Over the years as I've raised my children and prayed for my husband, God has revealed to me that I can't pass on the faith by myself. I can do all the above but I also need to call on the Holy Spirit to be at work in the hearts of those I love. Only the Holy Spirit can draw people to Jesus. I can't.
It is so good knowing this. It means I can stop focusing on myself and my own inadequacies and instead be at peace and let the Holy Spirit do the work.
Being persistent in prayer for my loved ones is what God wants me to do instead of trying to do it myself. "..The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." James 5:16b
So I pray now for my loved ones - persistently! Especially as my children grow older and become more independent! And I hold on to God's promise.
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance”.
2 Peter 3:9
Kathy L.
This Sunday at Good Shepherd
This week’s message is “Caring is for everyone” as we start a new series “Dare to care”
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at www.paravista.org.au
Bible Readings: Luke 10:25-37; 1 Corinthians 12:12-14; 24b-26
Our new website
is up and running! Make sure you take some time to get familiar with it. Please note that the weekly message and news and events are coming soon! http://www.paravista.org.au/
Thank you to all of our lovely volunteers who keep this ministry running. I will be keeping Beth’s seat warm for the next few months while she takes maternity leave. I’m looking forward to seeing where God leads this ministry in the months ahead. We are also keen to have as many adults Child Safe trained as possible to help keep this ministry running.
Child Safe Training
A Professional Standards training course will be held at the LCA District Office on Sunday 15th March at 12 noon til 6.30pm. If you can attend, please let me know kliebig@paravista.org.au and I will forward them your details.
Little Lambs Playgroup
What a great start to the year! It was great to see so many families attending Playgroup on Wednesday. Little Lambs Playgroup is run on Wednesday mornings from 9.30am-11.30am during school terms in the church hall. Next week, Wednesday 11th February, we will be meeting to plan for the year ahead. If you are interested in being involved, please come along to Playgroup and then stay for a short meeting at 11.30am. In the meantime, if you have any ideas or comments to share please give me a call on 8263 5087 or email me at kliebig@paravista.org.au.
Kingdom Kids ‘Powers Up’ again this Sunday 8th February at the 10.30am service. A combined zones event featuring Chris Jaensch, who will provide us with worship music to praise God. We will be watching the Kingdom Kids’ Christmas Celebration service performance from last year! Come and join us – we’d love to see you there!
Kathy L.
Children and Family Support Worker
Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchequiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
Lutheran Community Care
Last chance to get your stronger relationships voucher - The Australian Government will be ceasing the Stronger Relationships Trial as of midnight on Sunday, 8 February. Couples who register for a $200 voucher prior to midnight can use it for a Lutheran Community Care counselling session or relationship course until the end of June.
To learn more or register for a voucher visit www.dss.gov.au/strongerrelationships
Upcoming Lutheran Community Care courses include:
Preparing for Marriage
Saturday, 14 March from 9.00am-5.00pm at Sfera's Convention Centre, Modbury
Free with a Stronger Relationships Voucher, includes morning tea and lunch
Time for Us
Saturday, 21 March from 10.00am-5.00pm at Barossa Weintal Hotel, Tanunda. $165 per couple plus a $200 Stronger Relationships Voucher, includes one night's accommodation at the Barossa Weintal Hotel with dinner and breakfast provided.
For more information or to register for an above course, visit www.lccare.org.au
Lenten Appeal - Help us light 1,500 Candles before Easter
At Lutheran Community Care our staff walk daily with people through their dark times, reflecting the light of Christ and supporting them to one day be a light for others. As we enter the season of Lent we are asking our supporters, congregations and schools to help us reach our goal of lighting 1,500 candles to lighten the load of 1,500 people before Easter.
We invite you to think of ways you could help support the community work of LCC and ask that you join us in prayer during the 40 days of Lent. A daily prayer calendar is available to download on the LCC website www.lccare.org.au or follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/LutheranCommunityCare to receive the daily prayer requests in your News Feed.
You can help to light the darkness in someone's life and give them hope as they learn to be a light for others. Visit our website at www.lccare.org.au or telephone 08 8269 9333 to make a donation that will make a real difference.
Free Bread and Goodies
Free bread, muffins and sweets are available in the church hall every Monday night at 6.30pm. Provided by the good people from Prices Bakery Hillcrest, Muffin Break and Ingle Bakehouse.
LCA Yearbook
LCA Yearbook now available from church office. Cost $20
No Compromise – The Music of Keith Green
Saturday 28th February, 2015 @ 7.00pm. Café open from 6.00pm. Gospel music lovers of the 70’s & 80’s rejoice – the man who wrote many of the big gospel hits of the era.
Featuring a full band and string section.
St Michael’s Lutheran Church, 3 Balhannah Rd, Hahndorf.
Bookings via www.stmichaels.com.au and follow the link
Please see Noticeboard for more details
Part-time position (0.4 fte)
Cross-cultural outreach and ministry coordinator at Glynde Lutheran Church
Job Description and enquiries to Helene Schulz, Chairperson. Visit www.glyndechurch.org or Tel: 0407 112 034 or Email: schulzkhr@bigpond.com
Applications close 5.00pm Friday, 20th February 2015
Employment opportunity - LLL
The Lutheran Laypeople’s League (LLL) is seeking a full-time Risk & Compliance Manager. Refer to the notice board for more information.
Applications close 27th February 2015
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
His faithful love endures forever.”
Psalm 106:1