The power of a good story
I think most of us love a good story. We are drawn to people who can tell a good story. As a preacher I can quickly see people tune in and listen more intently when I start telling a story. I just wish I could find more stories to tell.
Stories are very powerful. They can move us to tears. They can inspire us to greater things. They can pass on faith and values. Stories also pass on truth that can hold us in good stead when needed. In the book of Revelation we are told that when the dragon (Satan) was hurled out of heaven down to earth, his plan to lead God’s people astray through accusation came unstuck ‘by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.’ (Revelation 12:11) The stories these people told about how God had been at work in their life through Jesus overcame the lying accusations of Satan both in their lives and the lives of their hearers.
Since returning from holidays I have heard stories about how people invited friends to our Christmas services and how these friends were blessed by that. A Bible was given to someone as a result of the questions they had from the Christmas service. I’ve also heard a couple of great stories about answered prayer. I would love these stories to be told to the wider congregation to celebrate what God is doing among us and to inspire us to attempt greater things for God.
This year I would like to incorporate more sharing of stories in the Sunday services. This is quite a challenge for a number of reasons. Firstly, we need to collect the stories, which is not easy in a church of our size. There are just too many people to know what God is up to in their lives. This means we need everyone to be on the
lookout for a good story about how God is at work that can be shared in church. If you sense God has done something special in your life that others may be blessed by hearing about it, please come and share it with one of the pastors or staff. Likewise if you hear someone tell a good story, please let us know.
lookout for a good story about how God is at work that can be shared in church. If you sense God has done something special in your life that others may be blessed by hearing about it, please come and share it with one of the pastors or staff. Likewise if you hear someone tell a good story, please let us know.
Secondly, most of us probably feel that what we have to say is not worth sharing. Our story is not sensational or interesting enough. The reality is that most of the time God is at work in the ordinary. Sometimes it is so much a part of the ordinary that we miss it. When we hear a story about God at work in the everyday hustle and bustle of life it helps us better see God at work in our own everyday life.
Thirdly, one of the greatest fears people have is standing up and speaking in front of a large group. I understand this. We can help overcome this by using a simple interview style to draw the story out. If this is still too threatening we can get you to write the story down and one of the pastors can share it on your behalf.
To help story sharing to become a regular part of our worship services I need the help of everyone in our church to firstly, be willing to share their own stories of what God is up to in their lives and secondly to be on the lookout for other’s stories which could be shared. If a story comes to mind as you read this article please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone 8263 5087 or email –
Pastor Noel
Prayer Requests

This week. We continue the theme, “Better Than Busy”. With the title “Building Margin into your life”. Too much activity in your life, too much change, too many choices, too much work, too much debt, and too much media exposure? We’re stressed by information overload. We’re stressed by accessibility overload. We’re connected all the time. We’re stressed by the pace of life.
So what’s the solution?
Bible Readings: Mark 6:30-34, 45-46
Podcasts available at
!!! Evacuation procedure !!!
The signal to evacuate the building is prolonged blasts on a whistle by any person aware of an emergency.
Whistles are located behind the altar, front office entrance, on the wall near the usher’s cupboard, hall, kitchen, Education Centre and Hut.
If there is an emergency, everyone in the building needs to move quickly without running to the assembly spots which are on the Montague Road footpath, the car park on the adjacent shopping centre (if there is a large gathering) or the footpath along the fence near the school oval. If raining there is plenty of shelter under the school verandahs.
The person leading an activity is responsible for ensuring the emergency procedures are followed and to designate a person/s to check toilets and other areas in which the occupants may not hear the whistle.
Hopefully there will not be the necessity to put into practice our Evacuation Procedure.
I’m back and ready to go
I am pumped to be back after 3 weeks off and am looking forward to a great year of ministry here at Para Vista. I am especially looking forward to partnering with the parents and grandparents within our community as we encourage and nurture the faith of our children. We are blessed to have an incredible leadership team who are already dreaming and planning for a God inspired year of adventure, growth and fun. Keep your eyes and ears open for more information on the year ahead.
Messy Church…
We are in the early stages of starting up a Messy Church style Playgroup and have already been blessed financially and spiritually, giving the program a healthy start. We will have a brand new team of 6 running our play group this year and I ask that you keep the team in your prayers as we meet to pray, plan and prepare for what we believe will be a life changing year in the life of our local community. There is still room for more involvement so don’t be shy! Grab a jersey and come join the team. Play group will start on Wednesday 8th February from 9:30am -11:30am in the hall. All welcome.
Kingdom Kids Holiday Program
Come along this Sunday for some awesome fun and adventure as we learn more about our awesome God. Due to the heat we will no longer be having Mini Olympics, but will do something indoors instead. See you there (both morning services)
Move Urban Dance
Due to popular demand, primary dance classes will continue this year on Thursday afternoons in the church Hall. Classes will begin on Thursday 9th February for ages 4-7 (3:45pm-4:30pm ) and ages 8-12 (4:30pm – 5:30pm ). We don’t have enough interest to run a middle school/early high school class but encourage those that are interested to check out for local hip hop classes. Please contact Laura on 8263 5087 to register.
Wanting to have your child baptised?
Our first ‘Having Your Child Baptised’ course for 2012 will be held at the church on Wednesdays 29th February, 7th March and 14th March from 7:30pm -8:30pm with Pastor Rolly. If you are interested in having your child baptised please contact the church office for information about course registration and baptism dates.
Invigorate 2012 – Saturday 18th Feb (Unity College, Murray Bridge)
I am blessed to be on the team organising this State Children’s Ministry event for 2012 and can tell you that we are in for a fantastic day! If you are currently involved in Children’s Ministry or are considering an involvement I strongly encourage you to come along. I am hoping to take a team up with me from our church and will ensure the cost of the day is covered. For more information on the key note speaker, workshops and registration go to Please contact Laura ASAP if you are interested so that registrations can be processed together.
Back to School Service – I need your help!
Our 2012 Back to School Service will be help on Sunday 5th February at 10:30am . The service will be packed with prayers and blessings for our teachers, students and brand new receptions. There will also be great music, children’s entertainment, God filled and inspired message ‘Better than Busy’ and a shared FREE community lunch. I am looking for people to help in the following areas
- 10-15 people to bring salads for our shared lunch
- 5-10 people to bring finger food desserts (i.e. cupcakes, fairy bread, slice etc)
- 5 -10 people to help with set up, serving and pack up
If you are able to help with one of these tasks please contact Laura on 8263 5087, write on your welcome card ‘back to school lunch’ or send an email to Please consider helping to make this day a truly special event for the children and families in our church and school communities.
Laura Carson
Children and Family Team Leader 8263 5087
Small Groups Launch – Sunday 19th February 2012
Our Sunday services on 19th Februry 2012 will be highlighting the purposes and blessings of small groups, and providing opportunities for people to try out a small group. I will be preaching on the importance of Growing in Jesus Together!
We would LOVE to share some positive small group stories at our services. For example, how being in a small group has helped a person:
- through a difficult time (grief, loss, struggle, crisis,…).
- overcome a personal struggle through support and accountability.
- find acceptance, friendship, and a sense of belonging.
- grasp the love of Jesus at a deeper level.
- grow in character, faith, hope, and love.
- discover opportunities to serve others.
If you or someone in your group has a “good news” story, I’d love to hear it!
If appropriate, there are several ways we can share stories in the worship setting:
- A person telling or reading their story.
- An interview style where we can prepare questions and answers.
- A pre-recorded interview that is shown on the screen.
Stories need to be REAL, to the point, and giving glory to God! I am happy to help people with this.
Please note we will NOT be holding a lunch or dinner at Good Shepherd. Rather, we are asking small groups to be open to the possibility of hosting some new people on Sunday 19 February – or a time slot during that following week.
Three weeks leading up to this date, we will be distributing flyers at worship where people can express interest in trying out a small group. I will allocate these to various group leaders to make contact and provide details of the next gathering of their group.
Small Groups can do something social or fun (e.g. lunch or dinner, a gathering in the park, trip to the beach); or follow their normal group pattern. If you’re already in a small group, please explore this with your group so we can have healthy participation.
Lent Studies – Crossing the Boundaries
The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday: 22nd February in 2012. Through Lent we will be taking a fresh look at Jesus through the Gospel of Mark. Who is Jesus? Why does Jesus cross all sorts of “boundaries” of his day? What does it mean for us to follow Jesus?
To “value add” into this series, we will be offering a series of 5 Bible Studies for small groups – which will be emailed to small group leaders in early February. If anyone else is interested, please write “Lent Studies” on your Sunday Welcome Card and your email address. If you require a printed copy, please write “Printed copy” on your Welcome Card and Lorraine will place it in your pigeon hole.
Joy in Jesus!
Rolly Stahl
Associate Pastor - Discipleship & Small Group Ministries
Women's Fellowship
Our first meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday 7th February beginning at 12noon with a BYO sandwich lunch in the church hall. Fresh fruit supplied by the exec committee. Bible study will follow before discussing and approving the program for 2012.
There will be a trading table, proceeds of which support projects of Lutheran Women of SA (LWSA) and Australia(LWA). These projects include:
LWSA - Amandus (Lutheran Disability Services), SA Director for Children, Youth and Family Ministry, Lutheran Aged Care, Lutheran Community Care, Lutheran Media Ministry, SA Deaf Ministry, Alice Springs Town Ministry.
LWA - Aboriginal Missions, Australian Lutheran World Service, Australian Lutheran College (ALC) Women's Auxiliary, ALC Pastoral Ministry Student's Assistance Fund), Papua New Guinea (PNG) Scholarship Fund, Debora Orphanage (Indonesia), Home of Praise in slums of Bangkok, Scholarships for students from overseas to study through ALC, Bethany Home for children/people with severe disabilities, Solar Panels for emergency power for Lutheran Health Service sub-centres in PNG, Cebu Mission and Maranatha Health.
As coordinators for “Food For Families” we are well aware of how people today are very time poor. (This current sermon series should help alleviate that!!) A small group has offered to have a huge cook-up however, they need your help!
To greatly assist with the cook-up, I am asking for your help with donations of non-perishable food, such as pasta, rice, tins of sweet corn, peas, diced or puree tomatoes, tuna, salmon and any other ingredients that will help make a delicious wholesome meal for, well maybe you!
Can you help? A clearly marked “Food For Families” box will be placed in the church hall servery area for your convenience.
Or,…. are you able to prepare ‘one off’ meals for those with special needs, e.g. diabetic, gluten free and etc. If you can assist in this area please contact me at the church office or Sue Renfrey on 8250 0576, email
Thank you in anticipation for love and care for others in our church family.
Barry Klaer, Pastoral Care and Fellowship, Shepherding and Care
Sue and Graham Renfrey, Food For Families Coordinators.
And dear God, it would be good to know the names of all the people in our church. I know
if they had name badges that it would help me and everyone else get to know them better too. Amen!
Name badges can be ordered by writing ‘Name badge’ on your welcome card. Write your preferred name and choice of magnet, pin or clip. Avoid the post Christmas rush – order your name badge now! Cost is $9:50 each badge
What is Discovery?
· Discovery is a means to assist every person on their journey through life at Good Shepherd.
· Discovery involves learning more about God, about ourselves and the life that God has given us in Jesus.
- Discovery is designed to explain who and what our congregation is – our DNA.
- Discovery shares a variety of tools for growth in God’s family.
Register Now!
The next Discovery course starts on Tuesday evening 21st February at 6:30pm – 9:30pm beginning with a meal and an informal introduction to the staff; and continues on the 28th February 2012.
To Register Write ‘Discovery’ on your welcome card or contact the office by telephone (8263 5087) or email
From the Administration Manager
Position Vacant
Administration Manager
(Part Time – 18 hours per week)
We are seeking an organised self-starter, passionate about our mission and vision at Good Shepherd, for the position of Administration Manager.
This position requires a person who:
- is growing in their faith
- is able to keep confidences
- can work in, and lead in a team environment which models Christian discipleship
- has high level communication and interpersonal skills
- good time management and organizational skills
- is visionary.
Skills required:
- ability to maintain, review and modify systems and policies
- good IT skills and understanding of the increasing role of technology
- an understanding of budgeting and associated issues.
Knowledge of the congregation is highly desirable.
Remuneration will be negotiated according to experience.
The position will commence as of 28/03/2012.
Position Description for this position is available from the church office 8263 5087, or from the member’s information section in the church foyer.
Direct any queries to John Dolling, Administration Manager 8263 5087 or
Applications, in writing only, by Friday 10th February 2012, should include current curriculum vitae together with referees and be sent (marked confidential) to:
The Administration Manager
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Para Vista
PO Box 306
Modbury North SA 5092
Finances 2011
Our mission has been blessed this year by the support of those who call Good Shepherd their church home.
In faith we budgeted offerings of 499000 for 2011. Offerings for 2011 totalled $500364. This will go some way to overcoming our budgeted deficit of just over $13000. We thank God for your generous support of the mission of your church.
An unaudited summary of our financial situation for 2011 should be available in the next 2 weeks.
Carpet/chair cleaning
As part of our ongoing care for our facilities, sections of the carpet have been cleaned: the Education Centre(as this is used for Baby Zone on Sundays), the Parenting Room in the church, extension into the hall and the bank of chairs in front of the sound desk.
The hall floor has been polished.
The closer on the outside door to the front office has been replaced.
Some of the preparation work to replace sections of the car park has been completed.
From the Office
Pigeon Holes updated for 2012
Please note that your pigeon hole may have ‘moved’. Please remember to check yours each week. To help you remember, why not leave your name badge in your pigeon hole and collect it each Sunday before worship!
If you have not been allocated a pigeon hole, OR would like one, please contact the church office 8263 5087 or email:
notice board
If you are heading to uni or tertiary studies, coming down from the country or leaping from high school to a large university, at O-Day you will find many friendly faces and people who ‘know the ropes’ and are seasoned students. You are invited to O-Day on Saturday 18th February, at 12.30 pm in North Adelaide. It includes a free pancake lunch, pizza dinner and a trip to your particular campus. If you are a student or know a student, check out the web page for all the details:, or contact Victoria (0417 850 042) or Pastor Mike Pietsch (8370 3615 or 0409 725 573).
'Preparing for Marriage' Course
Saturday 18 [9am-5pm] and Sunday 19 February 2012 [1pm-5pm]
Venue: Good Shepherd Lutheran School, 388 Montague Road, Para Vista
Cost: $160/couple if both employed; $85 if one employed; $65 if neither employed/students
For registrations or more information: phone: 8331 3111; Email:
Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises!
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm