There’s power
in our Together!
the Kingdom Kids Leadership Team
We want to see children grow to influence our world
for good and for God. God is delighted in the gathering of His children. In
Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not
hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
As a team, we choose to never “go it alone”. We
need not go solo and rob ourselves of greater influence. There’s power in our together!
Kingdom Kids is a safe and exciting Kids Church
committed to discipling the youngest generations. We creatively communicate the
gospel in relevant and fun ways that are engaging and memorable to young minds.
We see Kingdom Kids as a support program that aims
to encourage and work alongside faith development in the home. We are not here
to take the spiritual role of a child’s family, yet instead desire to partner
with you in mentoring children in the faith.
We are passionate about loving and accepting each
child as the individual they were created to be by God, and seek to nurture and
develop the gifts each child has been given by our creator.
You too can be a part of this wonderful and
exciting journey through taking an interest in the lives of those who could
(with the right support and leadership) be our future leaders and teachers.
Together we can introduce our children to life as a
Christian so that they can learn how to grow by reading God’s word and loving
the Lord and others.
Together…we can do this!
Laura Carson, on behalf of the Kingdom Kids
Leadership Team
Prayer Requests Not
included in this newsletter, but if you would like to view the
current requests, refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this
Newsletter. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by
prayer please email with your request
This week we continue the Series, “Everyday mission for everyday people”. This week’s message is “Seeing others through Jesus’ eyes” “If relationship is the key medium in the transfer of the gospel, then this simply means we are going to have to have meaningful connections with the people in our circle. Our very lives are our messages, and we cannot take ourselves out of the equation of mission. One of the profound implications of our being ambassadors of Jesus is that people get the idea that Jesus actually likes to hang out with them precisely because we do as his representatives. Through our friendship and attentiveness, they really do get the message that God loves them. ~Allan Hirsch and Lance Ford, Right Here Right Now, 83
Bible Readings: Matthew 9:9-13 and Luke 7:11-17
Kingdom Kids at the 10:30am service for
ages 0-12. Come join us!
Theme for Term 3: Let’s
Shine – We are special!
Special Events to look
forward to this term: visit from Chris Jaensch, combined Father’s Day activity,
Cultural Day celebration including dress ups, themed lessons and church lunch
in the hall.
Play Group
When: Wednesdays from 9:30am -11:30am
Where: Church Hall
Who: anyone with children or grandchildren 5 years
and under
What: Craft, shared morning tea, story and music
time and free play. Everyone is welcome
Contact Beth for more info: 8258 4878
Rise UP Dance Fundraiser for the Cebu Mission Foundation is now less than 2 weeks away!
Saturday Night 4th August
Golden Grove Arts Centre
Incredible night of talent from the best in
SA, including guest performances from upcoming crews including our very own
community group Move Urban Dance
Tickets are available from the church office
at $20 each
Come and support this great cause
Laura Carson – Children and Family Team Leader
Are you interested in seeking God’s blessing for the health, life and
mission of our Good Shepherd community? If you are a person who loves to pray or
if you like praying together with others or if would just like to try it out… then
please come along come to our:
Good Shepherd Prayer
August 7th 2012, 7:30 – 9pm in the worship centre.
will sing, we will learn a little about prayer from the Psalms (so please bring
your Bible along) and we will pray.
Pr Rolly Stahl (We hope to have one more prayer gathering in 2012:
Nov 6th.)
What is Discovery?
- Discovery is a means to assist every person on their journey through life at Good Shepherd.
- Discovery involves learning more about God, about ourselves and the life that God has given us in Jesus.
- Discovery is designed to explain who and what our congregation is – our DNA.
- Discovery shares a variety of tools for growth in God’s family.
Register Now!
next Discovery course starts on Tuesday evening 28TH AUGUST at 6:30pm – 9:30pm beginning with a meal and an informal
introduction to the staff and continues on the 4th SEPTEMBER 2012.
Register Write ‘Discovery’ on your welcome card or contact the office by
telephone (8263 5087) or email
As a team, the Sunday Hospitality Team gratefully and with
wholehearted appreciation thanks those who made the delightful soup for Sunday.
We thank God for each of you. It was
certainly another special day of community fellowship and fun. So thank you to
all who contributed; just the making of a pot of soup richly contributes to the
mission of our church.
At the peak of lunch Trevor Bridge (a cook extraordinaire by
the way) and I stood and savoured the incredible sense of community, the
vibrancy as everyone was enjoying the delightfully scrumptious soups and the
frankfurts in soup rolls and garnished with tomato sauce.
I thank God for each
of you…
It was then that I again thanked the Lord for each person
who had contributed by just staying for lunch to make this a special day of
community. One person reflecting on the day said, “Fantastic, standing room
only!! Great to see the hall so packed”. Another said, “I
had a laugh, the wife loved it, the kids ate their own body weight in everyone was happy”.

(right) Busy in the kitchen Betty stirs the soup as Graham (behind Betty) cuts up the cocktail franks.
It was not until we had cleaned up on Sunday that I realised that I had not taken the usual plethora of photos to record the day. Why?!! I realised that I had spent time talking to visitors who were parents and friends who had been invited by you to join us for worship and lunch.
A first time
visitor told me that she had not been a church attender. One of the school mums
had picked her up and brought her to church and invited her to stay for lunch.
She found that we are very warm and welcoming - and she certainly intends to
come back. I had a sense of joy as I reflected back to the sermon, ‘Me! A
missionary – equipped for mission!’ Yep, we’re all commissioned missionaries
Simple acts like an invitation to church shows that we all are equipped to be
‘missionaries’ with an everyday mission as everyday people!
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care &
it’s a cook up!
Old Mother Hubbard, as
the poem tells, “went to the cupboard and found that it was bare!” It had been
a bit like that with the ‘Food For Families’ meals, the stocks were down, the
cupboard was nearly bare.
Last week I went to the
freezer to see that the ‘Food For Families’ meals were not depleted but in fact
had been nourishingly replenished.
Another point to praise
and thank God!!
I learnt that a
self-described “rusted but trusted” small group (translated means old but
honest mob), spent a number of hours in the church kitchen preparing and
cooking meals. It was reported that they had a great time and no red cooking
wine spilt into the cooking pots!!
They certainly
restocked the freezer providing 40 meals for “Food For Families”
Thank you “Seekers”!!
Your contribution certainly is a blessing and enhances the mission of our
church community and will be a gift to many.
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care &
(Shepherding & Care)
attending the 10:30am service AND particularly those operating on Lutheran time
(running a little late) will probably have noticed that getting a car park is a
Can I PLEEEEASE respectfully ask you as members to use Mattiskes car
park to free up car parking for visitors and new attendees. Your action of
grace will be a gift of self-sacrificing, gallant and one of unselfish service
and a blessing to visitors and new attendees.
With the number of new attendees now
coming to our church, it would be gracious, courteous and respectful to them
for each of us to wear our name badges.
Haven’t got a name badge? Or the other is lost?
You can order
your name badge by writing ‘name badge’ on your welcome card.
(Don’t forget to indicate if you want a pin, clip or
magnet backing and your preferred first name – for example James likes to be
known as Jim or Elizabeth likes to be known as Beth)
Cost is $9:50 payable at front office
Notice Board
Renew is a brand new camp for young adults aged 18 years and up.
Renew is aimed at growing and nurturing faith through fellowship, learning,
praise, prayer, discussion, action, sharing, reflection and fun.
24-26th August
Longwood Campsite
$95 including meals, guest speaker,
electives, worship, small groups, op-shop dinner and heaps more!
There is still time to help others keep warm this
is still needed to help us give out much needed warm clothes, blankets and food
for the many people sleeping rough or doing it tough this winter. If you have
not already done so, could you help by making a donation to support the
increase in demand for our services during the cold winter months?
gift of $70 will provide a warm Baby Bundle to a struggling mother; your gift
of $110 will help a homeless person receive Winter Warmers or your gift of $130
will supply a Kid’s Care Kit.
Visit the LCC website at or contact LCC at 08 8269
9333 to make a donation today and know that your support will help those in
need this winter. All donations $2 and over are tax deductible.

Each Tuesday morning from 9:30-11:30
between 50-60 women of all ages are meeting to study God’s word.
Babies and children up to
school age are wonderfully cared for and taught in their own
age-specific classes.
This year the focus is on the book of Acts.
Would you like to join us? Turn up on any Tuesday morning to join an
introductory class, or contact Sonia Hulme on 7122 2903 for more information.
African Ministry Gathering
Good News Lutheran Church - 57 Botting Street, Albert
Park SA 5017
Saturday 11th August 2012 from 11.00am –
Please bring food to share for lunch. Coffee and Tea will be provided
for lunch and for an afternoon break
We are endeavouring to organise activities for the children
CLEAR CONSCIENCE - courageous living retreat:
Top presenters for Mannum retreat: Highly regarded US Lutheran Pastor and author Hal Senkbeil will team
with clinical psychologist, lecturer and decorated church work worker Bev
Jahnke to give clear, faithful and informed responses to controversial and
cutting edge issues surrounding our human sexuality, relationships, mission,
Christian living, wholeness and much, much more in order to help us and to
equip us to help others. The Mannum congregation invites you to join them for a
refreshingly insightful, spiritual and uplifting weekend on Saturday 18th and
Sunday 19th of August. Enjoy a celebration dinner on Saturday evening.
Enrolment cost just $20.00. For more information and enrolment details visit or for those not
online ph (08) 8569 2863.
Disability Awareness Sunday August 5th 2012
Lutheran Disability Services (LDS) encourage you to consider
becoming involved in running a Disability Awareness Sunday in your church. The aim of the day is to develop your
congregation’s capacity to welcome and include people with a disability in all
aspects of your church life together and to pray for this ministry
Wend/Sorb Society of SA. Topic: Finding Wends in the USA and worldwide. Speaker: Cathy Petersen, organiser of
the Iowa Wends in the USA. At St Andrew’s Lutheran Church Hall, 22 Avenue Rd,
Glynde, on Sunday 29 July at 2pm
Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School and Fellowship
25th Anniversary
Saturday the 25th
All past staff,
students and families are invited to join us for a night of celebration. More
details on our website – RSVP to Elaine 82826001 /
WANTED: Metal Shelving
Lutheran Community
Care provides community services on behalf of the Lutheran Church in SA and NT
through a range of programs.
We are in need of
second hand metal shelving at our Blair Athol office. The shelving should be
suitable for storage of heavy stock in our shed.
Please contact: Shaun Harris, Team Leader Tel:
08 8269 9300
for Marriage – 1st Sept: 9.00am - 5.00pm and 2nd
Sept: 1.00 – 5.00pm
These group
session-courses for couples are offered through PREPARE/ENRICH-see below.
This course is
designed for those planning to marry or recently married. The course covers
family background, communication, conflict resolution, values and faith issues,
intimacy and sex and planning for the future. It helps couples build on their
strengths and to develop skills for dealing with difficult times.
There is no pressure
to share personal experiences in a group setting. Costs are:
- $160 per couple if both employed
- $85 if one employed
- $65 if neither employed/students for 3 sessions (GST incl)
Venue: Good Shepherd Lutheran School, 388 Montague Road,
Para Vista 5093
to Know SA Police @ 6.30pm
Monday 13th August at Good Shepherd Lutheran
388 Montague Road, Para Vista 5093
AGM @ 7.30 with Election of New Office Bearers for your
local Neighbourhood Watch Group.
are Welcome
Time: 7.15pm for 7.30pm start
Where: Golden
Grove Lutheran Fellowship Centre
Sunnybrook Drive & Richardson Road, Wynn Vale
Spot On Fishing Tackle stores at Holden Hill and Salisbury Plain will be represented
and available for advice on the night.
and see:
Why some fish get away
Smoking Techniques using a Hark Gas Smoker
– fishing from a kayak
Fishing Products and accessories ideal for fishing
offers for the club
Spot On Fishing Tackle will
provide a Door Prize on the night – there is no cost for admission
queries please contact Zimmo on 8289 1212 or Graeme on 0419828091 or by return
email. If you plan to attend please advise as this will assist with planning
for the night.
Port Noarlunga Jetty Fishing –
Sunday 19th August 2012 at 1.00pm
From the Office
Lorraine and
family sincerely thank the people of Good Shepherd community who prayed
for us over the past months of Robert's illness. Thank you also to all who
have showed such warm friendship, love and care for us. God is taking
care of us through your kindness.
The words of
sympathy and messages of encouragement received on his passing to his
heavenly home are a great comfort - thankyou. God bless you all!
"I trust in
you O Lord, You are my God, my times are in Your hand." Psalm 31:14
Maranatha Health Presentation and Retiring
Sunday 5th August there will be a presentation by Maranatha Health
about the work they are doing in Uganda in both morning services. A retiring
offering will be taken up at the end of each service to give you the
opportunity to support the work of Maranatha Health. Please give some prayerful
consideration as to what you can give to support this great work. Donation forms
will be available for those who would like to use a credit card and receive a
tax deductible receipt.
Office closure
The office will be closed from 11.30am to
1.30pm on Thursday 2nd August for our regular staff and lunch
Great is the art of beginning.
Greater still is the art of finishing.
Church Web site: