it until you have.

Air conditioning has been installed in all the new areas and is in the completion stages in the hall.  PLEASE turn the units on and off using only the on/off button.    The units have been pre-set for the most economical use and effectiveness and adjusting the settings may render the unit ineffective.  For any issues relating to the units please advise the Admin Manager or speak with office staff.

Communications book
The communications book has been temporarily placed back into the café area for members to communicate with staff.  Out of office hours, please use the folder to communicate issues rather than disturbing staff from worship or other activities.

Parking lot safety – One Way Traffic
Remember traffic flow is one way entering from Montague road and exiting through the rear gate AT ALL TIMES.  Please do not ‘sneak out’ onto Montague road after hours.  As this is a shared area speed is restricted to 10KPH.

A fitbit was found in the carpark on Christmas Day.  Please contact the office if this belongs to you.

Notice Board

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Australian Lutheran College (ALC) – preparing tomorrow’s teachers
Do you know someone who is currently studying or is about to commence studying a teaching degree? No matter where they are in Australia, ALC offers students the opportunity to complete many of the requirements to be eligible for accreditation as a teacher in a Lutheran school, while concurrently studying a teaching degree at another university.

The Lutheran Strand is a program which helps to prepare teachers to teach Christian Studies.  It adds a Christian Studies minor to initial teaching studies and is highly regarded by those who employ teachers in Lutheran and other Christian schools.  Many Bachelor of Education programs have elective spaces where Lutheran Strand units can be studied and cross credited. 

For more information visit or contact the college on free call 1800 625 193 or email

Dried apricots 
For sale in the church office at $12 per 500gm pack which will help support ministries in Cambodia and Tonga.

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient,
Bearing with one another in love”
Ephesians 4:2-3