Horse Riding –
The Key to Meekness

One of the great joys of our life as a family is horses. Over the years my wife and one of our daughters have trained and ridden horses for show jumping events.
In one of the stables, helping out one day I was crashing around with a bucket. I ignored our horse Snoopy while I went about my business, but he didn't ignore me. While I was stooped over, scooping things up with my shovel, he kicked me in the shoulder. I was able to get out of the stall quickly, but I thought he had broken my arm—and I was thankful he didn't kick me in the head. I couldn't believe such a gentle looking creature was capable of such power. I walked around in pain thinking—“That horse is out of control”.
Shortly after I witnessed my wife riding that horse in a show jumping event. That horse was just as big and powerful as when he kicked me, and yet, her rider—a wee slip of a girl--would gently tug the reins and he would do whatever she guided him to do. It was a powerful animal, but the power was under control.
Did you know that the Greek word for "meek" was the same word that was used to describe a horse that had been trained by its master?
Meekness doesn't mean weakness; it means "power under control." Someone who is meek is strong enough to be gentle, strong enough to be tender, and yet, strong enough to be forceful when necessary.
Aristotle described meekness as the balance between two extremes—a person who is angry at the right time, but never angry at the wrong time; a person who pushes forward when he needs to push forward, and who pulls back when he needs to pull back. But like the trained horse, that person doesn't do this on his own—he does it as he is guided by his master.
Moses, Joshua, David, Deborah, Ruth, Mary, Jesus, and Paul: these characters had strong personalities—but their strength was used for God's glory because it was under his control.
There are three kinds of people: victims, victimizers, and the meek. The meek are too strong to become victims, and they're too compassionate to be victimizers. Instead, they become heroes, defenders, and protectors. They stand up for the weak and the oppressed. They're able to do this because they have surrendered their strength to the Lordship of Christ, and he uses it for his glory.
Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek." It means, "Blessed are those who don't let their power go to their head, but who instead surrender it to God, for him to use as he sees fit." Those who do that, he said, will inherit the earth.
Dean Eaton
Weekly Prayer Requests…
..are not included in this newsletter. If you would like to view the current requests, please refer to the email that alerted you to this Newsletter. If you have a prayer request or wish to be covered by prayer, please email with your request.This week. We continue our series PARABLES WITH PUNCH - STORIES THAT STIR.
How many times have you heard the line “That's not fair?" This week’s message challenges us to seek grace and generosity and not look into someone else’s backyard. Bible Reading: Matthew 20:1-16
Podcasts available at Impact 2012
If you were unable to make one of the Impact 2012 presentations, you can view it online by going to – PLAY ALL at the top of the screen
We are well underway planning and preparing for our 2011 Celebration Service and had fun making costumes and props last week. Please book Sunday 4th December 10:30am Service in your diaries and get ready to be blown away by Kingdom Kids Ministry. We will be continuing electives in drama and costume and prop making this Sunday and hope you can all join us.
Props needed
We are in need of a tall deck chair/directors chair for our Christmas play. Do you have one we could borrow? We are also looking for a unicycle. Please contact Laura ASAP if you are able to help with either of these items. Thanks.Props needed
Drama Team
I would like to invite all members of our Christmas Drama Team to come along to rehearsals at the church on Thursday nights between 5:30pm and 6:30pm. We will be using this time as extra practice for our celebration service. It is optional but we would love to see you there. Play group
Term 4 sessions have begun and we would love to invite anyone with young children or grandchildren to come along and join in the fun. Play group is a great way to build connections with other families and also provides a safe and fun environment for children to learn and play. Play group also gives us adults the chance to share life with other adults in a non-threatening and inviting way. Play group runs each Wednesday morning from 9:30am - 10:30am in the church hall. Finally, if you are interested in joining the Play Group Team for 2012 we would love to hear from you. For more information speak to Sharyn 8264 7324 or Laura 8263 5087.Laura Carson
Children and Family Team

For a printed copy of the timetable please see the youth notice board at the back of the church.
More information about Ignite youth can be found at please put the 4th-6th of January 2012 in your diary as Ignite camp!!!
More information will be out really soon! Keep posted.
Sophie Gerrie
Youth and Young Adults Team LeaderWomen's Fellowship
Honey biscuits are required by Sunday 20th November for packaging by Women's Fellowship. They can be left in the church kitchen marked accordingly. The packaged biscuits are delivered to Lutheran Community Care and given to residents in various institutions for Christmas Cheer. Many bags are packed by Lutheran Women throughout SA every year. Bags contain 125grams of honey biscuits with a Christmas tract or card from the LLL attached. Can you help? Some biscuits can be decorated but not with nuts or 100s & 1,000s.End of year Christmas breakup luncheon
will be held on Tuesday 6th December 2011 at 12noon in the church hall. Come and enjoy for $8.00 donation (or if you are feeling generous $10.00) hot BBQ chicken and salads followed by plum pudding, custard & ice-cream. Pastor Noel Kluge will give an address/bible study and the Good Shepherd School Choir trained by Therese Abraham will give items. A beautiful doll, donated by Edna McDonald, will be raffled - proceeds to mission projects.
RSVP Venie phone 8262 5285 by 27th November.
LWSA Retreat 2012
When: 20th – 22nd JanuaryWhere: Australian Lutheran College, Ward Street, North Adelaide
Theme: Renew/Respond/Rejoice
Fees: Full Time $80.00
Part Time Bed $15.00 per night; Breakfast $5.00; Lunch $8.00;
Dinner $12.00; Fruit Breaks $3.00; Supper $3.00;
***plus $5.00 Administration***
Registration: All enrolments full or part time, must be received by 13th January 2012.
See notice board for a copy of the Enrolment Form.

Laura Carson
TTG Shedmen are holding an informal information night with a free workshop talk and a chance to get an update on some changes and new technology in the motor industry.
This is a great night for men to come in and chat with the guys over a steak sandwich. $5.00 donation to cover costs.
Contact Gavin Jaeschke on 0403 086 052 for further information.
Men’s Breakfast

Guest speaker Mathew Huckel on the subject of Music Therapy and Neuro-Rehabilitation.
‘Grace Notes: Insights on God’s grace from Music therapy’.
Matthew Huckel to coming to speak about his music therapy work with people with severe brain injury. He will be presenting the role of music therapy in neuro-rehabilitation using real video excerpts of music therapy sessions. This will not only demonstrate the work itself but also will explore the parallels between the intimate musical ways of connection between a music therapist and a patient and how God tries to connect with us through His grace both individually and as a church.
Ladies, our final event for 2011 will be held on
Friday night 18th November
and is titled ‘You are Creative’.
Come along to the church hall at 7:30pm for a night of Christmas craft, shopping (don’t forget to bring small change) and supper.
Gold coin entry.

Sonntag's Reformation Feier war wunderbar
And we thank God for Luther’s stand in obedience and in the face of death against what was then, a corrupt church. We celebrate the freedom we have to worship in spirit and truth.
(left) Jim, Steve, Tyler and Roger of the men’s ministry team cooked 200 bratwurst snags and 280 schnitzels! The Hospitality Team ladies prepared and supplied a copious amount of delicious green salad, potato salads, coleslaw, cucumber salads, with Metwurst, sauerkraut and red cabbage.
Thanks to
(Left - Melissa Adamson with Jared and right – Hannah Stewart with Connor.
Centre Ruby and Les Keller browse through Luther’s ‘pocket’ edition of the Old Testament)
Centre Ruby and Les Keller browse through Luther’s ‘pocket’ edition of the Old Testament)
I also thank:
Those assisting set up in the hall and courtyard and with the hall and courtyard clean up.
Those assisting in kitchen, serving in hall and washing dishes.
Marc Cossens of Jenny’s Designer Muffins made the German cake for the
For everyone who was able to attend to make this day a celebration.
Jürgen Lehmann for the German and Australian flags and help with the German/English interpretation and my daughter Catherine – for assistance [under duress] with wall posters!
Barry Klaer with the Sunday Hospitality Team.

In Luke 2 we have a record of a team of faithful servants who obeyed the Master when he asked them to fill water jars full of water but to serve it to thirsty Wedding guests as wine. It was a step of faith but they got to participate in an amazing miracle. This reminds me of how our faithful Technical Team quietly achieve amazingly consistent, high quality results week in week out. Resources are limited but they manage to turn ‘water into wine’ every Sunday so that we get to see, hear and meaningfully engage together in worship. Without this team’s faithfulness our preachers, singers, and musicians would be unable to properly serve us.
A big thank you!
Calling all Bikers!

Mission news
It's time to get your Christmas Card List many cards do you need? Christmas cards will be available for purchase in the Hall from Sunday 6th November til mid December. Packs of 10 are available for $3 and packs of 25 available for $6. All proceeds go to Cebu Missionary Foundation in the Philippines.Thankyou.
There are vacancies on the Board for 2012

If you are interested in serving on the Board or would like more information contact Keren Sutton or John Dolling.
The half yearly meetings of the church, school and village will be held on Sunday 27th November at 12:30pm. There will be a BBQ after the 10.30am service so those attending the service can grab a bite to eat before the meeting.
Main items for the church meeting will be Board Chair Keren's report, and the budget for 2012. Copies of the budget will be available in the member’s section of our web site and in hard copy in from the member’s information area in the foyer from Sunday 20th November.
From the office
Positions vacant at Good Shepherd.
Three paid vacancies are available for immediate start
Cleaner 2 hours per week
Caretaker 2 hours per weekFinance Support Officer
Position Descriptions for the above positions are available on request from church office or by phoning 8263 5087. You can also view a copy online at : Members Section Positions Vacant.
Worship Support Team Leader
An opportunity for someone to join the Pastoral Ministry Team starting January 2012. A Position Description is available on request from the church office- or by phoning 8263 5087. You can also view a copy online at . Click on members section. Enter user name: and password. Then click on ‘positions vacant’ on the right hand side. Applications in writing, by 7th November 2011, are to be submitted to the:
Senior PastorGood Shepherd Lutheran Church Para Vista
PO Box 306
Modbury North SA 5092
The walkway to give residents from the village a safer access route to the church and hall has been partially completed. A path has been constructed through the island, which contains the sign. Also there is now a small ramp to access the ramp into the foyer.An air vent has been installed in the door to the Tech room. This is to help prevent a build-up of heat in this room when all the electrical equipment is in operation.
Facilities Management Team vacancies
The The team meets monthly from February through November. If you are interested or would like more information contact Ian Pfeiffer or John Dolling.
Generous support of Overseas Missions
Resulting from the great support of the congregation, through the retiring offering last Sunday and generous donations from Women @ PV and Children’s Ministry, we were able to transfer the sum of $5559 to support our Overseas Mission projects. Each project (Maranatha Health, Cebu Missionary Foundation and the Cambodian Mission) received $1853.We pray that this will be a blessing for each mission.
Thank you for your generous support.
In your pigeon hole this week you will find a “Gifts of Grace” catalogue to support Lutheran World service.
Celebrate the true meaning of Christmas PLUS have fun, make shopping easy, and save money! Each gift represents the support you give people in developing communities through the ALWS Overseas Program, and all are tax-deductable!
Celebrate the true meaning of Christmas PLUS have fun, make shopping easy, and save money! Each gift represents the support you give people in developing communities through the ALWS Overseas Program, and all are tax-deductable!
On the notice board
Position Vacant : Christian Pastoral Support Worker
BordererS CD launch
Saturday 19th November at the Norwood Hotel
Community Carol Service
27th November at Trinity Lutheran Church, 2 Grandview Drive Pasadena, starting at 7.30pm.
Donation towards Australian Lutheran World Service to help victims of Africa famine crisis
Donation towards Australian Lutheran World Service to help victims of Africa famine crisis
Australian Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue
Thursday 1st December at St Francis Xavier Cathedral, starting at 7.30pm
2011 Christmas Seminars in Primary Schools
Join the Christmas Seminar Team and share the Christmas Story with local primary schools
Foster Care Information Session
Lutheran Community Care needs YOU to be a foster carer. If you are interested in making a difference to a child or a young person’s life you are invited. Wednesday 23rd November 6.30 to 8.30pm at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm
Para Vista SA 5093 Fax: 8395 2680 Modbury North SA 5092