Luther put it like this:
I believe that on my own I can never come to Jesus Christ my Lord, or believe in him, no matter how hard I try. But the Holy Spirit has called me to Jesus by the good news about him. The Spirit has led me to know and trust Jesus, made me holy, and kept me in the Christian faith. Luther’s Small Catechism, (Openbook 1996), 14.
From beginning to end, the entire Christian life is by the Holy Spirit:
- In baptism, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, are joined to Jesus, and become God’s children (Acts 2:38, Rom 6:3-4, Gal 3:26).
- Our confession: “Jesus is LORD” is by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:3).
- The Holy Spirit prays for us, and helps us to pray (Rom 8:26-27).
- By the Spirit, we cry out as God’s children: “Abba, Father!” (Rom 8:15-16).
- By the Holy Spirit, we put to death our selfish human nature; and bear the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,…(ala Gal 5:22, cf Rom 6:1-14, Rom 8:5-14).
- The Holy Spirit gives us spiritual gifts to serve others in love - so the body of Christ will grow into the fullness of Christ (1 Cor 12:4-14, Eph 4:16).
- The Spirit who raised Jesus will also give all believers eternal life (Rom 8:11).
The fullness of life that Jesus promised is only possible by the Holy Spirit. When it comes to participating in God’s good plans for his world, it’s not about me, my strength, or my abilities. It’s about God’s gift of life in the Spirit.
Rolly Stahl

This week’s message is “Succeeding in spite of your circumstances (Joseph)”
as we start a new series “Making your life count”
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at
Bible Readings: Genesis 37:1-36, Genesis 45:4-8
Bibles for Kool Zone
We would love to buy a set of Bibles for Kool Zone to use each week in their time together on Sundays! We would love a set of 10 Hardcover CEV Level 66 Illustrated Youth Bibles as this is what the school also uses; they are $29.99 each from Koorong. If your family would like to donate one of these Bibles, please buy it and we would love you to write a message in it from your family and leave it in the sign in desk draws. If you would like to donate money towards these Bibles, please put your offering in the box on the Kingdom Kids sign in desk.
Calling All Creative People
Are you interested in sharing ideas, vision and creativity, or would you like to help with planning and pulling together events for the Children and Family Ministry? We would love to get together a team of people who can help provide this support for the ministry. If God has gifted you with creativity, drama, ideas and vision, or you have a passion for the ministry and enjoy working with kids then we need and want you! Please have a chat with me, or just contact me with your interest via email, phone or in person!
Kindy Zone Team Leader
We are still praying for someone who would love to lead Kindy Zone and be part of the team! Please consider if this might be you and get in touch with me ( for a chat!
Playgroup Coordinator
We are still praying for someone who would love to coordinate Little Lambs Playgroup. Please consider if this might be you or if you can help in any way and get in touch with me for more info (
Beth Einthal
Children and Family Team Leader
Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Please join us for morning tea on FRIDAY 20th JUNE, 9.30am, in the church hall. Come along for a scrumptious morning tea and chat, and help us fund raise for the Cancer Council.
Cebu Mission Fundraising News
Scone Day is our next Fundraiser on Sunday 29th June. Freshly baked scones will be available after both morning services. Only $1 each, including jam and cream. All proceeds go to Cebu Mission in the Philippines.
Many thanks to all who supported our Sausage Sizzle and Steak Sandwich day; we raised the wonderful amount of $386.85. Thanks also to Betty Schwarz for donating $56 from the sale of her plants and thanks to Charlotte and Jeanne Conradie for the donation of $85 from the sale of their muffins. All monies go to Cebu Mission.
This year, unfortunately there will not be a winter time Plant Stall. However, we still plan to have a Springtime Plant Stall on 14th and 21st of September. So if you have plants to divide up from your pots or garden, start potting up now for the September sale.
From the Office
Budget 2014
- Offerings for April were $2,883 below budget. This is the largest below budget figure for the year.
- In comparison to 2013, we are around $17,000 above actual Offerings to end of May 2013, which is an encouraging trend.
- We are $5,894 behind budget after May 2014. At the end of May 2013 we were $8,800 behind budget.
- Please remember to prayerfully consider your offerings.
- Income is under budget through April due to offerings slightly under budget.
- Most expenses have again been kept under budget.
- Support expense was over budget as Valley View chaplaincy was paid and administration over budget as it included some rebranding costs for stationery.
- Plant expenses are now back on track.
An opportunity exists for two willing persons local to the church to become third contacts to respond to any security alarm events needing investigation at the church. Work may be at random hours and in most cases to date have been proven honest operator error.
However these incidents do require a physical check of the facilities to ensure security is maintained. All expressions of interest please contact Stephen or the office on 8263 5087 or mark security on your connect card.
Facilities and Equipment
Here at Good Shepherd, we are blessed with a facility that is second to none - with the equipment to carry out various ministries that fulfil our mission. As stewards of what God has given us, we seek to look after our equipment and take care of our facilities.
Nobody cares as much as you when you come to use equipment and it fails or find a room that’s been left in an unacceptable state. So please try and leave what you use in a better state or condition than when you found it and report any weekday issues to the office. There is also a communications folder in the kitchen to the right of the door as you enter from the passage that is available at all times.
These are simple ways of showing courtesy to others and working together for the good of all!
Administration Manager
School Opening and Dedication of New Facilities
The opening and dedication of our new facilities will take place on Friday June 20 from 8.45am.
Join us for Chapel, followed by the official opening. The doors to this innovative new space will be opened for the first time. After touring the facility, guests, parents and friends will be encouraged to stay on and celebrate Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea in the church hall.
Sweet Aussie Grown Dried Apricots for sale
$10.50 a 500g bag. The apricots are grown without any sprays, but do have Sulphur preservatives. They come straight from the grower so have not been rehydrated. More apricots, less water for your money while supporting Ministries in Tonga through Nazcare Aust Inc.
Shed Night
Tuesday 17th June from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at Tilly Recreation Park Hall, Cnr Yatala Vale and Hancock Roads, Surrey Downs. This is an alcohol free event and you are invited to bring your father, son or friend along. For more information, please contact Jim on 0438 899 629.
Royal Adelaide Show Outreach
The Bible League is looking for volunteers to help at the Royal Adelaide show. For more information, please contact Con Schlenk at
Grassroots Training Workshops – June & July 2014
Dates and course are available on the Church Noticeboard.
Connecting with Adults with Intellectual Disability
The workshop ‘Connecting with Adults with Intellectual Disability’ will address this issue, providing practical insights for any individual or organisation wanting to improve in this area - sporting club, workplace, church or community group. It will explore etiquette and language, effective communication, how best to meet access needs, and attitudes around inclusion and individual contribution.
Lutheran Disability Services is conducting this workshop on Tuesday, 1st July from 6.30-9.30pm at Barossa Enterprises, 27 Samuel Road, Nuriootpa. Cost is $15, which includes materials and refreshments.
Please direct all enquiries and enrolments to LDS on 8212 7766 or
“Christians are like coals of fire,
together they glow; apart they grow cold”