We’ll be singing one of Bel Thomson’s songs she taught us on Pentecost Sunday: A New Creation. If you missed it, you can watch it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_9my24MTYU
Pastor Paul Fielke, chaplain at Immanuel Lutheran College, will be our guest preacher at both services. His theme: Love Comes to Life in the Ordinary Things. Paul provided this ‘appetiser’:
We often hear about Mission, Evangelism and Witnessing to our Faith.
So how can I do that? I don’t feel that effective, or gifted, in fact I’m just plain ordinary.
My faith is important to me, but I wish I could do a better job of showing that faith to other people. I wish I could make more of an impact for God.
Well ….. maybe you do.
At both services we will have the installation of Steve Paech as our Pastoral and Community Care – Team Leader, as well as the commissioning of our Good Shepherd Pastoral Care Team.
Bible Readings: Romans 3:21-24, 1 Peter 2:9-10
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at www.paravista.org.au
Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids will be taking a break this Sunday due to the long weekend.
Activity folders will be available for the children and Personal Journals available for the older children for use during services.
Faith at Home
June booklet out now! Pick up a copy of the June booklet at the Kingdom Kids Sign In desk, parenting room and children’s activity folders.
Step Up
12 children and their families completed their Step Up to Holy Communion course this week with Mary Jo Zwar. We thank Mary Jo again for her willingness to serve our children and their families in this way. We look forward to witnessing these children step up to their first Holy Communion soon.
Kathy L.
Children and Family Support Worker
Thank you from Marnatha Health!

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
Thanks for all the money that was donated - We raised a huge amount of $697 for Cancer Council.
Photos of the event can be found on:
The local Channel 9 : https://www.facebook.com/9Adelaide?fref=ts
..and The National 9 which has more photos:
It starts with another Biggest Morning Tea but scroll down and there are a number of great photos from our own: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153407142957608.1073741920.286174937607&type=1
Also positive twitter feeds:
Report from congregational AGM
The audited Financial Statements for 2014 were adopted.
Finance Team Leader Simon Janetzki summarized our giving for 2015. This will be outlined in an email to the congregation next week.
Cees and Deb Wesselingh are coordinating our 50th Anniversary celebrations. Cees reported on planning so far:
- mostly likely will be held in August 2016 with a Celebration Worship service on the Sunday
- compile a history presentation
- a dinner on Friday night
- a Community Service Project be incorporated with the event
- possible refurbishment of altar furniture
- we need a theme for the event.
With facilities upgrade four areas of priority were identified
- Kitchen upgrade
- Modernization of the operable wall
- Upgrade of the hall
- Air conditioning of the hall.
The following motions were passed:
- The Facilities Review Team continues to review our facilities based on the report submitted to the AGM.
- The FRT will report to the congregation no later than the Half Yearly meeting in November 2015
- The Board is investigating the feasibility of the congregation having something in place should there be Natural Disaster (as was the case in the Sampson Flat Bushfires recently). We are now looking for a team of people to put these systems in place.
- 2 vacancies still exist for the Vice Chair position and Congregational Secretary (minute secretary for congregational meetings only). If interested in being involved in any of the Teams mentioned above, please speak to any Board member.
Winter Concert
Lobethal Christian Fellowship Choir, Orchestra, and Children’s Choir are presenting a Winter Concert at Glynde this Sunday at 2.30 pm. Admission is free with afternoon tea provided.
Sweet Aussie Grown Dried Apricots
Packs of 500g dried apricots at $11 each are available from the church office. Harvested and packed by Riverland Community Volunteers. Proceeds support Compassionate Ministries in Tonga through Nazcare Aust inc.
LLL Interest Rate Change
Our congregation has received a notice advising that the interest rate on Savings Accounts will be 3.00% per annum from 1 June 2015. This notice has been placed on the church noticeboard for your information.
Vacancy - Reception Administration (Part Time – 16.5 hours per week)
The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Para Vista SA is seeking someone with a passion for the mission and ministry of the congregation to fill the role of Reception Administration on a 0.43 basis. A copy of the Position Description can be obtained from:
- the church office (8263 5087) churchenquiries@paravista.org.au
- the website www.paravista.org.au under Employment
- from the member’s information section in the church foyer.
The successful applicant will have a heart for the mission and ministry of the congregation as well as a demonstrated successful track record in office reception administration, and as part of a team. Good communication skills are essential. Remuneration and conditions for this position will be discussed with the successful applicant. The position will commence on Wednesday 8th July 2015.
All applications are to be:
- in writing only,
- including current curriculum vitae together with a minimum of two referees
- marked confidential and sent to:
- Administration Manager, PO Box 306, Modbury North, SA 5092
- or emailed to szanker@paravista.org.au
- in by 3 pm on Thursday 11th June 2015
The Lutheran
….magazine is the national magazine of the Lutheran Church of Australia.
First published in 1967, it has undergone many changes as it helps us grow in faith and commitment to Jesus while informing us about the church’s life and people.
In 2013 The Lutheran stepped into the digital world with the introduction of a fully interactive version for use on mobile digital devices.
Yearly Subscriptions of 11 issues, both paper and digital are now due for renewal.
For current subscribers, a reminder is in your pigeon hole.
For new subscribers, if you would like to subscribe, please contact the church office.
Check out the website www.thelutheran.com.au for lots more information on this awa
rd winning publication
“Be kind to one another”
Ephesians 4:32