Sunday I presented the design work for our new church logo in both services.
The positive response to the design has been very encouraging. The goal of the
new logo design is to create a fresh up to date look for all of our
In the
business world they call the process we are undertaking, ‘branding.’ Your
branding should say something about who you are and what you are on about as an
organisation. In our sermon series, ‘Our story in God’s story’ we have actually
been looking at what the business world calls ‘branding’. As a church we have
chosen five words to summarise our story: acceptance, love, hope, serving and
growing. This is our story and it flows out of God’s story to us in Jesus. Our
‘branding’ is to tell something of this story.
jokingly quipped to some of the staff that we should all get the new logo
branded on our foreheads to show that we are part of Good Shepherd. Not
surprisingly they were not too keen on this idea. It sounded a lot like the
mark of the beast in the book of Revelation which was imposed on people by the
devil so they could buy and sell goods.
the Bible does talk about a seal that God has put on us to show that we are his
people. It is not a visible mark on the outside but a life changing deposit on
the inside. The apostle Paul writes, ‘Now it is God who makes both us and you
stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put
his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.’ (2
Corinthians 1:21, 22) God has branded us with the Holy Spirit and while
you can’t see a visible mark on the outside, the inside transformation will
show in how we live.
The Bible
says, ‘The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.’ (Galatians 5:22, 23)
When you look over this list of Spiritual fruit, it is no surprise that the
five words of acceptance, love, hope, serving and growing have been chosen by
us at Good Shepherd because we are God’s people who have been branded by the
Holy Spirit. These ‘branding words’ are the outworking of God branding of our
hearts with the Holy Spirit.
We do not
need to brand our new logo on our foreheads to show we are part of God’s story
through Good Shepherd. Rather, our story of acceptance, love, hope, serving and
growing will be clearly seen in us as we cooperate with the work of the Holy
Spirit who has been branded on our hearts at our baptism. This is God’s story
to us in Jesus and he writes it on our hearts through the Holy Spirit so he can
use us to write his story to the world.
This Sunday at Good Shepherd
week’s message is “Me or Jesus”
as we continue the series ‘Choices on the way’
Bible Readings: Matthew 16:13-28

This Sunday Kingdom Kids will be
looking at the following topics:
- Baby Zone: Jesus Loves Me
- Kindy Zone: Jesus raises Lazarus from death
- Kids Zone: Son of God: saviour of the world
- Kool Zone: I am the resurrection and the life
We are having a sort and clean
out in the new library, there are a number of children and family videos
available in the library for you to take home if you would like! They will be
there for two weeks. Please help yourself and take a look!
Baby Zone
We are planning on painting the new Baby Zone room on Sunday 16th of March after church. Please let me know if you are interested in helping with the painting or if you have any painting equipment we can use!
you have probably seen, the babies and toddlers of our church have been
settling into our wonderful new Baby Zone room. The room will soon be
painted and decorated and it is great to be able to leave the room set up and
have plenty of storage space. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in
helping this happen. Now that we have the space to put it, there is a list of
things that we could use for our program for the whole of the year. If you have
any of these things and can spare them, our little ones will make good use of
- Packets of seeds/herbs/flowers and small pots - “God Makes Growing Things” is the theme for April.
- Kaleidoscopes
- Pieces of fabric in solid colours approximately 20cm square and/or 30cm square
- Dolls (babies only, i.e. not Barbies)
- Doll blankets and other baby doll accessories
- Toy people (too large to swallow, i.e. “Little People”)
- Scarves in a variety of colours (square silk type)
- Toy cash register
- Toy picnic basket and toy picnic set
- Food carrying tray
- 2 small torches
- Children’s stickers (i.e. people, animals, stars)
- Stuffed toy animal sheep, cow, donkey and camel
- Variety of plastic or washable play/dress up hats
- A small toy kitchen for our Pretend Play area (we often pretend to eat and make food)
you have any of these items that you would be happy to donate to the room,
please leave them in the Baby Zone room by the shelves or pass onto Beth or
you in advance,
Kindy Zone Team
We are praying for someone who
would love to lead Kindy Zone and be part of a passionate and fun team! Please
consider if this might be you and get in touch with me ( for a chat!
Playgroup is on this Wednesday
from 9:30-11:30am. There is free play, a craft activity, fruit time and
story/music time. Playgroup is looking for a new coordinator to be part of a
great team of people! Please prayerfully consider if this might be you and
contact Beth for more information on 8263 5087 or
Beth Einthal - Children and
Family Team Leader
requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the
current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If
you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Equip March –
Saturday Only
22nd March 2014,
Concordia College Highgate, 9am - 5pm
If you are interested in growing in your faith, relationships, or
Christian impact in the world, then Equip could be for you.
The one day event is hosted by a number of Christian training agencies
and churches.
There is a broad range subjects being offered: such as Bible Study
leading, Christian thinking, leadership, basic Christian understanding,
evangelism, apologetics, mission, parenting, children’s ministry, men’s and
women’s relationship issues, a welcoming church, and preaching.
It is a full day of training, but the participant can choose their
training ‘adventure’ – as there is a degree of flexibility. For example, the participant can choose:
A full day subject
2 half day subjects
1 half day subject + seminars
4 seminars
Information brochures available at the notice boards in the foyer - or go on line. Registration is for a full day, and is done on line
I have registered and encourage you to at least have a look at what’s
being offered!
Pr Rolly Stahl
Pancake Day
This Sunday 9th March, fresh pancakes will be served after both morning services. Just $1 each, which includes either Maple syrup or sugar and lemon juice. All monies raised go to the 'Inayawan Project' in Cebu.
This Sunday 9th March, fresh pancakes will be served after both morning services. Just $1 each, which includes either Maple syrup or sugar and lemon juice. All monies raised go to the 'Inayawan Project' in Cebu.
Cards Stall
Card will be on sale this Sunday after both services in the church hall. Once
again there are many new ones for people to see!
Courageous Men Mount
April 25th – 27th 2014 @ Glenburnie Racecourse
Want to get into the
bible in 2014?
Every Tuesday morning from 9:30 -11:30 our church is host to BSF (Bible
Study Fellowship) an interdenominational group which holds classes around the
world. This year we will get into the book of Matthew, discovering how relevant
it is to our lives today. About 50-60 women come to share in small groups what
they have learnt from readings during the week and then receive teaching on the
following week’s passage. Children (babies to school age) are wonderfully
nurtured and cared for in their own age appropriate classes.
We currently have about 4 women from our Good Shepherd community involved
and would love to welcome more... if you are keen to find out more, feel free to
drop by on a Tuesday morning or contact Sonia Hulme on 7122 2903 for more
LSF Commencement Camp
2014 – Next Weekend!
Want to meet other Christians and explore how mission relates to young
people? Join Lutheran Students and Friends SA on their annual Commencement Camp
from the 14th-16th March at Seeonee Hills, Mount George!
Dr Tony Rathjen will speak on the theme 'Mission and Me?' about what mission
means to us today. The weekend will involve discussion, worship, games, shared
meals and is only $55 for part-timers, $65 for students/unemployed and $75 for
workers. Registration is through You can find more information
on our Facebook page LSF SA or by contacting Victoria on 0448 865 735.
Lonely no longer
A seminar for youth and family workers, lay assistants, elders,
congregational carers/visitors, and Parish/Pastoral Care Nurses.
When: 9.00am–4.30pm, 17 May 2014
Where: St John’s Lutheran church, 15 Marlborough St,
Malvern, SA.
brochures: available from your church, or from Lynette Wiebusch, LCA Parish Nursing
Coordinator: 08.8336.3936;
The best kind of friend is a praying friend