This happened to me a couple of years ago. It's not that I didn't appreciate all that God had provided for me, how He's protected me and what He's done for me through Jesus. I did. But I knew God was calling me - because I was feeling unfulfilled. He was calling me to Him, calling me to seek Him and not this world. I was spiritually thirsty. I remember sitting at my dining table praying "God - what do you want me to do this year?" and "I want to be excited about my future with You!”
Well of course, He answered. He always does when His people call on Him. "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of Him.” 1 John 5:14-15
And now?
Well - I'm EXCITED about my future and where He is leading me to serve Him! He has lead me to serve Him in places I never dreamed He would or that I'd be capable of serving. Now this doesn't mean I feel great everyday - the Evil One still succeeds in getting me down from time to time. But it's my focus and my attitude that God has adjusted. I'm focused on Him and His leading.
The Holy Spirit is changing me each day to be more like Jesus. "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10
I want to do good works that God has prepared in advance for me to do. God was just waiting for me to ask Him to reveal them to me. I love Him for that. I love how He is always there for me even though I'm not always there for Him.
How are you doing? Do you want an exciting future with God? If you do, then get down on your knees and pray to Him. He will answer you because you are precious to Him and He does have a plan and a purpose for your life. It is exciting and fulfilling!
Kathy Liebig
This Sunday at Good Shepherd
This week’s message is “Stress: When life overwhelms” as we continue the series “Is this all there is?”
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at
Bible Readings: Mark 6:30-32; Romans 12:1-2
Kingdom Kids
This week Kingdom Kids will be looking at and learning about these topics:
- Baby Zone: People at Church Help Me
- Kindy Zone – Big, loving family (Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-37)
- Kids Zone – Peter and John heal (Acts 3:1-4:22)
- Kool Zone – Girl/Boy Chats (Stephen – faithful to the end Acts 6-7)
Bibles for Kool Zone
We would love to buy a set of Bibles for Kool Zone to use each week in their time together on Sundays! We would love a set of 10 Hardcover CEV Level 66 Illustrated Youth Bibles as this is what the school also uses; they are $29.99 each from Koorong. If your family would like to donate one of these Bibles, please buy it and we would love you to write a message in it from your family and leave it in the sign in desk draws. If you would like to donate money towards these Bibles, please put your offering in the box on the Kingdom Kids sign in desk. Let’s all join together to help our Kool Zone kids grow in The Word together!
Calling All Creative People
Are you interested in sharing ideas, vision and creativity, or would you like to help with planning and pulling together events for the Children and Family Ministry? We would love to get together a team of people who can help provide this support for the ministry. If God has gifted you with creativity, drama, ideas and vision, or you have a passion for the ministry and enjoy working with kids then we need and want you! Please have a chat with me, or just contact me with your interest via email, phone or in person!
Kindy Zone Team Leader
We are still praying for someone who would love to lead Kindy Zone and be part of the team! Please consider if this might be you and get in touch with me ( for a chat!
Beth Einthal - Children and Family Team Leader
Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Women’s Fellowship
45th Anniversary Luncheon on Tuesday 3rd June 2014 @12pm. GSPV Church Hall. Music Students from Endeavour College will present items on the piano, flute and sing for us.
Donation $12 each, your spouse, partner, friend is also most welcome to attend. RSVP by
27th May to Ruth Oster Ph. 8265 0221
Cards Stall
Various cards will be sale in the hall this Sunday after both services.
Cebu Fundraising Event
Sausage Sizzle and Steak Sandwich Day, Sun 25th May. There will be sausages available after the first service and sausages and Steak Sandwiches available after the second service. Come and enjoy some lunch and then attend the AGM for the School, the Village and the Church at 12.30pm. There will also be freshly baked Cupcakes for sale.
All monies raised will go to the 'Inayawan Project' in Cebu, Philippines.
Wishing Well
The fundraising team have available a Wishing Well for hire, which can be used for Weddings, Engagements, Christenings, 18th or 21st Birthday parties, etc. It is a secure locked box and the $50 hire fee goes to Cebu Mission. For more information or to make a booking, contact the Church office or Linda Dulay on 0423 067 398
Chocolate Sellers
We would like one more person to sell chocolates please. If you work in an office, kindy, etc and have a suitable area to display a box of chocolates, then please contact Joan McCarthy or other team member.
From the Office
Budget 2014

- Offerings for April were $680 below budgeted forecast.
- As a comparison to 2013, we are around $11,000 above actual Offerings to end of April 2013.
- We are just over $3,000 behind budget after April 2014. This is similar to last year; however May 2013 showed a deficit of $5,600 for the 1 month. We encourage all members to prayerfully consider their offerings.
- Income is under budget through March and mainly due to Offerings slightly under budget.
- Expenses are well under budget due to the effect of 1 staff member down now showing.
- Plant expenses are being monitored as they are $2,000 over budget.
Regular Electronic Giving (REG)
Have you updated your REG? Over half our weekly offerings are made through REG. For those who are altering their giving through REG or wish to start giving via REG the appropriate forms are available from the information rack at the rear of the auditorium or via this link
Alternatively deposits can be made to the following bank account details
If transferring from an LLL account, use account number 52752S1, BSB 704942.
If transferring from another banking institution, use account number 100354939, BSB 704942
Air conditioners
The evaporative coolers in the church have been closed down for the winter months. To prevent accidental usage the remote controls have been removed and will be returned when the units are opened for summer.
“A bad habit is like a soft chair,
easy to get into but hard to get out of”
easy to get into but hard to get out of”