Knock, knock….who’s there?
Jesus said, “Listen! I stand at the door and knock, if
anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner
with him and he with me”. (Rev 3:20 CSB)

He drew his eyebrows
together in a puzzled line and looked up as if lost in the mystery of the
strange tap - tap - tapping deep in his chest. Then his face broke out in a wondrous
grin and he asked, ‘Is that Jesus knocking?'
After His resurrection two
disciples had an encounter with Jesus as they were walking on the road to
Emmaus. It was when Jesus took the bread, blessed it, broke it, gave it to them
and ate with them that they recognized Him. They said, “Weren’t our hearts ablaze within while He was talking with us on the
road and explaining the scriptures to us?” Jesus was knocking on the doors
of those disciples’ hearts and they responded. (Read Luke 24:13-53)
Paul wrote. “Since we have been made right in
God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our
Lord has done for us.” (Romans 5:1 NLT)
If you want to have deep, personal,
satisfying peace of mind in heart and soul, you’ve got to surrender control of
your life totally to God. Open every
door to your life and let Jesus in!!
How do you know if you’ve done that?
Evidence of a surrendered life is always obedience. When you listen to God’s
Word and follow his direction, the result is always the same: peace.
Barry Klaer
This Sunday at Good Shepherd
week’s message will be ‘The dead end of
rebellion” as we finish our series ‘The Barriers to Spiritual Growth’
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at
Bible Readings:
Romans 6:1-18 and John 8:31-36
Kingdom Kids is currently on school
holidays until the 20th October. We would like to invite you to continue
worshipping as a family during this time and look forward to an exciting and
fun final term.
Playgroup is currently on holidays until
the start of term 4. Wednesday the 16th October will be our first week back and
the launch of our Christmas program ‘The Things We Love About Christmas’.
9:30am-11:30am in the church hall. $2 per child or $3 per family. Please bring
a piece of fruit to share. All welcome.
Please contact Beth Einthal for more info
0438 233 671.
Laura Carson
Children and Family Team Leader
in staffing
It is with a mixture of sadness and joy we advise
you that Laura Carson, our Children and Family Team leader will be leaving our
staff team at the end of this year. Laura is now expecting her third child and
wants to devote her time to caring for her three preschool aged children. Laura
has very capably led and grown the Children and family ministry over the last
seven years. While we rejoice with Laura and her family as they anticipate a
third child, we will be sad to see her go.
With Laura leaving we are now looking for a new
staff person to lead this vital and dynamic ministry of our congregation.
Please continue to pray for the Children and Family ministry asking God to
provide a new team leader for 2014 and beyond. If you feel a prompting to
consider this position, please read the following advertisement and give it
your prayerful consideration.
Vacant - Children and Family Team Leader (12 hours per week)
We are seeking someone with a love and passion for
Children and Family ministry to join our pastoral ministry team in 2014. The
purpose of this position is to lead and prepare teams focussed on children
(0-12) and their families to:
Disciple children and
their families in the Good Shepherd community
Help equip families to be
the primary place of faith nurture and development
This position requires a leader who is comfortable
to lead through empowerment and trust while accepting accountability for
outcomes. The person we are seeking will invest the majority of their time in
recruiting, equipping, and supporting leaders and teams who will carry out this
ministry. The successful applicant will be directly assisted by the Children
and Family Support Worker
(8 hours) and supported by the entire staff team.
Remuneration will be according to the Lay Workers
Salary Scale Level 2 for accredited Lay Workers or as negotiated in the
interview for applicants without accreditation.
A Position
Description is available on request from the church office
or by phoning 8263 5087.
Applications in
writing by 3rd November 2013 are to be submitted to:
John Dolling
Good Shepherd
Lutheran Church Para Vista
PO Box 306
Modbury North SA
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news.
If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted
you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.
Cebu Fundraising
The Plant Stall will be held this Sunday 13th
and on Sunday 20th October after both morning services. If you have
potted up plants to sell, please name your plants and also if they flower, put
what colour they will be. We will be setting up the Plant Stall in the Hall on
Saturday 12th October from 10.30am - 12.30pm, so please bring your
plants between those times or prior to the service that you will be attending.
Cards will also be on sale this Sunday 13th
after both morning services.
From the Office
on Good Shepherd Board in 2014
There could be up to 3 vacancies on the Board of
Good Shepherd in 2014.
of the Board
The purpose of the Good Shepherd Board is to
empower, resource and actively support the Pastoral Ministry Team to lead us in
our mission to reach into the community with the Gospel that all may know Jesus
and worship Him.
To achieve this purpose the Board has 6 key
To provide Pastoral Care
of Pastoral Ministry Team.
To provide an empowering
organisational environment for mission and ministry by ensuring staff are
adequately trained, have clear position descriptions and ministry plans and are
reviewed regularly.
To ensure we use up to
date methods of communication and that this is effective in reaching targeted
To provide adequate,
suitable and well maintained facilities and equipment and oversee planning, funding
and implementation of capital development and expansion programs.
To maintain clear congregational
policies and procedures.
To give attentive
oversight to the relevance and effectiveness of policies and procedures
governing professional and ethical standards of behaviour and expected
To ensure adequate
finances are available to fund our mission.
If you are interested in getting more information
about the work of the Board or would be interested in serving on the Board
contact either John Dolling or Keren Sutton.
note office closed for staff meeting and lunch
On Thursday 17th October from 11.30am to
Sunday Celebration Lunch
When? Sunday 27th October 2013 after 10:30am Service
Where? Church Hall
Why? Come and enjoy the celebrations as we have fun & fellowship together
eating yummy German Fare - bratwurst, schnitzels, sauerkraut, metwurst, green
salad and dilled cucumbers!
Dare I say it? Enough fun with yum to make Martin
Luther smile!
LCC Preparing for
Marriage Course
Located in Para Vista
Saturday 9th November: 9.00am-5.00pm
Sunday 10th November: 1.00-5.00pm
Cost: $160+GST (discounts apply for single or no income)
Enquiries: or Tel 8331 3111
LCC Foster Care
information session
Wednesday 16 October 2013 from 6.30 - 8.30pm
St Peters Lutheran Church: 14 Frew Street, Fullarton
RSVP by calling our friendly staff at 08 8337 8787
Craft fair
Saturday 26th October from 9:00am - 3:00pm
Handmade Gifts, Plants, Devonshire Tea and
Sausage Sizzle
Sausage Sizzle
Tea Tree Gully Uniting
600 Milne Road, Banksia Park
Friends of Lutheran
Archives meeting
Topic: 175 Years of
Lutheran Theology in Australia. Speakers: Drs Dean Zweck, Erich Renner, Vic Pfitzner and Jeff Silcock. A discussion of significant theological issues
in our 175 year history. At Bethlehem House, Sudholz Place, Adelaide. Monday 21st
October at 7.30 pm
Gold coin donation
“Of all that is precious, Jesus tops the list”