Habakkuk struggled with this same question and he didn’t hold back on challenging God with it. At the same time Habakkuk didn’t give up on God. He hung onto God in faith. The name Habakkuk means to ‘embrace’ or ‘wrestle’ and Habakkuk did both of these in his relationship with God.
As we read through Habakkuk we see a progression in his response to God. In chapter 1, Habakkuk is wondering about God. ‘How long, O Lord, must I cry for help? But you do not listen!’ (Habakkuk 1:2)
In chapter 2, Habakkuk is waiting for God. “I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guard post. There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will answer my complaint.” (Habakkuk 2:1)
In chapter 3 we find Habakkuk worshipping God. ‘This prayer was sung by the prophet Habakkuk.’ (Habakkuk 3:1)
Habakkuk’s relationship with God progresses from wondering, to waiting to worshipping. What happened to Habakkuk to move his response to God from wondering to waiting to worshipping? Did God answer his cries for help as he waited and therefore Habakkuk’s worship is a response to God’s help? Did Habakkuk worship God because his circumstances had improved? The answer is “No!” Habakkuk’s circumstances actually got worse.
Habakkuk was able to worship God because he lived by faith, not by sight. God speaks of this in 2:4 where is says ‘but the righteous will live by their faithfulness to God.’ (Habakkuk 2:4 NLT) Habakkuk’s worship is driven by his faith in God and not by the things he sees going on around him. How was Habakkuk able to live by faith and not by sight?
As we look at chapter three we see Habakkuk did three things that helped him live by faith, not by sight. Habakkuk remembered, accepted and trusted. This Sunday we will look at what it means to remember, accept and trust so that we too can live by faith and not by sight.
Bible Readings: Habakkuk 3:1-19
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at www.paravista.org.au
Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids will be available this Sunday at our 10.30am service. Our Kingdom Youth Year 5-7s will be staying in worship this week with their families.
Toddler Zone
Toddler Zone for our 10 month – 3 year olds will not be available this week. This term we will be operating every other week.
Activity folders will be available for the younger children and Worship Journals available for the older children for use during this service.
Faith at Home
At the Kingdom Kids sign in desk and in the Parenting Room you will find a Taking Faith Home resource for the month of August that contains a month’s worth of daily bible readings.
Little Lambs Playgroup
Come and join us for Playgroup on Wednesday mornings at 9.15am in the church hall. Come on over straight after dropping off the kids at school. Join other Mums and Dads and Grandies for a coffee and chat with activities for the little ones.
Step Up
Our Step Up to Communion program will be commencing on Sunday 14th August with a shared lunch and four Friday evening sessions thereafter. Letters have been sent to children in Year 5. Please contact the church office if you and your child would like to participate.
Children and Family Ministry Team
Kathy Liebig
Youth Ministry

Our next event is this Friday 12th August where we will be “serving” as the Watoto Choir and guests will be here. The youth will be able to enjoy the performance and then the youth will be helping with set-up, serving and cleaning up for supper.
A wonderful opportunity to give back to the church community. Performance starts at 7pm and then pick up for youth will still be normal time of 9.30pm.
Further details regarding youth contact Margot Mertin 0401 850814 or mmertin@paravista.org.au
Combined North Eastern Lutheran Youth
Our next event is scheduled for Saturday 27th August. This event is open for young people in school years 5-12. We are excited to bring you “N.E.L.Y. Amazing Race”. Tickets are $15-00 and must be purchased online prior to the event. Included in the price will be worship, dinner, Amazing Race, snacks and a whole lot of fun. Feel free to invite friends along too.
Margot Mertin
Youth and Young Adults Team Leader
From the office
Do you play an instrument or can you sing? We would love to hear from you!
The Worship Team at Good Shepherd is looking for people of all ages and all instruments!
Email Rochelle rdenton@paravista.org.au or call the office on 8263 5087
Weekly Monday Night Prayer Meetings
Following our 30 days of prayer, there will be an ongoing prayer meeting held at the church every Monday evening 7:30-8:30pm. Everyone is welcome and there will be at least one member of the prayer team on hand to lead. Please come along to uphold our church and ministry in prayer. We look forward to seeing you there.
LCA Vacancies
LCA Local Mission Administration Assistant 0.6 FTE
LCA National Office, North Adelaide, SA
For more information, and to send applications: LCA Business Manager Debbie Venz debbie.venz@lca.org.au; 08 8267 7300
Applications close 17 August 2016
Resourcing and Support Coordinator
SA-NT District Office, North Adelaide, SA Blueprint Ministries - 2 days per week
Department of Children & Families, Youth & Young Adult Ministry (CFYaYAM)
Applications close 22 August 2016
Family Ministry Worker
Faith Lutheran Church Warradale, SA - 16 hours per week
For more information contact Pastor Tim Klein 0427 821 853 or church office on 8377 1731.
Applications close 31 August 2016
International Position Full-time Five-year contract
Study Secretary for Lutheran Theology and Practice
The Lutheran World Federation, Geneva, Switzerland
Applications close 16 September 2016
Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:8