Whereas academically bright students searched out a rabbi to follow, Jesus chose people who would have been overlooked by the rabbis of his day. His invitation: “Come follow me!” A bunch of people did. They followed in the dust of the Rabbi, experiencing life with God; and learning how to show and teach others to do the same.
If we are to influence others for Jesus, we too need to be following ‘in the dust of the Rabbi’. This is not just learning about Jesus, but seeking to become more like him - as we do life with him. Intimacy with God cannot be faked. Nor can we produce the fruit of the Spirit within ourselves. As the Holy Spirit shapes us through the Word of God to become more like the Son of God, then the fruit of Jesus’ character will positively impact others through us.
Pr Rolly Stahl

This week’s message is “Ruth - Loyalty in troubled times”
As we continue the series “Making your life count”
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at www.paravista.org.au
Bible Readings: Ruth 1:1-22
There is no Kingdom Kids this week due to school holidays. There will be activities available for kids to do and respond to in the activity folders. Come along and worship together as a family!
Kindy Zone Team Leader
We are still praying for someone who would love to lead Kindy Zone and be part of the team! Please consider if this might be you and get in touch with me (beth.einthal@paravista.org.au) for a chat!
Playgroup Coordinator
We are still praying for someone who would love to coordinate Little Lambs Playgroup. Please consider if this might be you or if you can help in any way and get in touch with me for more info (beth.einthal@paravista.org.au).
Beth Einthal - Children and Family Team Leader
Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email churchequiries@paravista.org.au with your request.
How to become a member at Good Shepherd
If you are interested in becoming a member of Good Shepherd, we invite you to attend our next Discovery course in August. When you take the step to become a member of a local church you are making a commitment to God’s mission through that church. Discovery will provide you with the opportunity to hear about the exciting mission God has called Good Shepherd to and how you can be part of it.
Discovery is also a great way to get to know other people new to Good Shepherd who are considering membership.
Our next Discovery course will be held over two evenings, Tuesday 19th and Tuesday 26th August. The first evening begins with a meal at 6.30pm in the church hall and finishes at 9pm. The second evening is from 7pm – 9pm in the Education Centre at the rear of the hall.
You can register for Discovery in the following ways: by phoning the office on 8263 5087, emailing churchenquiries@parvista.org.au or by writing ‘I would like to register for Discovery’ on your Connect Card at a Sunday service.
Para Vista Lutheran Women’s Fellowship
Next meeting on August 5th, 1pm in Good Shepherd Hall for Bible Study and business meeting followed by "Tasty Titbits".
We ask that each member attending, bring a small plate of the tasty titbit which she likes preparing, along with one or several copies of the recipe. These tasty titbits will be enjoyed for afternoon tea as we share and compare. Looking forward to seeing you with us.
From the Office
An opportunity exists for two willing persons local to the church to become second and third contacts to respond to any security alarm events needing investigation at the church. Work may be at random hours and in most cases to date have been proven honest operator error. However these incidents do require a physical check of the facilities to ensure security is maintained. For all expressions of interest please contact Stephen or the office on 8263 5087 or mark ‘security’ on your Connect Card.
Adelaide Hymnfest
The Bible Society invites you to join with us for an afternoon of singing favourite hymns at St Peters Anglican Cathedral, King William St, North Adelaide on Sunday 27th July 2014 at 2.30 pm. Free Admission. A collection will be taken for the work of the Bible Society in China.
Valiant Man
Friday 26th July 7.30pm and Saturday 27th July 9.00am
Then 7.30 - 9.30pm every Wednesday until 11th September
For many years Clovercrest Baptist Church has run the Valiant Man course with great impact in men’s lives. A great opportunity for men to address the challenges we all face in the area of sexuality - in a safe, confidential, non-judgemental and supportive environment. We will be honest, realistic and deepen our understanding of how to develop and maintain a healthy male sexuality.
Facilitator: Lee Haakmeester Cost: $60 per person, Concession $35
Please register by 22 July through the Church Office Clovercrest Baptist Church, 2 Famechon Cres, Modbury North, 5092, P: 8397 9400 E: office@clovercrest.com.au
Friends of Lutheran Archives (FoLA)
What is an archivist and why does the LCA have one? Archivists keep records that have enduring value as reliable memories of the past and they help people find and understand the information they need in those records. Come along to the next FoLA gathering on Monday 28th July in Bethlehem House, Flinders Street, 7.30 pm to hear the retiring LCA Archivist, Lyall Kupke, talk about his experiences. Supper, gold coin donation. All welcome.
We can finish strong when we focus on Christ