Friday, November 30, 2018

Delivered from Darkness

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned…
Isaiah 9:2

There are many times that I enjoy a stroll at night.  There is something spectacular about non-visual senses taking over to hear the cicadas, the smell of the heavy air ripe with evening mist and to feel the cool breeze after a warm summer’s day.  But that feeling of enjoyment would erode after time if the sun never appeared.  What would you feel if the long night never ended and the sun always seemed perched on the other side of the planet, somewhere far, far away…

This is the sense that I get from the prophet Isaiah as he sheds light (and darkness) on the path of the Israelite.  Since the Fall, humankind has been in constant need of redemption, and to be honest, a continual sense of God’s nearness and connection.  In the Wilderness, the Israelites were led by fire and cloud, and yet they still doubted God’s power and abundance even so much as to proclaim allegiance to a golden idol that they made.  And when they turned their eyes away from the true source of light in the world, bit by bit, the world became darker until finally, they walked only in spiritual darkness exploring even the depths of their depravity by consulting ‘mediums and spiritists who whisper and mutter…’ (Isaiah 8:19)

How are God’s people delivered from darkness, and how do they see the dawning light?

So it is in the 21st century.  Join with us this week to plow through the darkness and hear God’s message to His people living now, who might be living in darkness, that the light is continuing to dawn and arise in the life and soul of His people.

Pastor Reid Matthais

Bible Reading:  Isaiah 9:1-7, John 9:1-5 NIV
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at

Prayer Requests
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Family Hub
What a fantastic response last week in our support for the Family Hub.

The total raised was a fantastic $1,906
BBQ $393
Plant sale $118
Donations at services $1,115
Donation from Fellowship group $280

TOTAL $1,906

When the money was delivered to Kathlene on Tuesday they were not having such a good day, but this certainly brightened it!  She assured us that the money would go to good use.

Graduation Blessing
There will be a blessing at the end of the 10.30am service on Sunday 9th December, for all who are graduating from a course/stage/study/University/High School/Primary School. At the end of the service when we call the graduates forward, please come forward and receive your blessing as you move into the next phase of your life!

Experience Christmas Volunteers Needed! 
We are looking for people to be involved – please chat to Chelsea Schiller 0447 225 517 if you’d like to be involved in any way.

Good Shepherd Social Club
Our 2019 year commences on Thursday 31st January, 1.-3.30pm in the Church Hall.
We welcome anyone that would be interested in coming to a free one-off introduction on any Thursday afternoon.
Activities include meeting other members, playing different card games or carpet bowls and enjoying coffee and a chat.
If you wish to join after your free one off visit then the weekly fee is $3.00 per person.
Please contact Tom Curnow - President on 72254593 or 0400 258 410 or Mike Hancock -Vice President on 0403375474 for any enquiries.

Notice Board

Peter Steicke’s new book ‘Favoured’ is now available in paperback on pre-order now.  Books are $20 each and will be available from this Sunday onward in between services and after the 10.30 service from Debbie Wesselingh.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 6:23

Friday, November 23, 2018

The End of Evangelism and Beginning of Visible Kingdom

You see, we know who is with us.  The confidence in God’s promise that we have through faith and His grace, radiating the peace, the joy and eagerness to meet our Lord amid persecution.
Excerpt from Belay Zelleke’s sermon

Throughout life, there are many moments of crisis, whether personal, communal or global, which make us raise our eyes to the heavens and ask two questions:

Why, Lord?


Is this the end?

It’s a natural response to question the omnipotent God.  Our human failings want to know why this pain and suffering has come upon us and ultimately, will this pain and suffering be a sign of the end of all things.  In our scripture reading this week, we recognise Jesus’ lordship over all things including pain, suffering, death and Satan.  Christ the King is supreme regent over all that might occur from this day until his eventual return.  But in the meantime, how do we deal with what is promised?  Natural disasters?  Disease?  Sudden, catastrophic death?  How do we speak about the end times with regards to ultimate victory.  Explore with Belay this week as he takes on one of the toughest questions of all time.

Pastor Reid Matthais

Bible Reading:  1 Pet 3:15-18, Luke 21:5-19  NIV
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at

Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Holy Baptism
At the 10.30am service this Sunday, twins – Aimee and Olivia Taylor, daughters of Brianna Gilroy and David Taylor will be welcomed into God’s family through Holy Baptism.

Ladies Fellowship
Christmas lunch 4th December at the Blue Gums Hotel $20.90 per head – payment to
Dawn Spencer.

It’s that time of the year again to cook honey biscuits for Lutheran Community Care.  These are distributed to those less fortunate such as the residents at Glenside and the RAH.  No nuts or hundreds and thousands!  Iced with long sprinkles or plain OK.  Please leave in the church kitchen in a container labelled “Ladies Fellowship” by Sunday 25th November.

Support for the Family Hub Christmas Activities
As we busily begin to prepare for Christmas, the Family Hub at Ingle Farm are busily planning to bring a little Christmas cheer into the lives of the children of the 250 families they support. They are planning to have a family BBQ and give each child a small gift.  To standardise gifts they have requested financial support rather than actual gifts.

You will be able to financially support the Family Hub this Sunday November 25th in various ways:

placing a donation in an envelope in the box on the platform at the front of the church (where food donations are stored).
purchasing lunch after service and before the Half Yearly meeting -sausages $2, steak sandwich $4, family package 10 sausages for $15.  There is only a small window of opportunity between the end of the second service and the Half Yearly meeting.  Just enough time to grab a bite to eat and support a worthy cause.  Sausages will also be available after the first service.
purchase plants from the plant sale in the hall.
if you will not be at church on Sunday you can donate by depositing your donation into the following LLL church account   BSB 704942 Ac No 129523 (marked clearly Family Hub) or drop a donation into the church office by Monday November 26th.

Thank you for all your support during 2018.

Good Shepherd Social Club
Our 2019 year commences on Thursday 31st January, 1.-3.30pm in the Church Hall.

We welcome anyone that would be interested in coming to a free one-off introduction on any Thursday afternoon.

Activities include meeting other members, playing different card games or carpet bowls and enjoying coffee and a chat.

If you wish to join after your free one off visit then the weekly fee is $3.00 per person.

Please contact Tom Curnow - President on 72254593 or 0400 258 410 or Mike Hancock -Vice President on 0403375474 for any enquiries.

Experience Christmas Volunteers Needed! 
We are looking for people to be involved – please chat to Chelsea Schiller 0447 225 517 if you’d like to be involved in any way.

From the Office

Half Yearly Meeting
All congregation members are invited to attend an exciting recap of the last six months and gaze into the future.  Begins after the second service on Sunday 25th November 2018 at 12pm.

Minute Secretary
Are you a good listener, able to summarise what you hear?  At the Half Yearly Meeting on November 25th we are seeking to elect a new Minute Secretary for our church.  The role is not time consuming, and involves attending our church's general meetings twice a year to take minutes, and providing the draft minutes to the Chair for review.  Handover and support is available.  Please contact Keren Sutton or the church office at to nominate.

Time Out/Devotion Books
If anyone would like to order a 2019 Time Out Devotion book please let the office know via email or phone 8263 5087

Yearbook 2018
If anyone would like to order a 2019 Year Book please let the office know via email or phone 8263 5087.

Notice Board

Trinity Place – Serviced Apartments Available!
Trinity Place is a part of the Aged Care Ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church at Pasadena.

We provide 32 serviced apartments as a part of our Retirement Village, and some apartments have recently been vacated. 

If you are retired, independent, looking to downsize and would like some basic assistance (such as a midday meal, laundry, cleaning), please contact Matt Johns on 8277 2446 or visit our website

Peter Steicke’s new book ‘Favoured’ is now available in paperback on pre-order now.  Books are $20 each and will be available from this Sunday onward in between services and after the 10.30 service from Debbie Wesselingh.

Live Christmas Trees
Holy Cross Birdwood is once again offering live Christmas trees for $40.  If you wish to order one contact John Dollling 8367 5296 or by Sunday 25th November.  Proceeds are used to support chaplains in schools.

“Hymns We Love”
Come for a time of informal community singing of hymns you love.  To be held at
Zion Lutheran Church, 15-17 Glynburn Road, Glynde on the first Monday of the month starting November 5th, then December 3rd and January 7th.  Come at 10-30 for cuppa and biscuits.  No cost – just come!

If you need more information, please contact Joy Mildren, organist, 0458 650 135/8367 9969.

The Franklin Graham tour is coming in the first part of 2019.  We encourage anyone who wants to be part of the tour to pick up a flier in the café of Good Shepherd and share them with whomever they come into contact.

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”
James 1:12

Friday, November 16, 2018

Prayer and Evangelism

From Jeremiah 29:11 – ‘I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Plans to give you a hope and a future.  How amazing it is that God in his love prepares his people for prosperity and a future hope.

But verses 12-14a is just important to the Israelites who have been in captivity.  ‘Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will see me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you.’

In the midst of captivity, God says that we will ‘call,’ ‘come to him’ and ‘pray,’ and in the midst of that we will remember and find the Creator.

There are many times when I wonder why we pray, and even more so, how do we pray effectively.  This week, in John 17, we find Jesus, God’s son, calling out to God, coming before him and praying.  Even Jesus!  He prays for himself, the disciples and all future believers, and what he prays for is life changing.

Come engage in the prayers of Jesus and how they develop our ideas for evangelism and what we should be aiming towards as we pray in the 21st century.

Pastor Reid Matthais

Bible Reading:  John 17:20-26, John 15:18-25  NIV
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at

Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Holy Baptism
At this Sunday’s service Cody Jolly, second child of Matthew Jolly and Cara Quinn and Zac Steicke, second child of Ryan and Jess Steicke will be welcomed into God’s family through Holy Baptism.

The Good Shepherd Remembrance Service
 An opportunity to reflect on the lives of loved ones who have gone before us, will occur on Saturday November 17th at 1:30pm.  If you, or someone close to you has encountered loss, come as we remember together the lives of people who touched us greatly.

We are excited to have Pastor Mark Worthing, author and scholar, to share at our men’s breakfast on Saturday, November 17th at 7:30am.  Come hear about the new books he has written and enjoy his wit as he shares with us from his own Lutheran story and heritage.

New Members Information Evenings
Will be two consecutive Wednesdays at the end of November.  On the 21st and 28th of November, those who are wanting to join Good Shepherd Lutheran Church are welcome to come and hear and be part of the future of this place of worship.  The sessions will begin at 7:00pm. and tentatively conclude at 8:30pm.

Ladies Fellowship Meeting
Christmas lunch 4th December at the Blue Gums Hotel $20.90 per head – payment to
Dawn Spencer.

It’s that time of the year again to cook honey biscuits for Lutheran Community Care.  These are distributed to those less fortunate such as the residents at Glenside and the RAH.  No nuts or hundreds and thousands!  Iced with long sprinkles or plain OK.  Please leave in the church kitchen in a container labelled “Ladies Fellowship” by Sunday 25th November.

Support for the Family Hub Christmas Activities
The Family Hub supports 250 families.  They are planning to bring a little Christmas cheer into the lives of the children by having a family BBQ and giving each child a small gift.  To standardise gifts they have requested financial support rather than actual gifts.  You will be able to financially support the Family Hub next Sunday 25th November through various ways:
placing a donation in an envelope in the box on the platform at the front of the church (where food donations are stored).
purchasing lunch after service and before the Half Yearly meeting -sausages $2, steak sandwich $4, family package 10 sausages for $15.
purchase plants from the plant sale in the hall.
if you will not be at church on that Sunday you can donate by depositing your donation into the following church account BSB 704-942  Account 129523 (marked clearly Family Hub).

Experience Christmas Volunteers Needed! 
We are looking for people to be involved – please chat to Chelsea Schiller 0447 225 517 if you’d like to be involved in any way.

From the Office

Half Yearly Meeting
All congregation members are invited to attend an exciting recap of the last six months and gaze into the future.  Begins after the second service on Sunday 25th November 2018 at 12pm.

Minute Secretary
Are you a good listener, able to summarise what you hear?  At the Half Yearly Meeting on November 25th we are seeking to elect a new Minute Secretary for our church.  The role is not time consuming, and involves attending our church's general meetings twice a year to take minutes, and providing the draft minutes to the Chair for review.  Handover and support is available.  Please contact Keren Sutton or the church office to nominate.

Time Out/Devotion Books
If anyone would like to order a 2019 Time Out Devotion book please let the office know via email or phone 8263 5087

Yearbook 2018
If anyone would like to order a 2019 Year Book please let the office know via email or phone 8263 5087.

Notice Board

Trinity Place – Serviced Apartments Available!
Trinity Place is a part of the Aged Care Ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church at Pasadena.

We provide 32 serviced apartments as a part of our Retirement Village, and some apartments have recently been vacated. 

If you are retired, independent, looking to downsize and would like some basic assistance (such as a midday meal, laundry, cleaning), please contact Matt Johns on 8277 2446 or visit our website

Peter Steicke’s new book ‘Favoured’ is now available in paperback on pre-order now.  Books are $20 each and will be available from this Sunday onward in between services and after the 10.30 service from Debbie Wesselingh.

Live Christmas Trees
Holy Cross Birdwood is once again offering live Christmas trees for $40.  If you wish to order one contact John Dollling 8367 5296 or by Sunday 25th November.  Proceeds are used to support chaplains in schools.

“Hymns We Love”
Come for a time of informal community singing of hymns you love.  To be held at
Zion Lutheran Church, 15-17 Glynburn Road, Glynde on the first Monday of the month starting November 5th, then December 3rd and January 7th.  Come at 10-30 for cuppa and biscuits.  No cost – just come!

If you need more information, please contact Joy Mildren, organist, 0458 650 135/8367 9969.

The Franklin Graham tour is coming in the first part of 2019.  We encourage anyone who wants to be part of the tour to pick up a flier in the café of Good Shepherd and share them with whomever they come into contact.

“The Lord is near to all who call on him,
    to all who call on him in truth.”
Psalm 145:18

Friday, November 9, 2018

The Division of Labour

When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Matthew 9:36

As Jesus is looking over the crowds who have been following him, he doesn’t see them as tasks, or as appointments, or worse yet – patients to be cured.  What he does see, is a large group of people who live life on the outer edges near hysteria.  Somewhere along the way, life has become difficult for them; it harasses them, pesters them and leaves them helpless in search of God only knows what.

But Jesus looks on them with compassion.

This word, in the original language, is fascinating, and when we take Jesus’ compassion seriously, we recognise a new perspective on evangelism – he sees this group of people as a beautiful and bountiful crop for God’s kingdom, ripened to perfection.

This week, take the journey as we explore the short passage of Matthew 9:35-38 and gaze into the future of how the Church works in the Kingdom.

Pastor Reid Matthais

Bible Reading:  1 Pet 3:15-18, Matthew 9:35-38  NIV
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at

Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

New Members Information Evenings will be two consecutive Wednesdays at the end of November.  On the 21st and 28th November, those who are wanting to join Good Shepherd Lutheran Church are welcome to come and hear and be part of the future of this place of worship.  The sessions will begin at 7:00pm and tentatively conclude at 8:30pm.

We are excited to have Pastor Mark Worthing, author and scholar, to share at our men’s breakfast on Saturday, November 17th at 7:30am.  Come hear about the new books he has written and enjoy his wit as he shares with us from his own Lutheran story and heritage.

The Good Shepherd Remembrance Service
An opportunity to reflect on the lives of loved ones who have gone before us, will occur on Saturday November 17th at 1:30pm.  If you, or someone close to you has encountered loss, come as we remember together the lives of people who touched us greatly.

AGM Ladies Fellowship Meeting
Christmas lunch 4th December at the Blue Gums Hotel $20.90 per head – payment to
Dawn Spencer.

Thank You from the Family Hub 
On Monday 29th we delivered Sunday's donations to the Family Hub.  They continue to be amazed at the generosity of the people at Para Vista.  Thank you for your support throughout the year and to the Transform group for sorting the donations which saved a lot of time when we delivered the goods.

On Friday 7th food parcels were given to families in need.  This was largely possible due to our continued support.  One particular case was distressing.  A year 9 student was admitted to hospital suffering from malnutrition.  On investigation it was discovered there was little food in the house and the student was not eating to allow her younger siblings sufficient food.

Please continue to pray for the work of the Family Hub and for the staff and all the volunteers.

Support for the Family Hub Christmas Activities
The Family Hub supports 250 families.  They are planning to bring a little Christmas cheer into the lives of the children by having a family BBQ and giving each child a small gift.  In November there will not be a collection of goods but you will have an opportunity to make a financial donation to help defray the cost of purchasing these gifts.  More details will be provided later.  There will also be a BBQ after both services on Sunday 25th November  All proceeds will go to the Family Hub to be used to support their family Christmas activities.

Save the Date for “Experience Christmas”
YOU are invited to join us to experience the wonder and excitement of Christmas. Explore the Christmas Story, and experience how this event, many years ago, continues to be a gift to us today.  There will be Christmas activities, carols, a story corner, prayer space and much more – many different ways to immerse yourself in Christmas.

We are looking for people to be involved – please chat to Chelsea Schiller 0447 225 517 if you’d like to be involved in any way.

From the Office

Half Yearly Meeting
On Sunday 25th November we are pleased to have the opportunity to share in the Half Yearly Meeting.  Beginning at 12:00pm, right after the second service, we’ll have an opportunity to look at and discuss some of the future ideas for Good Shepherd.  There will be a light lunch provided along with our regular tea and coffee.

What is SHIN?  Salisbury Hills Interchurch Network Inc.  Our congregation supports a Christian Pastoral Care Worker (Chaplin) through this organisation.  The Federal Government has affirmed the importance of school chaplaincy by continuing financial support in the recent budget.  Chaplaincy in schools is making a difference to children and families in our community. Here's an example from one of our Chaplin’s:

‘As this year has progressed my two days at the school have continued to be fun and busy but full of heart melting, beautiful moments.  I had a parent (going through a difficult life situation) leave a session with me the other day saying that they felt like they had 'hope again'.  My involvement with 'What's the Buzz?' (social skills program) has developed this term, as school leadership have asked me to help train social work and psychology students in the program and get them running groups in the school as well.  This has been great as more students are now in the program across the school meeting - a great need in our school community.  I want to thank you for all of your incredible support and prayers; it has definitely been felt and is much appreciated.’ 

Please keep this ministry in your prayers.

Updating the Manse
The manse renovation of the kitchen and dining area has been completed.  Thank you to Chris Hample, Peter Nitschke, Colin Rieger, James Przibilla and Mike Hancock for their efforts in keeping the costs down.

Church Library
The library has been audited and a number of old unused resources have been removed from circulation.  These items have been placed onto a trolley in the hall area in front of the library.  Please feel free to help yourself to these items to use as your own resource.  We request the items not be returned to the library as this will cause issues with the cataloguing system.  If you wish to borrow items from the library you will require a library card.  Please contact the office or mark your connect card with “library card”.

Notice Board

Peter Steicke’s new book ‘Favoured’ is now available in paperback on pre-order now.  Books are $20 each and will be available from this Sunday onward in between services and after the 10.30 service from Debbie Wesselingh.

Live Christmas Trees
Holy Cross Birdwood is once again offering live Christmas trees for $40.  If you wish to order one contact John Dollling 8367 5296 or by Sunday 25th November.  Proceeds are used to support chaplains in schools.

“Hymns We Love”
Come for a time of informal community singing of hymns you love.  To be held at
Zion Lutheran Church, 15-17 Glynburn Road, Glynde on the first Monday of the month starting November 5th, then December 3rd and January 7th.  Come at 10-30 for cuppa and biscuits.  No cost – just come!

If you need more information, please contact Joy Mildren, organist, 0458 650 135/8367 9969.

The Franklin Graham tour is coming in the first part of 2019.  We encourage anyone who wants to be part of the tour to pick up a flier in the café of Good Shepherd and share them with whomever they come into contact.

“As a father has compassion on his children,
so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;..”
Psalm 103:13

Friday, November 2, 2018

The Power of Honest Evangelism

How does a life of adventure sound?  A life filled with travel to distant countries, travelling with the kind of people you would trust with your life.  A life filled with opportunities to do great things and help people.  What if you got paid to live this amazing life?  Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it?

This kind of life is just my interpretation of the many Australian Defence Force recruitment ads from the TV.  They mention the sunny side of life in the defence forces but don’t tend to mention the intense drills, and personal sacrifice that are also required.  They overlook the reality of deployment to war zones and areas of conflict.  They don’t tell you about the suffering that can also be involved or the possibility of serious injury or death.

Don’t get me wrong, I admire and respect those who put their lives on the line to protect me and my family and our freedom and way of life in Australia.  But there is a good analogy here with our text for this week.

In 1 Peter 4:12-19, Peter tells us not to be surprised by the suffering we encounter as Christians.  This might come as a shock to some people, but the life of a Christian never promised to be one free of suffering and trial.  Jesus himself said, those who want to be my disciples must take up their own cross and follow me.  Yet a life of following Jesus is still one full of fun and adventure; Jesus also said I have come so that you may have life, life in all its fullness.

We also must remember that we are involved not just in the physical world but also in a spiritual battle. When we take the Word of God and the message of salvation in Christ out into our community we would be foolish to think that the enemy would simply move out of the way and let the ‘Christian soldiers’ trample through his territory.  The more serious we get about sharing Jesus’ love with others the more resistance we can expect to face.

So, what are we to do then with the question of suffering?  Not only does it affect us in in our attempts to minister to others, but it is also a major stumbling block to faith for many who do not yet know Jesus?  Join us this Sunday while we wrestle with these questions and continue to explore practical evangelism.

Vicar Mat von Stanke

Bible Reading:  1 Pet 3:15-18, 1 Peter 4:12-19  NIV
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at

Prayer Request
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Thank You from Transform Youth
This term’s service project for Transform was to cook meals to be frozen and then given away to people in need.  We wanted to thank you all for your support of this project.  We were able to prepare more than 30 meals, some of which have already gone to families in need.
Thank you for helping us to bless our community in this way.

Prayer Walk this Saturday
Everyone is invited to be part of Good Shepherd's Prayer Walk this Saturday 3rd November at 10am.  We will be praying over the church and school grounds in entirety.  Meet in the church café.

AGM Ladies Fellowship Meeting
Christmas lunch 4th December at the Blue Gums Hotel $20.90 per head – payment to
Dawn Spencer.

Save the Date for “Experience Christmas”
YOU are invited to join us to experience the wonder and excitement of Christmas. Explore the Christmas Story, and experience how this event, many years ago, continues to be a gift to us today.  There will be Christmas activities, carols, a story corner, prayer space and much more – many different ways to immerse yourself in Christmas.

We are looking for people to be involved – please chat to Chelsea Schiller 0447 225 517 if you’d like to be involved in any way.

Maranatha Health
The Maranatha Health Australia team is looking for a new staff member.  We are seeking a dynamic and passionate person to oversee donor development, fundraising and volunteer management.

Hours:  Part time, 0.4 FTE

Location:  The role will be based in our office in the north eastern suburbs of Adelaide.

Visit! for more information.  Applications close Friday 2nd November.

Notice Board

Peter Steicke’s new book ‘Favoured’ is now available in paperback on pre-order now.  Books are $20 each and will be available from this Sunday onward in between services and after the 10.30 service from Debbie Wesselingh.

Live Christmas Trees
Holy Cross Birdwood is once again offering live Christmas trees for $40.  If you wish to order one contact John Dollling 8367 5296 or by Sunday 25th November.  Proceeds are used to support chaplains in schools.

“Hymns We Love”
Come for a time of informal community singing of hymns you love.  To be held at
Zion Lutheran Church, 15-17 Glynburn Road, Glynde on the first Monday of the month starting November 5th, then December 3rd and January 7th.  Come at 10-30 for cuppa and biscuits.  No cost – just come!

If you need more information, please contact Joy Mildren, organist, 0458 650 135/8367 9969.

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15