This week we continue our sermon series ‘Getting past your past’. Some of the biggest regrets we have in life are our broken relationships that we’ve not been able to reconcile. Broken relationships cause us incredible pain and stress that doesn’t magically go away with time. Some of us are living with the pain of a broken relationship that occurred years ago.
Getting past your past involves both forgiving those who hurt you; and you asking forgiveness from you who have hurt. When teaching on relationships, Jesus made it very clear that restoring broken relationships should be a priority in our lives. In fact Jesus teaches that making peace with another person who has something against you should take priority over worshipping God.
This Sunday we will look at why making peace with others is so important to Jesus and how we can apologise with integrity. Learning to apologise well is vital for broken relationships to be restored as a poor apology can often make things worse.
If you can use some help restoring a broken relationship then join us this Sunday for worship.
Bible Reading: Matthew 5:21-26
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at
Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Special Screening ‘Miracles From Heaven’
Sunday September 11th 4-6PM
Our follow up movie afternoon from War Room - Miracles from Heaven is an equally compelling movie based on a true story.
Miracles from Heaven is a 2016 American Christian drama film directed by Patricia Riggen and written by Randy Brown. It recounts the true story of a young girl who had a near-death experience and was later cured of an incurable disease.
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids will be on again this Sunday at our 10.30am service. Our Kingdom Youth Year 5-7s will be staying in worship with their families.
Toddler Zone
Toddler Zone for our 10 month – 3 year olds will be available this week. This term we will be operating every other week.
Activity folders will be available for the younger children and Worship Journals available for the older children for use during this service.
Faith at Home
At the Kingdom Kids sign in desk and in the Parenting Room you will find a Taking Faith Home resource for the month of September that contains a month’s worth of daily bible readings.
Little Lambs Playgroup
Come and join us for Playgroup on Wednesday mornings at 9.15am in the church hall. Come on over straight after dropping off the kids at school. Join other Mums and Dads and Grandies for a coffee and chat with activities for the little ones.
Youth Ministry
This Friday is youth event night. We are really excited to have a special guest speaker on Friday night. There will be a time of worship, some discussion times, games and of course food. We look forward to seeing you all there at 7.00pm. Further details regarding youth contact Margot Mertin 0401 850814 or
Combined North Eastern Lutheran Youth
We have a date for the next event – 19th November – so mark it in your diaries.
Maranatha Health
You are invited to celebrate our blessings with Maranatha Health
Saturday 17 September, 10am-12pm
Philps Reserve, Glynburn Rd, Leabrook
We want to say a big 'thank you' to Maranatha Health supporters, welcome new supporters, and tell you all the latest stories and developments of our projects in Uganda – with special guests, the Findlays.
Bring along a chair or picnic rug and join us for a family friendly morning of live music and morning refreshments (brunch), with traditional Ethiopian coffee and espresso coffee for sale. Browse at the market stalls of homemade, African and other goods, with all proceeds to support the work of Maranatha Health.
Please be part of the celebration and invite your family and friends!
RSVP for catering purposes to
Maranatha Health Spring Stall - After services Sunday 11th September
Spring is just around the corner! You are invited to celebrate the blessings of spring by sharing your blessings with others. Join us after services in the hall and or courtyard (depending on weather) for a Spring Goods and Gifts Stall, with all proceeds to support the work of Maranatha Health. We'd love you to gather some goodies from your garden, kitchen, craft corner or shed to make the stall a diverse delight for all (please include an ingredients list if you provide baked goods). Tax deductible donations are always welcome too.
Maranatha Health exists to bless others and bring life - be a part of the blessing this spring!
For more information contact Keren
From the office
Office Closure
The Church Office will be closed on Thursday 15th September between 9 and 12:30pm for staff training. We will reopen at 1:30pm
Furniture surplus to requirement
A small number of tables are no longer required for use by playgroup. Tables can be viewed at the rear of the hall. If anyone has requirement or knowledge of someone in need please contact the office or Stephen on 8250 1690 or via
Professional Standards Workshop
Venue Salisbury Luth. Church 10 Waterloo Corner Road
Date 15th October 2016 Time 9am-4pm (sign-in from 8:45am) Cost: $35 per person
REGISTRATIONS ARE ESSENTIAL! Please register online at
A new workshop providing a coordinated & comprehensive approach to:
• Health & Safety for congregations
• Prevention of harassment, bullying & abuse
• Complaints handling
• ChildSafe Team Member
This is more than a replacement for Safe Place and ChildSafe training
The name of the LORD is a fortified tower;
the righteous run to it and are safe.
the righteous run to it and are safe.
Proverbs 18:10