Friday, October 27, 2017

From Reformation to Transformation

Over 500 years ago, a monk named Martin Luther was sent to Wittenberg University to teach.  He discovered that what the church of his day was promoting was different from the clear teachings of the Bible. 

Wanting to explore these matters with others, on October 31st 1517, Martin posted 95 points for discussion on the church doors at Wittenberg. In the university environment where Luther was teaching, this was not unusual.

Yet with the printing press came the quick distribution of Luther's questions - along with other writings.  Before long, lots of people were finding out the truth: we are saved by God’s grace alone, through Christ alone.

We do not get into God’s good books by what we do, but by trusting in what Jesus has done for us through his death and resurrection. We get into heaven on Jesus’ ticket, not our own. 

This truth was the heart of the Reformation. This truth is also the key to our transformation. 

Transformation is a life-long adventure of doing life with Jesus – not out of fear or dread, but with joy and delight in knowing that we are God’s loved and forgiven children. 

Transformation is the outworking of God’s Word and Spirit in us, shaping us into the character of Jesus, so we can share in his ministry of transforming others. 

Transformation happens as we celebrate the good things of God and pass on the baton of faith to the next generations.  

Come along this Sunday as we continue this amazing adventure: From Reformation to Transformation.  Our combined worship service will commence at 9:30am with a shared lunch to follow.  I look forward to your company!

Pr Rolly Stahl

Bible Readings: Psalm 98, Romans 12:1-8
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at 

Good Shepherd Remembrance Service 
We’re having another Remembrance Service on Saturday November 4th at 1:30pm.  The aims are to remember loved ones who have died, to share our grief with one another, and to seek God’s comfort in Jesus. It’s open to all who would like to come.  As part of that service, family members and friends will have an opportunity to light a candle. 

We also would like to read out a list of names of those being remembered. If you would like a loved one’s name to be read out, you can make this known as you arrive on the day.  Some helpers will be recording names for the list, and if you wish you can include the date of their death. Following the service, there will be an afternoon cuppa in the hall. 

Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids will not be available this week as we will be participating in worship at our 9.30am combined service for Reformation Sunday.

Activity folders are available for the younger children and Worship Journals available for the older children for use during the services.  Please help yourself to them just outside the parenting room.

Growing Faith at Home
Now available on our church Face Book page!  To encourage families to keep growing in their faith at home each week.

Little Lambs Playgroup
On Wednesday Katya from Salisbury Council came in to run a preschool age literacy program engaging children and parents.  Each child received the book “Dear Zoo”.  This book will be the focus for the next couple of sessions.  Playgroup begins at 9.30am in the church hall. Please bring pre-cut fruit to share. We look forward to seeing you there!

Youth Ministry
Youth is back for term 4. Last week we looked at Matthew 25:31-46 the sheep and goats and what it means to serve the needy and look after those in the community, and take the focus off ourselves.  Following Jesus’ example and being sheep rather than goats.

This Friday we have our last NELY event for the year – a worship night being held at Golden Grove from 7pm – 9.30pm.  We hope to see you there.

Please contact me for further details regarding youth ministry - Margot Mertin 0401 850814 or

From the Office

Parking this Transformation Sunday
The school oval has been made available for parking on Sunday.  Able bodied members are encouraged to park on the school oval to allow our guests and less ambulant to park in allocated parking spaces.  Parking to the eastern end of the oval and keeping as close to the fence as possible will be appreciated.

Staff Retreat
The church office will be closed for a staff retreat on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th November.

Ignite the Future building update
Enjoy the new open space this weekend as the transformation of the internal part of the project has commenced.  Thanks to the volunteers Ian, Eric, John and Jeff who have slept well each night this last week transforming our worship space

Flushing of the new area has finished and the painters have been busy adding colour to the walls.  Our cabinet maker has installed most of the kitchen and café cabintry and the ceilings have been installed.  Take time to view the progress through the cut out in the corridor doors or through the glass panel in the door at the rear of the hall.

For Sale $30.00 or near offer!
Office Desks. Good condition. Size =1800mm wide X 900mm deep, see picture (extras not included). 4 available. To view items or for more information please contact Stephen or the front office on 08 8263 5087 or email

Notice Board

Because we couldn't get to the recent Family Zone Hub market day, we've decided to hold our own GARDEN AND GOODIES stall here at church to support the vital local ministry of Lutheran Community Care. So come along on November 5th after both services and have a browse! We would really appreciate donations of plants and or baked treats on the day. Reminder magnets can be picked up this Sunday. Please contact Sonia Hulme (0428427931) if you'd like to contribute or help out.

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every week, sign up to LCA Notice Board eNews. It's free, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Please visit for more details.

Dried apricots
For sale in the church office at $12 per 500gm pack which will help support ministries in Cambodia and Tonga.

Christmas Trees
Christmas tree orders can be placed at Holycross Birdwood. Order forms are in the attached email and can also be found on the church noticeboard.

“He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.”

Isaiah 40:29 NIV

Friday, October 20, 2017

Winter – the season of planting

We are familiar with what happened on Good Friday – and the following Sunday.

But what happened on the Saturday in between?
Jesus was already dead and buried.
The chief priests and teachers of the law were smug about getting rid of him.
The women were weeping and wondering how it had come to this.
The disciples were hiding behind locked doors, terrified and reeling with grief.
For the Jews, it was Sabbath – a day of rest.

It seems like NOTHING was happening - that the kingdom of God ushered in by Jesus had come to a dead stop. Until the next day!

When tragedy strikes or life turns sour - and we cannot fathom what God is up to, or where God is in our mess - we are in the winter season of the soul.  Some writers refer to it as: “The Dark Night of the Soul.” 

Have you ever felt like that?
  • Perhaps the death of a loved one, a dream has been dashed, or a broken relationship has left you a dense spiritual fog?
  • After a series of unfortunate events, perhaps you wonder about God’s love for you personally – maybe even question God’s existence.
  • There’s a feeling of being stuck, as if nothing is happening, that there are no clear solutions, or our issues are not resolving.

Winter can be a very dark, cold and lonely place to find one’s self. Yet our experience is NOT new.  Our ancient book of Psalms has many complaints to God when “it hits the fan”.  And Jesus knows exactly how we feel.

This Sunday we look at how to keep a godly perspective in this season, as well as some practical guidelines for getting through this season.  I hope it will be helpful for every one of us!  It will be the final part of our series: Seasons of the Soul.  

Pr Rolly

Bible Readings:     Psalm 13    John 12:23-33     1 Corinthians 13:8-13
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at

Over the last few weeks of intense pastoral ministry, I have been sustained and encouraged by your support and prayers.  I am humbled and grateful.  In addition, many of you have helped out with care and comfort of those in grief, as well as in practical ways for the funeral services that have come our way.  Together, our Good Shepherd family has showed the compassion of Jesus to hundreds of people in their season of sorrow. Thank you!  It is an honour serving with you!

Pr Rolly

Bring in a symbol of your transformation.
Sunday 29th October is our combined service celebration at 9:30am for Reformation - 500 years. Paul was transformed on the road to Damascus. Luther was transformed whilst out in a lightning storm. What about your transformation?

To go along with our theme 'From Transformation to Reformation’ - we are asking people to bring in a symbol - something that was instrumental in their transformation. It could be a painting, a book, a note, a bible! Bring it into the church office this week with a brief note of its importance and we will display them in the Education Centre adjacent to the hall. There will be tables set up inside.

Good Shepherd Remembrance Service
We’re having another Remembrance Service on Saturday November 4th at 1:30pm.  The aims are to remember loved ones who have died, to share our grief with one another, and to seek God’s comfort in Jesus. It’s open to all who would like to come.  As part of that service, family members and friends will have an opportunity to light a candle.

We also would like to read out a list of names of those being remembered. If you would like a loved one’s name to be read out, you can make this known as you arrive on the day.  Some helpers will be recording names for the list, and if you wish you can include the date of their death.

Following the service, there will be an afternoon cuppa in the hall.

Pr Rolly Stahl

Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids begins again for term 4 at our 10.30am service this Sunday for 10 month – Year 4 aged children. Activity folders are available for the younger children and Worship Journals available for the older children for use during the services.  Please help yourself to them in the narthex.

Growing Faith at Home
Now available on our church Face Book page!  To encourage families to keep growing in their faith at home each week.

Little Lambs Playgroup
Next week at Little Lambs Playgroup, Salisbury Council will be coming in to run a preschool age literacy program engaging children and parents for 4 weeks at 9.30am in the church hall. Please bring pre-cut fruit to share. We look forward to seeing you there!

Youth Ministry
Youth is back for term 4 – starting this Friday.  We are starting our series – Jesus-Who Are We? This week we are looking at what it means to look beyond ourselves and take care of others.  Supper will be provided and there will be games, small group discussion times and lots more!  See you all tomorrow night. Please contact me for further details regarding youth ministry - Margot Mertin 0401 850814 or

If anyone is interested in volunteering or supporting Para Vista Green Team in any way, for Schoolies, please get in contact with Margot or the church office as soon as possible.  Registrations for Green Team close on 23rd October.

From the Office

For Sale - $30.00 or near offer!
Office Desks. Good condition. Size =1800mm wide X 900mm deep, see picture (extras not included). 4 available. To view items or for more information please contact Stephen or the front office on 08 8263 5087 or email

Lost Property
Lost property can be found near the worship host desk.  Please have a look and claim any items that you may misplaced. Any unclaimed property that have been left too long will be placed in the LCC bin.

Staff Retreat
The church office will be closed for a staff retreat on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th November.

Notice Board

'Because we couldn't get to the recent Family Zone Hub market day, we've decided to hold our own GARDEN AND GOODIES stall here at church to support the vital local ministry of Lutheran Community Care. So come along on November 5th after both services and have a browse! We would really appreciate donations of plants and or baked treats on the day. Please contact Sonia Hulme (0428427931) if you'd like to contribute or help out.'

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Subscribe to the LCA Notice Board
To receive Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) Notice Board in your inbox on Wednesday
every week, sign up to LCA Notice Board eNews. It's free, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Please visit for more details.

Dried apricots
For sale in the church office at $12 per 500gm pack which will help support ministries in Cambodia and Tonga.

Christmas Trees
Christmas tree orders can be placed at Holycross Birdwood. Order forms are in the attached email and can also be found on the church noticeboard.

“I will fulfil my vows to the LORD
in the presence of all his people.”
Psalm 116:14

Friday, October 13, 2017

A New Season

Aside from weeding the flower bed or vegetable garden, my least favourite horticultural duty is to prune.  It’s not like I do it that much, but there seems to be something almost sadistic about pruning, as if we, the humans, can lop off any old peace of tree that we want under the auspices that ‘It’ll be good for the tree.’  I don’t know whether trees feel pain; I would guess not, but I’m certain that even if they don’t, if they were sentient beings, they would not look forward to the snip snip sound of pruning shears nearing their branches.

Pruning, as far as the experts say (and I am not one of them), is best left until the autumn time when the ground is a little firmer, the foliage has fallen from the trees giving better access to the branches and the tree itself is preparing for a period of dormancy so that new growth can begin in the spring.

Each person, and each congregation, goes through this season of autumn where pruning has to occur so that new life and new growth can take place.  Jesus uses this pruning metaphor in the gospel of John:

I am the vine and my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch that in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

Jesus horticultural metaphor allows us to see the important characters of the story – himself, as the taproot of all life, and his Father as the gardener, or the pruning specialist.  We are given a brief look into a difficult activity of the Father which may seem painful at first, but necessary for the vine to grow.  Some questions we’ll look at this week in the continuation of the series Seasons of the Soul – Autumn are:
  1. What does this pruning look like in the body of Christ?  Jesus almost always speaks in the plural, so how do we, together, undergo the pruning?
  2. Why does pruning have to take place?  What is the new growth coming?
  3. If God does the pruning, what kinds of things are being pruned from us?  How do we bear this pain so that we can bear fruit?

Walk through the falling leaves with me as we explore this season of the soul.
Reid Mathias

Bible Readings:    John 15:1-10,   Romans 11:11-24
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at 

Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Kingdom Kids
We will resume Sunday 22nd October at our 10.30am service.

Activity folders are available for the younger children and Worship Journals available for the older children for use during the services.  Please help yourself to them in the narthex.

Growing Faith at Home
Now available on our church Face Book page!  To encourage families to keep growing in their faith at home each week.

Little Lambs Playgroup
We will resume on Wednesday 18th October at 9.30am in the church hall.

Thank You So Much from P.V. Women’s Fellowship
The Good Shepherd Fellowship catering group wishes to thank the women who generously provided sandwiches, scones and their time as we recently farewelled some members of our Good Shepherd community. We rejoice that they are in God's keeping. Thank you for your willing support. Our Fellowship is most appreciative as is a much larger community.

From the Office

Ignite building update
The facilities team met with the builder this last week and the expected completion date for the project is now going to be late November.  Most of the roofing has been completed.  Wall linings have been installed and flushing for internal walls will be commencing next week.  Paving of the courtyard will also be commencing next week. The team have also broke down and removed the remainder of excess trollies from the hall area.

Finance Report

January - September  2017
Total Offerings – Budget $379,000        Actual $381,089        Surplus $2,089    

Budget Summary
January – August 2017

Total Income – Budget $372,740           
Total Expenses – Budget $366,594           

Notes since last Board meeting:
•    September offerings were under Budget. REG and Plate below budget by about $1,500.
•    Offerings are maintaining a buffer above budget but it has eroded in the last few months.

Ignite Budget Update
•    We received $1,675 in September for the Ignite the Future building fund Thank you to all who have honoured their pledge for the Ignite project.
•    Donations for the Ignite project are still appreciated as there are fittings and furnishings still required to make the new area hospitable.

Donations to the Ignite building project can be made via:
The collection plate in an envelope marked Ignite Project, or
Direct debit  BSB: 704 942  Account: 154796  Account Name: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

Car parking on Sunday 29th October
Car parking attendants will be required to assist with traffic and parking on Reformation day for the combined service.  Please mark ‘Parking’ on your connect card on Sunday, call the office or let Stephen know of your availability.

Members are encouraged to park on the school oval to allow any guests to park in allocated parking spaces.  Please assist by parking to the eastern end of the oval.
Disabled Parking Only will be permitted between the village and the church.

Notice Board

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Subscribe to the LCA Notice Board
To receive Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) Notice Board in your inbox on Wednesday every week, sign up to LCA Notice Board eNews. It's free, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Please visit for more details.

Dried apricots
For sale in the church office at $12 per 500gm pack which will help support ministries in Cambodia and Tonga.

Adelaide Show Outreach 2017
Thank you for again praying for our ministry at the Show and supporting it financially as circumstances permitted

By God’s grace we had volunteers on our Stand at all times during the ten days. WE give thanks also that we were able to distribute several thousand tracts, almost 160 Gospels of Mark and John, more than 60 New Testaments and complete Bibles, 33 DVDs of the Jesus film, and 20 or so copies of the Bible study guide Grounded in the Word.

We were again blessed with generous support by Lutheran Tract Mission, which we gratefully acknowledge. Despite careful stewardship of our resources and significant gifts in kind by several members of our committee, we finished the Show year with expenses exceeding income by $2,923. Total outlays for the year were S10,540.

“The name of the Lord is a strong fortress;
the godly run to him and are safe.”
Proverbs 18:10

Friday, October 6, 2017

Summer – the season of harvest

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT)

This Sunday we continue our series: Seasons of the Soul. 
Last Sunday, we looked at: Spring – the season of growth.
This Sunday: Summer – the season of harvest.

If you have any connection with the land, you’ll know that summer is when grapes are picked, almonds are knocked, and farmers reap their crops of grain. If you’ve ever had a vegie patch, this is the most prolific time of the year. Cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, corn, capsicum, peas, pumpkins, and melons are all ripening and ready to be picked. 

In times past, lots of congregations celebrated “harvest thanksgiving”.
I wonder: do we still recognise God’s hand behind all our blessings? 
Or do we assume that it’s all about our efforts? 

What makes us “rich”?  Is it just the accumulation of wealth, or is it something deeper and longer lasting? Is it confined to just money and dumb stuff?  Or is it about the people with whom we do life?  What will we think on our death beds?

Summer is a season of reaping, harvest, blessing. What is our response? 
Pr Rolly

Bible Readings:    Ecclesiastes 4:7-12       Luke 12:13-21        Luke 17:11-19
Podcasts of weekly messages are available at 

Artist in residence
Two Sunday’s back, our ‘artist in residence’- Hayley - produced a painting which is currently on display. If you are interested in looking at more of Hayley’s work, please visit her website:

Prayer Requests:
Prayer requests are not included in the weekly news. If you would like to view the current requests refer to the email that alerted you to this weekly news. If you have a prayer request please email with your request.

Kingdom Kids
We will resume Sunday 22nd October at our 10.30am service.

Activity folders are available for the younger children and Worship Journals available for the older children for use during the services.  Please help yourself to them in the narthex.

Growing Faith at Home
Now available on our church Face Book page!  To encourage families to keep growing in their faith at home each week.

Little Lambs Playgroup
We will resume next term on Wednesdays at 9.30am in the church hall.

Help wanted at LCC Ingle Farm 
This Thursday from 1pm, blokes needed to assemble steel racking for storage.
This Friday from 10am, men and women needed to sort and stack shelves.
If you can help, please see or contact Eric Hofmanis 0419 814 480

Notice Board

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LLL Interest Rate change
The LLL advises that effective 1 October 2017, the interest rate on at-call Savings Accounts has changed from 2.50% to 2.25% per annum.

Dried apricots
For sale in the church office at $12 per 500gm pack which will help support ministries in Cambodia and Tonga.

“We are confident, I say,
and would prefer to be away from the body
and at home with the Lord.”
2 Corinthians 5:8