Over the last year we have seen some exciting new ministries emerge in the life of our church, such as the Women@PV, Monday Soup Night (Snack N Chat) and GPSV Men in the school community. These began not as strategies launched by the leadership staff, but rather as ideas inspired by God in the hearts of people at the grassroots level.

With this in mind we believe that God has more to say to us as a faith community in regards to who we are and what we are to be on about in the future. Our desire is to actively seek together God’s direction for us as a church.
To do this we have set aside the morning of Saturday 20th August, 9am – 12.00noon to listen to God and share what he is placing on our hearts. This gathering is open to everyone in the church. All we ask is that you register your intention to come by emailing churchenquiries@paravista.org.au, or calling the office during the week on 8263 5087, or via your welcome card during the Sunday service. Please register to help us ensure we have enough leaders for the group time.
There is also a Prayer night planned for Tuesday 9th August in the church beginning at 7.30pm to cover our time together on the 20th August in prayer. We would love you to join us for this too.
After the 20th August we will collate all the responses gathered and display them in the hall for everyone to view and reflect on. Then we will meet again on Saturday 10th September, 9am – 12noon to reflect on all the responses and prayerfully discern the key themes God has communicated to us and what future directions we will take in response to this. While it would be great for people to attend both sessions, it is fine to attend just one of the sessions. Your input will be valued either way.
God is at work among us birthing new things and breathing fresh life into existing ministries. The Bible says he ‘is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.’ (Ephesians 3:20) On the basis of this promise let’s gather as God’s people to seek him for what he wants to do among us and through us.
Pastor Noel
This week we start a new series “Sex and the Saints” This Sundays message –‘God’s blueprint for intimacy’ takes a look at our western obsession. As a society we are obsessed with sex. The sexual revolution of the 60’s has brought our culture to a point where sex is all about the pursuit of pleasure without thought of consequence.
Bible Reading Genesis 2: 18-24; 1 Corinthians 7: 1-9Changes to next terms program – If you haven’t done so already, jump onto our church website and check out our Kingdom Kids program for term 3. A few changes have been made, including the addition of a cultural celebration on the last Sunday of term (25th September, to tie in with the ‘cultural day’ church lunch, organised by our wonderful hospitality team). We also need to change the date of our ‘Walk to Water’ family picnic, due to a clash with the ‘What’s Next Lord?’ event to be held at the church on the same day. Information about both events will be out soon, so keep your eyes and ears open!!
Hi, Koolio here. How was your school holiday? Our term 3 program for kids, ‘Kingdom Kids’ will start next Sunday the 31st July. We can’t wait!! The program is packed with great teaching, fun activities, special guests and more. Invite your friends and we’ll see you there! Koolio |
Bible Activity Kits We hope you have enjoyed this resource during the school holidays. Brand new packs will be ready to go early next term, so keep your eyes and ears open.
Sunday 7th August @ 10:30am
One50 Dance clubs provide a place for young people to come and be encouraged and inspired through the rapidly growing dance style known as
street funk or hip-hop.
Come along for an incredible morning of hip hop dance as one50 share their talents, testimonies and passions. Check out www.one50.com for more info on the ministry.street funk or hip-hop.
Saturday 30th July 2011
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Hall
6pm for 6.30pm start
Tickets $40 each ~ Book a table with friends
3 Course meal
(no alcohol out of courtesy to our visitors please)
(no alcohol out of courtesy to our visitors please)
BYO Soft Drinks ~ Tea & Coffee provided
Bring some coins for Lucky Squares
For tickets ~ phone the office on 8263 5087 (9am - 3.45pm)
Credit card facilities available.
All proceeds to Cebu Missionary Foundation, Philippines.
Tickets are selling fast so please purchase early to avoid disappointmentWomen@ PV – You are Special
ONLY 1 WEEK TO GO LADIES!!! AND WE CAN’T WAIT! Check out our church website or previous editions of the weekly news for more info. It is set to be a huge night, so don’t miss out! If you think you could help on the night by providing a plate of supper, or helping with clean up/set up, please let the team know via email or your welcome card. We would be grateful to have your assistance.
Women's Fellowship
Tuesday 2nd August in the church hall at 1.00pm
Pastor Noel Kluge will lead bible study
The guest speaker Margie Seidel will share her life story
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea
The guest speaker Margie Seidel will share her life story
There will be a trading table and afternoon tea
A group of dedicated members put on a Free Snack N Chat every Monday night at 6.30pm in the church hall. Remember to bring a neighbour for free soup, bread and an introduction to the love of our community? In essence this is a free meal with tea and coffee. Most people would say there is nothing for free but, and here’s the catch, this is. All you need to do is invite or encourage someone who would love a free meal to attend and we will care for them. What an opportunity!
Volunteer Positions Vacant –
Please contact Lorraine on 8263 5087
“Girl Friday” for the Church Office – approx. 2 hours on FridaysDuties include photocopying collating Children’s folders and banking. Discover new skills for your self improvement
Our Church Street sign – one of our best ‘communication with the public’ tools is changed twice weekly. We currently have one couple to change the sign. We are URGENTLY looking for two more people to help with this task (on a roster basis). Time commitment about 20 minutes.
The Servant of Christ Award recognises outstanding service given by lay members of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) and is administered by Australian Lutheran College (ALC) on behalf of the LCA.
(a) given long and faithful service as a member of the LCA;
(b) has rendered this service in a humble and selfless spirit;
(c) has sought to bear witness to the gospel in word and conduct.
Nomination forms are available from ALC reception or by contacting the Executive Assistant to the Principal on (08) 8267 7400. Forms can also be downloaded from the ALC website http://www.alc.edu.au/ and the LCA website http://www.lca.org.au/. Completed forms must be received at the office of the Principal, 104 Jeffcott Street, North Adelaide SA 5006, no later than Friday, 26th August 2011 or emailed to principal@alc.edu.au
Cost: $95
Registration: forms online www.lysa.com.au/fuel/Conference2011 or on notice board
Clothes Swap: bring 5-10 preloved, clean, in good condition items for swapping and donation
Accommodation: not provided - leave a message for Bec 08 8267 5211 if there are difficulties
Term 3 - Thursday 28th July - 29th September (10 weeks)
Check out our church website (under Kingdom Kids- children and family) or previous editions of the ‘weekly news’ for class times, prices and locations. See you there.Contact Laura to register: lcarson@paravista.org.au or 8263 5087 (leave a message)
Intro to Finance http://www.lca.org.au/twentyvision/index1.html
LCA Administration http://www.lca.org.au/twentyvision/index2.html
The Bible League
Adelaide Show Outreach
Please see the notice board for information on how you can generously respond to spreading the seed of God’s word in people’s hearts at the Royal Adelaide Show. Free entry passes are supplied to volunteers who are able to work one or more shift of three hours on the stand.
Contact: Con Schlenk 8359 1965, Paul Schubert 8362 4072 or Wyndham Dix 8278 6031 for more information.
Quiz night Saturday September 10th at 7pm
Entry Fee: $10
Great prizes including door prizes.
BYO drinks, glasses, nibbles, pen and paper
Tea and coffee provided
Bookings can be made with Leona Coleman at the Pasadena church office 8277 7206
We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.- Ray Bradbury
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am – 3.45pm