Brought to tears

Last Sunday over 100 kids and adults met in the school for our 2012 Kingdom Kids Easter Celebration. As well as this, we had just over 25 volunteers preparing stations, leading groups, taking photos, keeping track of the time and helping to act out various milestones in the Easter story.
After opening worship and a baptism in the church, all the kids met in the courtyard to begin an Easter Journey that we hope they will never forget. Our lovely donkey, Diane, led us through the arch of palms and onto the oval where she told us all about Palm Sunday. Everyone was then divided into 11 groups and sent on their way with a leader. After a loud blow of the whistle the stations were off and we began our journey around the school. Each station represented a part of the Easter story, and every family collected a small plastic egg filled with a symbol that represented that part of the story i.e. a small rock to represent the stone that was rolled away.
After visiting all 11 stations, our egg cartons were nearly full. For the final station, everyone met in the OSHC room where Sonia and her helpers re-told the ending of the Easter story where Jesus was brought back to life after a terrible death on the cross.
We celebrated his resurrection by collecting an empty egg to complete our collection of Easter symbols. One by one the children entered the tomb (made of a tent covered in sheets) to reflect and collect their final egg. My favourite part of the entire morning was when it was announced that the egg was empty because Jesus had risen from the dead. One child started clapping which sparked a roar of cheering and clapping from the rest of the kids and their families.
What an incredible story that Jesus has invited each of us into. His pain and suffering was for us. His death and resurrection was to show us that we are forgiven and can receive new life in Christ.
This isn’t just another story, this is an amazing historical event that even years later we can celebrate and be a part of.
I pray that God brings you to a place this Easter where you can do nothing but sit in awe of his love and incredible sacrifice. I am overwhelmed by the help we received last week and even more overwhelmed by what God has done for me on the cross.
I am simply brought to tears!
Laura Carson
Prayer Requests For privacy the prayer list is not included in this Blog but if you would like to view the current requests refer to the e-mail that alerted you to this site. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer please email with your request.
This week
Maundy Thursday – 5th April, 7:30pm
Jesus Crosses the Boundaries of Self-Preservation
Mark 14:12-26, 32-43
Jesus has known for some time it was coming to this. But now the terror of what lay ahead is about to unfold. Self-preservation is indeed healthy and normal. Yet Jesus is ready to lay it aside. In obedience to the Father’s will, and for the joy of seeing you and me together with him in eternity, Jesus takes the path of self-sacrifice. It is the most humbling act of love the world has ever seen.
Good Friday – 6th April, 8:45am, 10:30am
Second Chances!
1 John 4:9-10, John 19:1-16, John 19:17-22; 28-30
Many of us look back and wish we could start over with the day, the week, or the year. Some of us look back and wish we could start over with our lives. As we look back we see a progression of bad choices, dead ends, pointless pursuits, and missed opportunities. To have a second chance would be wonderful! On Good Friday, four “characters” from the Bible will share how they were given a second chance by Jesus. In Jesus we find a God of second chances - made possible through the cross. Wherever you need a second chance it can be found in Jesus
Resurrection Sunday – 8th April, 8:45am, 10:30am Please Note: No 6.00pm Service
Jesus Crosses the Boundary of Death into Life
Mark 16:1-8, 1 Corinthians 15:1-8
There's something exciting about breaking through barriers and re-writing the record books. But breaking through the barrier of death has got to be the most difficult one of all. If someone can break through the wall of death, and come back to this side to tell us about it, then wouldn't it make sense to trust that person? Sure! Jesus has broken through the barrier of death, and come back to share his destiny with you. "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life." (John 5:24)
PLEASE NOTE NO 6pm Service on 15th April – due to the NOVO Camp

On Good Friday morning please remember to bring a plate of (preferably) buttered hot cross buns to share over a brew of coffee or tea with our visitors and friends.
Kingdom Kids at the 10:30am service for ages 0-12.
Kingdom Kids
Thank you to the many people who helped pull together last Sunday’s Easter Celebration. What an amazing and God centered effort. Kingdom Kids is now on holidays for 3 weeks. Our program for term 2 will begin on Sunday 29th April. We look forward to seeing you all then.
School Holidays
I would love to offer activities on Sundays during the school holidays, but can only do so if adequate help is provided. I think it is really important that all our Team Members and Team Leaders get a break in the school holidays. However, I am happy to run a program if we have enough outside help. Please let me know if you are interested.
Baby Zone
There will be no baby Zone on Easter Sunday but we will run sessions during the term 1 school holidays. We hope you can join us.
Urgent prayer
Baby Zone is struggling to survive with very few team members and no team leader. For this reason we have had to cancel the program on several occasions. Please pray for this ministry and consider getting involved.
Play Group
Playgroup is now on holidays for 2 weeks. We will start up again on Wednesday 25th April and look forward to seeing you then. Contact Beth for more info 8258 4878.
Move Urban Dance
Dance for term 2 will start up again on the 26th April. Well done to everyone involved. What a great first term it has been!
Step Up To Communion 2012
Our invitations for this year’s Step Up program have been sent. If you would like to be involved but missed out, please email or call me so that I can send you the information ASAP.
Laura Carson – Children and Family Team Leader
8263 5087
From the Office
Office closed
Due to staffing changes and unavailabilities the church office will be closed on Tuesday 10th April, re-opening at 9am on Wednesday 11th April 2012.
Item for sale
A laminated office desk is for sale and is on display in the hall All offers will be considered.
New locks fitted
To assist in the case of an emergency evacuation, the locks on the doors from the foyer into the courtyard and the entrance to the office have been adjusted so you can leave the building immediately even if the door is locked.
This can be confusing when locking the building so you will need to check the outside handle to ascertain if the door is actually locked.
Walkway painted
During the school holidays the existing walkways will be repainted and the walkway from the village to the hall/church will be painted.
Reminder if parking in the car park for the disabled by the ramp please park as far forward as possible so those with walkers can move safely behind the parked cars.
Financial Report
January – February 2012
| Income | Expenditure |
Jan-Feb | | Jan-Feb |
Offerings | $ 83273( budget $83100) | |
Other | $ 3382 | |
Total | $ 86555 | $ 91075 |
We have received a very generous donation of $2000 to support our playgroup.
Continuing our acknowledgment for the work of many of the teams who contribute to the life and smooth running of our congregation:
We wish to acknowledge the Sunday Hospitality Team.
The purpose statement of the Sunday Hospitality Team is, “To create an invitational atmosphere of comfort and safety in which to engage in fellowship” in that “Building love for each other, building community and uplifting the name of Jesus”
Over the last 18 months there have been teams of enthusiastic and dedicated women and men who have met to plan days such as last Sunday’s Palm Sunday/Lent Fish Lunch. As a team we are energized by the community spirit and fellowship shared over lunch.
I also give my heartfelt thanks to those who just stepped up and made a salad, helped prepare the delicious muffins and helped serve the meal. And a gigantic thank you to those who just walked in and helped wash and dry dishes.
I wish to personally thank the team for their time and energy and personal costs.
Snap shots of some of the team in preparation on Saturday…….
Other Sunday lunches to mark in your diary
May 20th Maranatha Health BBQ Lunch
May 27th Pentecost Sunday – Curry Lunch
July 22nd Hot Soup and rolls Sunday
August 26th Cebu Mission Foundation – scones
September 16th Celebrating Culture Lunch
October 28th Reformation Sunday Lunch
November 25th Cebu Mission Foundation BBQ
December 2nd Kingdom Kids Celebratory Lunch
Barry Klaer
Pastoral Care and Fellowship team Leader
notice board
Please check the church notice board for further details of all notice board news
Pentecost Sunday evening service
St Mark's Anglican Church will once again be holding an Ecumenical Pentecost Service on Sunday, 27 May, at 6.30 pm. An offertory for Schools Ministry in Tea Tree Gully will be taken during the service.
St. John's Lutheran Church, Tea Tree Gully
Would like to invite you to join them in celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the formation of the church at
182 Hancock Road, Ridgehaven on Sunday 6th May 2012. Worship starts at 10.00am followed by a shared community lunch and an afternoon of fellowship.
182 Hancock Road, Ridgehaven on Sunday 6th May 2012. Worship starts at 10.00am followed by a shared community lunch and an afternoon of fellowship.
Grassroots Training at Australian Lutheran College
Over the next few months, Grassroots Training will hold the following workshops in Western Australia and South Australia. These workshops are open for all to attend.
- A two day workshop on ‘Spiritual Resilience’ led by Dr John Kleinig (Author of ‘Grace upon Grace: Spirituality for Today’), will be held at St Luke’s Lutheran Church, Parkwood WA on 27th and 28th April.
- A team of presenters led by Rev Bob Kempe (ALC Lecturer in Clinical Pastoral Education) will run a series of workshops on ‘Building Healthy Relationships’. These workshops will be held on a Tuesday evening over
4 weeks from 17 April through to 8 May and will be held at Australian Lutheran College, North Adelaide SA. - A two day workshop on ‘Leading Ministry Teams’ facilitated by Rev Robin Stelzer (Ministry Team Leader, Rochdale Qld), will be held at Tanunda on 1st and 2nd June.
Register for these workshops online now at To obtain more information, please phone 8267 7390 or email enquiries to:
Please check the church notice board for details of all job vacancies
Employment opportunity - LLL
The Lutheran Laypeople’s League (LLL) is seeking a full-time Operations Assistant.
Refer to the notice board for more information.
Applications close 4 May 2012.
Seven days without prayer make one weak
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm