This week we start a new sermon series on Spiritual Gifts called ‘Your part in God’s plan’. In this series we will look at what Spiritual Gifts are and God’s purpose for them in our lives and the life of the church. During the course of this series our prayer is that you will grow in your understanding of the unique Spiritual Gifts God has given you and how you can best use them for his purposes.
We begin the series this week by looking at God’s master plan for Spiritual Gifts under the theme ‘Gifted to restore.’
Sunday Readings: Ephesians 1:3-11 NLT; Ephesians 4:1-16 NLT
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at
Staff changes in 2016
Sophie Gerrie will not be continuing in her role as Youth Ministry Team Leader in 2016. Sophie is leaving our staff team to take up full time study to complete her Masters in Divinity through Tabor College. Currently Sophie is dividing her time between her staff role at Good Shepherd and her study. While it will be sad to see Sophie leave after faithfully serving on our staff team for 6 years, we pray God’s blessing upon her future studies.
To ensure a smooth transition in leadership of the Youth and Young Adult ministries, we have already begun to advertise a revised version of Sophie’s role. Your prayers for God’s provision for a suitable replacement would be greatly appreciated.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Para Vista
has an opportunity for someone to join its Pastoral Ministry Team as
Youth and Young Adult Team Leader
This 20 hour per week position is to lead and develop the youth and young adult ministry of our congregation so they can own, live and share their faith. The position will be available from the beginning of 2016.
This position requires a leader who is comfortable to lead by empowering others to carry out the ministry. In addition to developing a plan for the Youth and Young Adult ministry of our congregation— the person we are seeking will invest significant time in recruiting, equipping, and supporting leaders who will in turn carry out and further this ministry. The successful applicant will be supported by the entire staff team, but specifically the Associate Pastor who has accountability for the Discipleship ministries within the congregation.
Remuneration will be according to the Lay Workers Salary Scale Level 2 for accredited Lay Workers or as negotiated in the interview for applicants without accreditation.
A position description is available on request from church office- or by phoning 8263 5087.
Applications in writing, by 18th November 2015, are to be submitted to:
John Dolling
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Para Vista
PO Box 306,
Modbury North SA 5092
Kingdom Kids
This Sunday at our 10.30am service, our Kingdom Kids will combine in the school library to begin preparing for the Children and Families Christmas Celebration Service “Follow the Light” to be held on Sunday 29th November. This year we hope to have children and parents involved. We would love for you to join us! Activity folders will be available for the children and Personal Journals available for the older children for use during services.
Faith at Home
October booklet out now! Pick up a copy of the October booklet at the Kingdom Kids Sign In desk and the parenting room.
Baby Zone
Did you know that Baby Zone runs during the school term at our 10.30am services for 0-2 year olds? In Baby Zone we talk about the same simple topic for one month.
Our topic for October is: Jesus Loves Children
Jesus Loved the Little Children (See Mark 10:13-16)
Jesus Loves the Children (See Mark 10:16)
This month your child will:
• hear songs and words about Jesus’ love for children;
• feel loved by caring teachers;
• participate in play activities that teach them about Jesus’ love.
If you haven't been to Baby Zone before we would like to encourage you and your toddler to come and find out about Jesus’ love!
Kathy L.
Children and Family Support Worker
Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Good Shepherd Remembrance Service
We’re planning a Remembrance Service for Saturday November 7th, 1:30pm. The aims are to remember loved ones who have died, to share our grief with one another, and to seek God’s comfort in Jesus.
As part of that service, we would like to offer family members and friends an opportunity to light a candle. If someone can organise a suitable sand tray or stand for lit candles, please let me know. We also would like to read out a list of names of those being remembered. If you would like a loved one’s name to be read out, please supply their name and date of death to our Church Office – or write it on your Connect Card at Sunday worship.
Following the service, there will be an afternoon cuppa in the hall.
Pr Rolly Stahl
Ladies Fellowship
Next meeting Tuesday 27 October Para Vista Hall, 1pm
Christmas lunch for members and spouses on the first Tuesday of December at 12 noon
Report from General Convention of Synod
Last Sunday Pastor Noel gave a brief report on the 18th General Convention of Synod held in Brisbane. If you missed this report or would like more details you can access them online at:

Over forty people attended our congregation's planning workshop on Tuesday night. What a fantastic response! The room was abuzz with conversation, prayer and shared purpose as we discussed how we can grow as a community where everyone's gifts are recognised to further God's kingdom work.
The follow-on workshop will be held at 7.30pm on 3 November in the hall so please mark this in your calendar even if you were unable to make it last Tuesday. Any material from the first workshop will be emailed to all attendees and rsvps prior to this second session.
Many attendees noted that that younger people may have found it hard to attend in the evenings, so we'd like to offer an additional workshop opportunity.
The additional planning workshop will be held on Sunday 8th November following the second service. Lunch will be provided for families, with child-caring available to allow parents to be involved. The session will finish by 2pm. If you would like to be involved please rsvp via the church office (8263 5087), email or write 'Sunday Planning Workshop' on your connect card. This session will only proceed if interest is indicated.
Not receiving monthly roster via email?
Please check your junk mail inbox
Download the app
Our church app is now available to download, search 'Good Shepherd Lutheran Church' in the app store for iPhones or the play store for Android phones”
Time-Out Devotion Book
Pre orders for the 2016 devotion book are now being taken. The books will be available early in December for $22 per copy.
The book provides Christian devotions by Australian writers for each day of the calendar year.
Please advise the church office or phone 8263 5087 to order your copy, by October 20th.
RELATIONSHIP COURSE: Preparing for Marriage
Calling all brides, grooms and newlyweds - register for the upcoming Preparing for Marriage weekend to learn techniques to build a strong and health marriage for years to come. Our trained facilitator will cover topics including coping with stress, family background, intimacy and sex, communication, and values and faith.
When: 7-8 November
Where: Good Shepherd Primary School, 388 Montague Road, Para Vista SA
Cost: $160 per couple
Register online at
“He who abides in love abides in God,
and God in him”
1 John 4:16