Most of us do not expect God to say “Yes” to all our prayers. Yet what happens when you keep crying out to God - and seem to get no obvious answers?
Some get angry with God; others assume that God is angry with them. Some try to find a right technique to gain God’s favour; others give up praying altogether.
When Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, he knelt down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:41-42 NIV)
Jesus presents his request to his Father, yet surrenders himself to the Father’s will. Regardless of the events that were about to unfold, Jesus leaves the ultimate outcome in his Father’s hands.
Are we aware and confident of God’s love for us in Jesus? When we pray, will we trust God for the right outcomes? Rather than giving into cynicism about prayer, this Sunday we’ll explore the different ways God answers our prayers.
Bible Readings: Isaiah 1:13-18, James 4:1-6
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at
Note of thanks from Vicar Dan and family
Dear Good Shepherd family, my time as Vicar will officially end this Sunday (12 June). It has been a blessed time of growth. We thank you for your warm welcome and encouraging words throughout our short time with you. We will continue worshipping at Good Shepherd on-and-off for the next few months before ordination in December (God willing). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Your fellow servants in Christ: Dan, Jenny, Eli, Hannah, and Zara.
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids is on a break this Sunday due to the long weekend. Activity folders will be available for the children and Personal Journals available for the older children for use during this service. There will also be activity folders, personal journals and a range of kid’s bibles to use during the services.
Faith at Home
June Faith at Home booklet out now! Grab your copy from the Kingdom Kids sign-in desk or the parenting room, OR you can access it via the Good Shepherd phone app.
Please join us for Little Lambs Playgroup next Wednesday 9:15am in the church hall. Anyone is welcome and we would love to see you!
Something to think about…..
Below is a snippit from an article I read this week in the ‘Growing Faith’ newsletter called “5 tips for involving your kids in church services” written by Sophia Sinclair. I encourage you to stop and read for a minute…….
“I get a little teary when I think about Jesus’ loving and welcoming attitude towards children. ‘Let the children come to me’ he says—and he means it! Consider how we can similarly welcome the little people in our lives. Kids are made to wriggle and jump, be curious and fun-loving. Yes, sometimes they can be a little noisy. I’m not advocating for outright anarchy, but for an attitude of grace.
This may mean welcoming families with an encouraging smile, offering to hold a baby (and not being offended if the answer is ‘no’), making a cup of tea for a breastfeeding mama, greeting children by name and offering a high five or handshake to the littlest member of your congregation.
Jesus’ welcome was counter-cultural back then, and it’s radical now. We live in a world where some cafes try to put a ban on customers with kids, and where parents get dirty looks when boarding flights with small children in tow.
I pray the Church will be different. Let’s aim to worship together on Sunday with glad and forgiving hearts. Let’s aim to encourage our kids to love meeting with their church family each week. Let’s point people to Jesus, remembering that through him we—both old and young—are welcomed to God’s table as children.”
Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Youth Ministry
Youth was held last Friday night and we looked at acknowledging God and how this related to our everyday lives and how it applied to our lifestyle choices. We finished the fun evening off with our theme song for the term– “God’s Not Dead”.
We will be continuing our study next Friday 7-9.30pm.
Cost is $2 to help cover the cost of supper.
Further details contact Margot Mertin 0401 850814
Metro CLW
Camp for students in years 7-12 in July school holidays.

July 18-22 Years 10-12
or pick up a card from the back of the church.
Joint North Eastern Lutheran Youth Event
This joint event includes years 5 and 6 as well as the 7-12.
This promises to be a fun-filled event mixing with other young people in the area.
Tickets on sale now via
Feel free to bring a friend or two. Further details contact Margot Mertin 0401 850 814.
Fund Raising Luncheon
On Tuesday, JULY 5th at 12 noon, our Fellowship invites you to attend our annual luncheon here in Good Shepherd Hall. Invitations have gone out to other Northern Zone Fellowships, too, but we would really like congregation members to attend as well. We will cater for 80 people with wine, two courses, an excellent guest speaker and a few lucky door prizes. We also hope to have a trading table with many goodies for sale. Note the date of July not June. Men are most welcome, friends, partners, spouses. We look forward to seeing you there. Wish to book? Please contact RUTH OSTER on 8265 0221 or Email
From the office
30 Days of Prayer in June
Our 30 Days of Prayer at Good Shepherd is well underway. During the week different people have been gathering each evening at 7:30 -8:30pm (except Sundays) for a time of prayer. Already many of you have come and it has been lovely spending time together talking to God and seeking His guidance for our church and community. If you have not yet attended please be encouraged to join in. You do not have to stay for the full hour, and can listen rather than pray aloud if you want.
Following our 30 days of prayer in June, the movie War Room will be screened at Good Shepherd on Sunday 3rd July, 4pm – 6pm. It is FREE.
The story is of a church-attending family that’s falling apart. An older woman, Miss Clara, mentors the wife and mum, encouraging her to read the Bible and pointing her to the power of Father God available through prayer in the name of Jesus.
It is an inspirational story - one that will encourage many hearts to keep trusting and turning to God in prayer.
Since the movie is rated PG, supervised children’s activities will be offered during the movie. While the decision rests with parents, we suggest this would be appropriate for children up to the age of 12. If you’d like to make use of this, please register the names and ages of your children via our Sunday Connect Cards - or email by Sunday June 26th. This will help us enlist sufficient carers.
Around 6pm, hot dogs will be served in the hall (gold coin donation).
We highly recommend War Room to you, your friends and families. It would also be an excellent activity for small groups.
30 Days of Prayer - my experience.
Over the past week I had an amazing experience that I can only explain as encountering the grace of God and a resting of the Holy Spirit on my soul. I had an opportunity to go camping with my family last Thursday and Friday along the river near Wongulla. We had no phone range and I left all time pieces behind just to enjoy some rest. We set camp close to the river among the trees.
Thursday night as dinner was being prepared over the coals, a sense of warmth and peace came over me I had not experienced in a long while. I sat for a moment and contemplated what this might be or mean. I asked my wife Liz what time it was. 7.35pm was the answer. I then realised a team of people were praying. The feeling never left me till about 8.20pm (I had to check the time).
Friday night dinner finished and again the same experience. Time 7.40pm. I had to sit quietly and let my soul join the prayer team till 8.30pm. I cannot explain what I felt or put any other meaning to this except God letting me know I am part of his people and he cares deeply for me. Thanks to the team for prayer.
Stephen Zanker
An opportunity exists for respondents to any security alarm events needing investigation at the church. All expressions of interest please contact Stephen on, the office on 8263 5087 or mark security on your connect card.
Support for Lutheran Community Care
The BBQ last Sunday raised $348. $125 of this money will be used to convert the BBQ being donated to LCC so it can be used using bottle gas. The remaining amount will be given to LCC to support their programmes.
Matthew Hofmanis has accepted the challenge to clean out the shed and give it some order so it can become a functional storage area. Thank you for your support
Pre call meeting
Over 70 members attended the pre-call meeting last Sunday. This was conducted by Pastor Brian Schwarz. The meeting identified:
• The ways we are or could achieve our mission
• The special gifts of Rolly so our new Lead Pastor gifts will compliment Rolly’s gifts
• The special gifts needed by the new Lead Pastor to lead us in achieving our mission’
The Call Team was introduced – John Dolling, Keren Sutton, Aaron Einthal, Ian Pfeiffer, Deb Wesselingh, Ben McAleer, Keith Kemp and David Wilksch. They will met with the Bishop on Wednesday June 22nd to begin the process of identifying suitable candidates to be called as our Lead Pastor.
If you have any suggestions on a suitable person to be considered by the Call Team please speak to one of the Call Team.
Sweet Aussie Grown Dried Apricots
Packs of 500g dried apricots at $12 each are available from the church office. Harvested and packed by Riverland Community Volunteers. Proceeds support Compassionate Ministries in Tonga through Nazcare Aust inc.
Biggest Morning Tea
Come and join us for a cuppa and raise money for the Cancer Council.
The Biggest Morning Tea will be held Thursday 16th June 9.30am in the church hall.
Toddlers and babies are welcome. Gold coin donation appreciated!
For further info contact Tina Pfeiffer 8263 8545 or Lenna Uebergang
“My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”
Psalm 73:26